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53383597 No.53383597 [Reply] [Original]

i'm legit starving myself rn so i can save as much money to leverage jasmy and btc on binance,

i'm like 2k in credit card debt but i'm not cashing out my profits

you need at least 1 BTC to make it in the new world order

we're all gonna make it

>> No.53383637

ok chud

>> No.53383655


yarp, i bought shib bc of biz back in ja 2021

>> No.53383658
File: 202 KB, 1136x1030, tulsa kang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your attitude
you work for me now

>> No.53383714


gladly sir, what do you need me to do

>> No.53383742

Kinda based but gains in the gym are important too.

>> No.53383764
File: 265 KB, 1222x1126, IMG_0746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i'm a tiktok fitness influencer KEKW

>> No.53383850

What is Jasmy? Is it gonna moon?

>> No.53383870


idk some japanese shitcoin,

so far yea it has but i have doubts it continues

shib in jan 2021 was 1 big green candle every day lol

>> No.53383884

Should I try to get the V back or is it not worth the effort for pulling interested parties?

>> No.53383911


>> No.53384056

>being black

>> No.53384063


i'm kurdish

>> No.53384072


if you were a woman right now think about fucking yourself

if the thought doesn't turn you on then ask yourself why would anyone else fuck you?

>> No.53384160

you’re gay if you think about fucking a man

>> No.53384356


good one brœ, you got me

>> No.53384369

if you need to lie to strangers online, you won't make it. in fact, you lost it

>> No.53384394


how am i lying

>> No.53384402

Ditch the jasmy unless you’re attached to useless garbage

>> No.53384464


just bc of this im hodl'ing

>> No.53384553
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>> No.53384564

>legit schizo thread
seek help

>> No.53384622

im holding 600k jasmy

>> No.53384635


ngl i might sell, i'm long on a stack of ~2.5m

>> No.53384646


what makes you believe in it

>> No.53384669

nothing really, i missed to sell my bags when it did a x4 at .30 cents

>> No.53384672
File: 1.52 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pizza was good ngl, like 4 drunk people asked for a slice on the way back, i should have sold them slices

>> No.53384680


the chart looks retarded desu and is one of the few reasons why im bearish on it, plus no one is paying customers for their data atm so its kind of just bs

the ONLY thing keeping me around is the daily volume, those numbers are retarded, something is up behind the scenes

>> No.53384683

I have a 3 hours feeding window and eat for $150 a month despite having $800k in crypto.

>> No.53384687



unironically fasting is one of the best things you can do for your body

>> No.53384688

Don't tell me you dip your cold cheese vegetable bread thingy there into sauce

>> No.53384690

Good point. Yeah, it absolutely is worth the effort.

>> No.53384693


yarp i dip the pizza in there first, i save the crust for later if im really hungry ill eat it

>> No.53384708
File: 922 KB, 4032x3024, IMG_0814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do i sell this poomp?

im $1858.30 in credit card debt and this is like literally exactly how much i need, it's due on like feb 3

>> No.53384715


then do it brœ

you're only young once and last thing you want to do in life is be old and regret not building the body you know you could have built

>> No.53384781

>Jasmy bags:check
Im thinking wagmi this summer

>> No.53384797

If picrel, you look disgusting

>> No.53384801
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based: check
shredded: check

remember bro, don't tell anyone about your wealth, i mean everyone, even family

>> No.53384810


u mad bro?

>> No.53384834

Miring the fizeek bro, whats ur stack

>> No.53384839


just test desu

>> No.53384851


i make money off my body (no porn/onlyfans) so i wouldn't mire too hard, literally spent like 7 years on my physique and a good part of my health and even got famous on tiktok bc of it and still barely made jack shit

i got jacked and famous just to realized that shit doesn't matter

i'm gonna get rich next

>> No.53385287

i hope the jap shitcoin will bring you the riches you want

>> No.53385507


>> No.53385578

If you're smart enough you could double up your gain with ORE XRT DOGE

>> No.53386035

You would easily make it with alts that has potentials. VRA, ROSE, OP and ORE.

>> No.53386422


you guys are shit shillers btw

>> No.53386458


>> No.53386476



>> No.53386703

>instagram influencer
sorry bro, you are already enslaved..

>> No.53386890


>> No.53387131

I spoke with klaús schwab and he told me jasmy would pluto. So I went all in

>> No.53387603

Close everything, binance just moved 14 billion tokens into a single wallet. They’re preparing to open shorts and dump everything into oblivion. Pay off your debt and learn to cook.


>> No.53387753


good insight desu but it could mean anything, maybe they are consolidating it to pump hard and sell off, or some sort of staking mechanism in jasmy, binancee holding 28% of jasmy is bullish desu all the exchanges had HUGE holdings of shib before listing

>> No.53387801

is he a jew

>> No.53387863

>already pumped
>staking already exists (as well as lending)
>already listed on every exchange

this is a manipulated moneyhole used by the yakuza and japanese elite to evade taxes.

>> No.53387910

Why would you buy a coin from a country that struggles to even write javascript.

>> No.53387988

I honestly don't know

>> No.53388138

Kurdish gypsys are just persian nomads

>> No.53388160


i see this being purported everywhere, can you explain how it works? i'm having difficulty seeing how jasmy is being used to do this.

if anything if it is being used in that capacity, and it is the only regulated cryptocurrency by japan and japan is liquidating all it's bond holdings and bringing the Yen back home would this not pump the fuck out of jasmy?

>> No.53388164

Why jasmy they've been for a year now dumping the price on that thing for a year now

>> No.53388185


i have some schizo theory about the WEF / BlackRock / Bank of Japan doing weird things / jasmy being the only regulated cryptocurrency in japan / everything cool comes out of japan / shib was for sure developed in japan /

>> No.53388228


developed by sony, they developed waon which is an early payment system, also look at the transaction volume, it's crazy for an erc-20, it's the same thing that irked me about shib back in early 2021, the trading volume was nuts, i knew something was going on behind the scenes

>> No.53388271


riveting contribution mate