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53383121 No.53383121 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.53383127
File: 68 KB, 699x485, 1490239480058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to use a tactical nut on ur mom

>> No.53383128

>implying that the country that sold its uranium to USA and then tried nuclear tests three times and failed them all still has nukes

>> No.53383130

Is USA's micro any good?

>> No.53383137

When? Two weeks?

>> No.53383154

soon. the US is spending endless money to prevent the ukraine from losing. russia either has to accept defeat or blow up ukraine's entire military.

>> No.53383175

>blow up ukraine's entire military
OK, now you are confirmed to not know a single fact about the role of nuclear strikes in the modern warfare, and the modern warfare in general.
Watch an educational video to understand how many soldiers you can cover with a tactical nuke.

>> No.53383181

i don't need to watch a video. it's common sense

>> No.53383188

Russia doesn’t have any working nukes and will be buttfucked back to Moscow by Ukraine
Putin will lose

>> No.53383190


>> No.53383196

>common sense
More like "a myth that was sold to civilians".
USA specifically didn't use nukes during the Korean war, because it would destroy this myth and would show that nukes are not the Doomsday Device and don't turn the tide of the war just by themselves.
No one wants Ukraine to become that powerful, the finishing blow, if it happens, will be either by NATO or China, or both.

>> No.53383653
File: 365 KB, 719x734, EFF9FA59-1356-41B6-8161-E400403746BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They’re still fighting?

>> No.53383725


>> No.53383737

Still more goyim to kill off and Ukrainian women to send to refugee camps with Africans

>> No.53383780


>> No.53383792

US's missile capabilities are behind that of North Korea.

>> No.53383793

>>implying that the country that sold its uranium to USA and then tried nuclear tests three times and failed them all still has nukes
14% of Russias nukes probably work. They just have to go through over 6000 of them to find that 14%. yes this is the reality, no larp and people knew this six months ago.

>> No.53383799

>US's missile capabilities are behind that of North Korea.
you think that do ya? really?