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File: 186 KB, 1222x515, brookings how are cityfags coping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53381102 No.53381102 [Reply] [Original]

there is a person right now about to put 90 percent of their net worth into a depreciating asset

>> No.53381112
File: 256 KB, 1000x983, 90003057d485d0b0d90bc1b6a7f40f6596ee730b48db00fc52f95f266e1bfe4b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trailers are the lowest IQ invest you can make

>> No.53381135

houses are liabilities

your personal dwelling is a liability that you can't make money on

buying houses for muh rent is decent maybe like 1/3 of your net worth maximum, but for a personal dwelling it's only wasteful

>> No.53381150

rent is a liability

>> No.53381183

as long as you don't invest in a trailer, that's not true.

>> No.53381190
File: 321 KB, 1220x554, spring valley seething cityfags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no shit, which is why you should buy a house, for a multitude of reasons including having it deemed a homestead or agricultural for tax exemptions

in addition to having security like installing your own cameras and having a fence, having a place to bury your valuables that you don't want anyone to find

but with that said, it shouldn't be worth more than 1/3 your networth and it definitely shouldn't be worth more than 1/2 your networth

>> No.53381196

unless you run a farm on your homestead/house it's a liability

although it has perks, you could just put a trailer or build a cabin on a few acres for a vastly lower price

>> No.53381212

>it's a liability
liability means future economic obligation. it's not a liability. i say this a jewslave accountant.

>> No.53381218

What is it like to live in South Dakota? I'm curious

>> No.53381234

no idea but it's probably pretty based and also redpilled
I thought by definition a liability is something that costs you more money than it earns, another example is a wife

>> No.53381267

house is the asset. mortgage is the liability.

>> No.53381292

so you don't believe it is fair to say that overall, when all things are considered, when you've payed all the bills over the terms of the mortgage

assuming you're about to buy a house right now, you think a house overall, will not result in a liability

>> No.53381402

do you think everyone on that street gets together to sing Wagon Wheel?

>> No.53381447

I don’t have to put $100k down to rent

>> No.53381466

OOOOO - A double wide!

>> No.53381521

are you asking whether or not someone would come out ahead by buying a home vs. renting a comparable home? yes, of course they would come out ahead. you can never recover rent payments. your rent payments cover your landlord's mortgage principal, mortgage interest, insurance, taxes, upkeep, and his profit margin on top of this. if you own a home you pay all of that but you earn ownership (equity.) home ownership is treating the bulk of your monthly living expense as a forced savings account.

>> No.53381542

you are assuming that your life situation and employment situation will continue to be perfect and undisturbed over 30 years of paying off a mortgage

either way, it isn't logical to make this purchase such a large percentage of your networth, because obviously real estate could tank, you could get injured and be unable to work, or just be fired

>> No.53381550

also I haven't mentioned renting once

>> No.53381566

>you are assuming that your life situation and employment situation will continue to be perfect and undisturbed over 30 years of paying off a mortgage

what's the superior alternative? as far as i can see, if you're unemployment for a significant length of time in any scenario you face the same outcome: homelessness.

>either way, it isn't logical to make this purchase such a large percentage of your networth
that's why most people cope with 5-10% down. if you're arguing that most people should choose a smaller/cheaper house, i agree. that's what i plan on doing. being house poor is niggerlicious as hell.

>> No.53381604

>that's why most people cope with 5-10% down. if you're arguing that most people should choose a smaller/cheaper house, i agree. that's what i plan on doing. being house poor is niggerlicious as hell.

basically this is all I'm saying, people are overpaying for what amounts to a "nice" thing, it's a luxury expense, when it should just be a practical expense, especially when trying to build up a respectable net worth, when you're like 50, ok now you've hopefully gotten to like a million so this isn't that big of a deal but still, why the fuck would you buy a 600k house when you only have a million net worth

I feel like this is what the average person does, and then they don't even use that space efficiently, like turning it into a homestead, or doing anything really with it

>> No.53381621

>1 to 4 unit property
>3% APR loan
>Historically value doubles every 10 years
>Have use of property through term of loan
>Live in it or lease
If you can make general repairs you can do well with a real estate investment. If you can't into plumbing or are too retarded with tenants and accounting, do something else.

>> No.53381731
File: 139 KB, 584x858, a history of central banking and the enslavement of mankind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh history

>> No.53381755

Talk to me when you're 62. I'll beat you to death with my equity.

>> No.53381758
File: 736 KB, 1100x1002, Jewish piano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53381765


>> No.53381773

how, the negros of ill repute in your bustling city will be hitting you in the head with a brick as you stroll out of your 2.3 million mansion in baltimore

>> No.53381776

I refuse to participate in a kikes slavery system and dig myself in hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt.

>> No.53381791


>> No.53381853

Just looked at comparables for some of my properties:
>Each up 200k over ~2 years (gentrifying neighbourhood).
Was an easy way to make 600k
Also raised rents 25%

>> No.53381858

My house is backed by a fixed mortgage with interest rates significantly lower than the inflation rate meaning MoM, inflation beating, and its up in value.

>> No.53381860

you timed the market, the next person will not be so lucky

>> No.53381870

>and its up in value.

since when

>> No.53381872

Basically, I pay less than renters would pay for 1 bedroom, and I get 3.

>> No.53381877

Since 2021.

>> No.53381880

you could pay even less for 2 bedrooms or build your own cabin for even less

classify your home as a homestead meaning it's basically seizure proof from the government and I believe you can get tax breaks as well for that, so why didn't you do that

>> No.53381883

Bought back in 2011. Been sitting on stuff and fixing over time. Future opportunity isn't going to happen for people.
Real estate ownership isn't for everyone.
Rentals aren't for most.
If you're older and set in place, it makes more sense to own v rent. Or if you have a construction business and or extra cash sitting in a bank.

>> No.53381895

I would rather not build a house. Not only do I not have the time nor patience

>> No.53381896

so, it went up slightly during the biggest real estate bubble in history, and you believe that this will continue and that you haven't taken a massive risk

of course if this risk only involved 20 percent of your net worth, who cares, not that big of a deal but the problem arises when it takes up too much of your net worth and you're banking everything on houses

>> No.53381901

I haven't taken a huge risk, my LTV is low. Try harder.

>> No.53381903

so what percentage of your net worth is in real estate, kek

>> No.53381912

Dumped a load of crypto before the huge market dump, basically the house has maintained its value while crypto goes in the shitter.

kek that you probably have all your net worth in shitcoins

>> No.53381918

for a personal dwelling though it seems to have no downsides, you pay less, you get more out of it, and it can even function as a business, and a fallback homestead assuming societal fuckery

>> No.53381927

I'm not a rich person but I will be soon, also xmr isn't a shitcoin, it's the next global reserve currency

>> No.53381931
File: 994 KB, 1238x662, comfy fairly cheap condo in lakeview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spring valley
If you're going to live in Illinois, you may as well be in chicago where you're within range of exceptionally well-paying jobs. This is pretty close to my condo and fairly cheap, for example

>b-but chicago is unsafe!
Not the north side, this area is as safe/white as any suburb

>> No.53381934

The only use XMR has, is buying drugs. It will never be a reserve currency, neither will BTC.

UK has a housing crisis, news keep saying prices will decline but the market is not seeing that.

>> No.53381951

cringe, uk is facing total societal collapse, hopefully you have a few acres out in the boonies and a legitimate homestead with self powered electrical, it is absolutely the worst time to be investing in the uk, maybe in recorded history, because even the vikings assimilated after stealing some shit

nah that's fucking retarded

adjusted for per capita income real estate is still half as expensive in spring valley compared to highland shart

>> No.53381967

>highland park
yeah that's a very wealthy suburb, no shit housing is expensive
picrel is in lakeview

>> No.53381969

Most people who buy these aren't for investment purposes. They do it because they treat mortgage payments like rent and lenders can credit them liberally when compared to something more traditional. Poorfags don't think about investing.

>> No.53381974

it's all the same to me, also that's just an apartment, still not a good deal imo

crime will be higher without any doubt in my mind

>> No.53381985

You're an idiot. And I do have self-powered, and significant land for growing food.

I bet you're American... cringe on that front your country is in a worse stMWate.

>> No.53381996

we have the right to bear arms and free speech, you get arrested for having mean books

>> No.53382014

>where you're within range of exceptionally well-paying jobs
lol, lmao, we work from home now boomer

>> No.53382020

be nice to him anon, he'd cry if he even picked up a gun

>> No.53382029

in chicago literally 2/3 people are outright communists

there are an extremely small percentage of people who get the actually high paying jobs that would make it worth it to live there

the other 99 percent will never get those jobs and live a lower quality of life than anywhere outside the metropolitan area

>> No.53382037

Food is a liability
Water is a liability
Existing is a liability

Rent doesn't come with a mortgage (literally death is in the name)

>> No.53382117

Or you could just watch this video which sums it up well:

>> No.53382184
File: 324 KB, 1080x1355, sheriffs Illinois semi auto ban.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also cook county has unconstitutional firearms bans that the rest of the state refuses to enforce, but if you're a lucky resident of cook county you will have to follow those laws like you're a europoor

>> No.53382482

Your government wants to ban guns and make it legal for terrorists to kill white people

>> No.53382611

This is an exaggeration but only slightly. like.... Slightly. The place is half Rust-Belt Town and half Playground for Drunk Toddlers. I live in the Rust Belt half (physically and mentally) and it's frustrating.
I literally have tabs open to Chicago condo listings independent of this thread. That seems pretty cheap for the location but it's still roughly $2k a month. For dual incomes that might be nothing and maybe not bad for coastal markets but still out of my reach for the moment. You hiring, Anon?

>> No.53382678

>firearms bans
a full-on ban?
when the fuck did that get passed?

>> No.53382743

well, a semi auto ban on any gun with "assault" attachments like a pistol grip on a rifle means it's banned and you can't buy one currently in illinois

3 lawsuits have already been filed and 800 people or gunstores already have a restraining order against the state

also 10 round mags for rifles and 15 round mags for pistols no grandfathering mags in

>> No.53382749

but literally like 90 counties now will not enforce the ban, so if they catch you offending this "law", then you won't be charged because the sheriffs won't enforce it

>> No.53382837

>you can never recover rent payments.
Opportunity cost. You are also making massive blanket assumptions about everyone else situation. But 9 out of 10 people are too dumb to understand this so its probably better they buy a house because its a forced low risk savings plan. But I know enough boomers and salient generation people to know "just buy a house bro" is not a guarantee at a comfortable life.

>> No.53384231


>> No.53384367
File: 441 KB, 441x270, 1657731984995.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>44-270k houses
>MFW live in Australia and houses that don't have bore water start at 400-600k. If you want to live within 200km of a city in a house expect to pay 1mil minimum.

I love my country, but maybe it's time to go dual citizenship anons?

>> No.53384487

get a plane ticket or a boat and gtfo

>> No.53384541

I am white anon.

>> No.53384743

Implying white men didn't conquer the earth on wooden boats