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53380143 No.53380143 [Reply] [Original]

I use it too much, i might say it in public.

>> No.53380166
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>tfw accidentally called something 'based' irl

>> No.53380195

I know browsing this board and pol is fucking dangerous irl.... My friend tell me that as soon as I'm drunk I get Really racist and antisemitic.

>> No.53380205

Pussy just say it in public niggers wont do shit if ur strapped

>> No.53380210

That's the point. You're supposed to say it in public. Fuck niggers.

>> No.53380535

Niggers are cowards. They will only fight in gang up groups or sucker punch you. They never square up. So knowing this, strap up and when they out number you you blow one away. They cannot legally assault you for saying a word. It is a perfect self defense and removes a nigger from the earth.

>> No.53380912

Around 10 years ago I used the term, "Niggermagic" conversationally on a train platform and a group of adolescent black people glared at me disgusted. I found that really funny. I don't even hate blacks like the boards do with vitriol. Wish I could still refer to things as niggermagic though. Won't fly nowadays. Can't do it.

Is this what getting old looks like?

>> No.53380965

I said it a few times when I was drunk and black people were around

>> No.53380993

you may