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53379873 No.53379873 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys! How it's going?
Finally after some hard work i have some grands saved while i'll finish high school. Unfortunately i'm dropping my current part time job for studying harder, i have some projects but i would like to make an investment protfolio with some of the money.

I think i will start a side hustle around some AI APIs or some other shit but i would like to know your opinion about what i should invest..

I thought about a DCA insto some coins, any idea? Also are there any AI startups out there i should invest into?

Thanks guys, i love you.

>> No.53379950


>> No.53380039

this project is wild wtf
their website is pretty esoteric i like it, but if they don't have to skill to put their product on the market i don't see why i should get on it, i'll read their whitepaper and make my opinions.

>> No.53380161

How do I buy