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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53375587 No.53375587 [Reply] [Original]

Why are they struggling so much to suppress link bellow $7?

>> No.53375597

Are they struggling? Seems like they’re having no trouble keeping it low.

>> No.53375603

It's called the hiding strategy.

>> No.53375895

On Jan. 18, an analytics firm published a report indicating that over 460 addresses hold a minimum of 100,000 LINK. This data suggests that despite a decline in value in 2022, a considerable number of major investors remain interested in the token and have confidence in Chainlink's potential.

>> No.53376447
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The token isn't actually needed

Linkcucks fell for ChainLinkGod's and CLL low quality shilling

>> No.53376470

lol rage for me chaincuck

>> No.53376518

it's only a conspiracy when price goes down. when it goes up, the shadow masters are powerless

>> No.53376523

If you were trying to create a network that were to be paid in a token you created out of thin air, would you want that token to go really high? I'd probably rather have it be low as that would psychologically make people want to use the network more. I'm sure there is no dynamic pricing implemented yet. Jobs just cost like 0.1 Link or something as a flat rate. You'll get a lot more users if they have to pay 60c per job than if they have to pay $10+.

All of this shit is just so early and Chainlink is probably one of the few projects that wants to control their token price so they can built something that actually works. Which is great for stakeholders but not great for token holders that want to /makeit/ soon.

>> No.53376567

yeah, investors should wait for the IPO. they'll probably announce it as soon as token selling is not bringing in enough money anymore