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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 53 KB, 648x583, Screenshot 2023-01-21 083238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53374043 No.53374043 [Reply] [Original]

we NEED to forgive all debt NOW. People should not be force to pay back the money they borrow. it s fascism!

>> No.53374060

We unironically need a student debt jubilee. I don't know how anyone can defend giving 18 year olds thousands of dollars of debt that doesn't go away if you file bankruptcy. It is literally just a system to create modern slaves.

>> No.53374075

actually debt jubilees were fairly common, before the jews invented central banking and brainwashed goyim into thinking 30 year mortgages or non-dischargeable student loans were anything but mentally deranged slavery.

>> No.53374096

>they didnt thoroughly research the Jew before shackling themselves to unremovable debt for the rest of their lives

>> No.53374108

cool it down

>> No.53374112

The goyim must suffer

>> No.53374123

looks like a fat valentina nappi

>> No.53374130

make it an even trade. since the jews insist that degrees are valuable, insofar as they deemed it worthy of 5-6 figures of credit, then they can repossess these degrees in exchange for bankruptcy.

>> No.53374145
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unrelated pic

>> No.53374167

If they saved in dollar that makes the women smarter

>> No.53374173

7.2% interest? That's not even that bad. Credit cards are invariably worse than this.

>> No.53374204

why should a minority of irresponsible ameriburgers get free money while the majority of responsible people who lived within their means get nothing?
do you not think about the negative externalities in encouraging more irresponsible behavior?

>> No.53374217

>I don't know how anyone can defend giving 18 year olds thousands of dollars of debt that doesn't go away if you file bankruptcy.
because its funny. and its even funnier watching these slaves whine about it to such great lengths. if they spent the amount of time they are spending whining actually making money then they would have already paid them off.

>> No.53374234

close to 40% of US tax-filers pay $0 in federal income taxes. they aren't "getting nothing" because they never contributed anything. student loan forgiveness would be higher income earners (statistically degree holders) bailing out lower income earners with degrees.

>> No.53374250

Because it is the right thing to do, no point in being bitter about it. If anything, they could just let people file for bankruptcy to clear their student loan debt. Makes no sense that banks/intuitions are allowed to prey on people with 0 adult life experience. They purposefully don't teach financial literacy in school to make people into slaves. I'd rather spend money on "irresponsible" US citizens than Israel or Ukraine.

>> No.53374263


>> No.53374280
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>Asking banks to forgive debts
Hey, can we cool it with the antisemitism?

>> No.53374294

they deserve it

>> No.53374298

How about being responsible and pay it back?

>> No.53374323
File: 440 KB, 771x856, 47C4E786-912B-49EF-B0C5-0016C12E2E79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about no, and then let shit burn down?

>> No.53374357

It's so funny that Amerimutts have this problem. Student debt? HAHAHAHAHAHHA! Having an educated working class makes a countries work force more valuable, intelligent governments provide education for free.

AHAHAHHAHAHA forever grateful that I don't live under the 3rd world American system. God bless.

>> No.53374359

how about i pay the bare minimum under REPAYE and allow them to be forgiven. i'll come out ahead by like $50,000 vs. a 10 year repayment plan. you WILL pay for my student loan forgiveness and you WILL like it.

>> No.53374494

And what i will get for not being retard? does not sound fair.

>> No.53374499

debt forgiveness perpetuates this issue of "debt slavery" that you are superficially against, as it ensures that even extremely high-risk loans will be inevitably repaid one way or another, a massive type of moral hazard that caused the 2008 crisis

the only valid solution is to never allow these loans to happen in the first place, but then your kind will cry about le inequality in education or some other variation
the reality is that some people deserve to be perpetually broke and dominated by their betters

>> No.53374519

no one is forcing you to pay back the money, you just have to wagecuck for the rest of your life to make interest payments

>> No.53374596
File: 103 KB, 500x500, 80FCC5E4-188B-4F01-B550-A2611262FB9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shill out 50k for a communications degree
>party in college like a wild animal
>wtf why am i broke save me daddy government ahhhhhhhhh

>> No.53374637
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Should have done tech degree like pic related

>> No.53374641
File: 54 KB, 464x625, 1672696404518296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even business owners don't want to pull up their bootstraps to pay back generous loans.
Where did the work ethic go?

>> No.53374642

>i want to repay the bare minimum despite i took advantage of someone else's risks

>> No.53374656

why would i EVER pay more than the bare minimum laid out by the master promissory agreement?

>> No.53374672

>take out loan you can't repay
>reeeeee why is this happening to meeeeee, save me government!
Hang yourself IRL, this is financial advice

>> No.53374694
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Nice slampig
I like women with big faces

>> No.53374886
File: 2.62 MB, 750x386, 1626053137577.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like her

>> No.53374969

who forced you to take that loan out :)

>> No.53374976

Damn i can see your nose across my computer screen mr. goldstien

>> No.53375004

maybe she should eat less

>> No.53375014
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or more and monetize it

>> No.53375021

Why don't they refinance?

>> No.53375037
File: 766 KB, 680x590, wojak italian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with your faggoty premise, regardless of how gay it is. But first let me take out 100k for grad school.

>> No.53375071
File: 2.98 MB, 280x498, ella-ella-hollywood.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite making up only 30% of the US population, white men account for 90% of the overall transexual population.

Why is that?

>> No.53375074

How about the banks and airlines just do better so they don’t need bailouts ever decade. The thing is, they KNOW they will get bailed out at our expense. Student loans, however, never go away. The citizens don’t ever get bailed out, the Covid money was actually just a loan on future taxed income. If you aren’t positioning yourself to debt max into the next crypto bullrun you deserve to stay poor. I can’t buy crypto with credit cards unfortunately, however I “financed” some miners that will mathematically 4x at minimum. I do not plan on making any payments on the miners, and the credit company, who thinks it’s ok to steal peoples money if they say the wrong things online, can kick rocks. My mined coins go straight to an untouchable wallet

>> No.53375117

>business insider by insider@insider
Insider bros wtf is happening

>> No.53375193

>why is Jewish propaganda targeting middle class

>> No.53375194
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>it s fascism!
Wrong this is called captialsim or free market. Fasicm is socialism because fascism is trade unions = socialist.
Now back to >>>/pol/

>> No.53375227

>a massive type of moral hazard that caused the 2008 crisis
The 2008 crisis was caused by banks being scumbags you dumbfuck. They decided to pursue an aggressively predatory type of lending after regulation repeals, then lied about their volatility to everyone.
Fuck I hate you retards so much.

>> No.53375259
File: 36 KB, 640x356, jawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these people SHOULD be screwed over. fucking retards choosing to study worthless crap like gender studies and paying $200k for it. why should my taxes pay for and fiat be devalued for that?

>> No.53375269

it happened because banks could lend to poorfags with 0 risk, causing moral hazard
whether that 0 risk derives from a low-regulation environment allowing them to sell high-risk debt or from the government bailing out poorfags is irrelevant

conceptually it is identical, but i don't blame you if you lack the IQ to comprehend this

>> No.53375290
File: 44 KB, 719x664, A2D76AA3-3AAA-4965-AF00-2E5F9588590C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only degree people get loans for is gender studies
Having an educated populace is a REQUIREMENT for running a modern country.

>> No.53375298

i paid my taxes, which paid for schooling retards like you. you're paying it back, darkie

>> No.53375320

im not paying for your overkiked tuition retard

>> No.53375330

Then unkike the education system instead of “muh bootstraps”

>> No.53375351

fucking lol what a retard, probably majored in something stupid

>> No.53375355

>everything wrong and I don't like is judaism

>> No.53375357

interest is the problem, usury
that's why (((they))) want to destroy islam, because interrst usury(and degeneration) isn't allowed

>> No.53375419

ater fu? Ss?

>> No.53375458

These retards complain about the interest, meanwhile I'd be surprised if more than 1/4 of them have been making ANY payments over the last ~3 years while interest accrual has been paused and they could attack the principal of their loans.

>> No.53375482

reminder that Biden was part of the legislation that made student debt resistant to bankruptcy

exactly this, highly recommend David Graeber's book on the topic. it is excellent and easy to read, like everything the man wrote. he also came up with the slogan "we are the 99%" and was killed by an exotic toxin by the CIA while on vacation in 2020

>> No.53375549

and how do you do that? by removing all government subsidies of tuition and federal loans. the entire reason this kiked system exists is because you demoshit retards allow goveernment to be a guaranteed lender to prospective students. so when kiked universities realize money is free to the students who just need to fill out a FAFSA app then get a quarter million dollars that theyll never pay off, they can charge whatever the fuck they want. up to 250k.

holy shit its not rocket science faggot. but you little DNC kikes screech about ANTI EDUCATION RIGHTWINGERS when people demand and end to unlimited government loans to people who shoudl not be going to college in the first place, or should be studying something that pays a reasonable salary which can actually pay off the loan in the first place. not this gay ass fuck tranny art studies bullshit

you have literally made college an extension of the government but for profit.

>> No.53375608
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>took advantage of someone elses risk

poor multi billion dollar Federally funded and protected student loan service providers :,( they took a risk on me and its my moral obligation to repay that loan dang it!! If I have to work to the bone and never retire, so be it. Its the """right""" thing to do after all and that trumps everything else!!!!! I just need to accept responsibility for my actions!! The loan was FAIR and I AGREED to the TERMS! I WILL pay my loan back under ANY circumstance, its the RESPONSIBLE thing to do!!!!!!!!!

>> No.53375617

yeah dont pay, also who uses the word jubilee?!