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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.62 MB, 450x800, boss.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53372513 No.53372513 [Reply] [Original]

SILVER MERC DIME CHADS. Our time is approaching right now. Formerly well to do housewives and their 18 years old daughters will need us within days otherwise they will not be able to get a bowl of porridge.

>> No.53372543

then the music stopped and they were fucked in the ass by a nigger

>> No.53372561
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>then the music stopped and they were fucked in the ass by a nigger

>> No.53372582
File: 1.94 MB, 480x480, based.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No she's based now.


>> No.53373737

funny how her "7 figure fitness brand" created in 2019 no longer exists


>> No.53373765
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i like watching first girls bbc videos

>> No.53373785

The nigger kills them and steal all their money.

>> No.53373844

Lol. Lmao.
This is what “Aryans” have become
Wounded mutts neeting away making excuses as to why others succeed and they fail. Coming up with Cuck fantasies. All while mom makes chicken tenders upstairs.

>> No.53373847
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You will never be as happy as them

>> No.53373869

the first girl in the webm has videos of her sucking and fucking nigger cock.

>> No.53373910

>Fitness business
Like pottery.

>> No.53373923
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All of these chicks have sugar daddies.

>> No.53373937
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I don't want to be happy "like a woman". I want to be happy like I was when I was drunk at 3 AM in the summer hanging out with my friend in front of his house shooting the shit waiting for his dealer to show up. Those kinds of times with the bros. Women just appropriate happiness, men live it and it's fleeting.

>> No.53373965

most women dont have the drive men have to surpass themselves. major inventions and breakthroughs are usually done by men. women can't even compete in chess or e-sports. we also dont care about girl bosses, it doesnt make them more attractive

>> No.53373981

what you said isn't wrong but you missed the point. so did the guy you responded to. they're dumb rich sluts who used their father's money to create a flash-in-the-pan scam brand.

>> No.53373983
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>717K subscribers
nobody gives a shit

>> No.53373988

>angry incel showing his face on 4chan
it's not instagram fucktard

>> No.53374006

>angry incel getting mad at someone for posting a picture of themselves on the internet.
no one cares what you want on this site retard.

>> No.53374021

Tldr- our dads are all rich and gave us turnkey businesses so even vapid whores like us can larp as tech entrepreneurs.

>> No.53374046

Gonna need a link to that bossman. For science.

>> No.53374093

it used to be on xvideos but i think her father had it shoahed. jewgle it, there are mirrors out there.

>> No.53374114

Why do people never assume these girls aren't just lying their ass off?

>> No.53374136
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keep coping

>> No.53374185
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>> No.53374219

i've seen it countless times, but i'm continually amazed at how mentally ill people can project an immediate and overbearing aura of "something is wrong."

>> No.53374247


>> No.53374259
File: 1.08 MB, 1378x775, basedo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a just a incel. And you are coping.
Admit it

>> No.53374266

coping with what? also take your meds and book an appointment with your psychiatrist. your mother is worried sick about you.

>> No.53374310
File: 559 KB, 640x800, 1671931661879465.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh the incel is angry

>> No.53374318

i had sex with my girlfriend about 12 hours ago. how am i coping? and for that matter, what am i coping with?

>> No.53374333
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>no money

Go find a job incel

>> No.53374352

check back in when they're 35

>> No.53374367

i make $140k a year. are you okay? am i witnessing a mental breakdown in real time?

>> No.53374462
File: 1.01 MB, 1083x559, 1669622079957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start your transition

>> No.53374526

I'll build my own empire and force them to pay homage to mine. Then crush them like bugs, and tell them I'm merely giving them everything they ever wanted and they're just paying the price for it.

>> No.53374540

Why do white women love black men so much bizbros? Is it the BBC or is that they're hyper masculine?

>> No.53374549

Women are such uncool faggots. Like wise men have said before us - if women had no holes, we'd hunt them for sport.

>> No.53374554

Just another jewish porn myth

>> No.53374692

It's not though. I see lots of 9/10 blonde stacies walking around/holding hands with black men here in bay area.

>> No.53374743

man is that a roastie cope, like getting naked for attention and living off loans is happiness.

>> No.53374744

kek murder suicide your family you deranged tranny

>> No.53374787
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I think this is the right thread for this

>> No.53374868
File: 42 KB, 1500x1500, 1634703626872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate tiktok dancers so much bros i don't know what it is but it's beyond dystopian for me it feels like some eldritch horror watching that shit

man made



>> No.53374903

>eldritch horror watching

My personally insane belief is that there are inhuman things like this influencing humans to do what you're seeing. Goes back thousands of years, like how tribes danced to invoke spirits in ancient cultures. These girls do not know what they're really playing into.

>> No.53374912

so this is what the average 4chinner looks like...my god

>> No.53374946

Projection: the 4chan post.

>> No.53374958

>Taking the bait.

>> No.53374977

Imagine wasting your silver on some worn out gash and her syphilis infested daughter, no thanks anon.

>> No.53375127

In complete agreement. This is spooky shit my friend.

>> No.53375217

I would slap the shit out of the first whore

>> No.53375313

she's what happens when you're abusive or not present in her education (a busy business man). bad fathers are the first responsible when it comes to whores with daddy issues. those men aren't shamed at all

>> No.53375646

wasnt one of them blacked

>> No.53375763

>my name is nastacia
ah, i get it. their dads are criminals who launder money through VC investments in their daughters' fake startups
i think i just realized something about silicon valley and venture capital in general. it's all fake and glowing isn't it

>> No.53375843

Best case study of this is Dan Bilzerian. Some youtuber did a deep research of him, his past, and his dad. And the conclusion he reached was his dad, with a long history of insider trading in the stock market, is using his son to launder money and do the same shit he got caught doing before but getting away with it by using his son the legal holder of the finances on the surface. I think this is way more common with rich kids these days than anyone really knows. It's not always their parents either, some times these wealthy guys will approach tech start ups guys to do the same, I believe a group of them are doing it with Elon Musk, along with Andew Tate, They're all puppets who are laundering money for covert billionaires.

>> No.53375874

>laundering money
statist made up concept
money is never dirty
if you get frontran by insider trading, it's your own fault

>> No.53375879


>> No.53375884

Guys, you're on 4 chan. All of us here are losers.

>> No.53375937

well she certainly knows the only thing she has of value
i can guarantee it that anons from here will take that ride for far less in eth than you think come 2025

>> No.53375965

I would have every dancing Tiktok thot confined to a Times Square peep show booth. Put the performance into its proper context.

>> No.53375975

also 1 hour video about nothing sellable while you are supposed to be a entrepreneur building your brand

>> No.53376005

What ride?
Her or the car?

>> No.53376139

fell for the psyop

>> No.53376336
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>> No.53376360

Before driving that car where she placed her digusting brapper I would bring the car to a car wash and a sanitizer.

>> No.53376745

truly fren must you ask
the cars price is well advertised and isnt expected to give discounts now is it

>> No.53377456

Fun fact, she crashed that car.

>> No.53377485
