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53372339 No.53372339 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.53372536
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>> No.53372546

its bullish.

>> No.53372556

That's a good thing, retard.

>> No.53372570

Imagine thinking this isn't already priced in.

this bobo ngmi

>> No.53372592
File: 41 KB, 640x480, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that happened yesterday hours before the pump, you fucking retard.

>> No.53372666

Most of them will file for bankruptcy, the mechanics will ensure it. There's no point in either emotionally fighting it or pretending that it won't happen. If there is no lender of last resort in a market, this is the result of leverage + distributed risk. The reason people don't see this is that they do not see the whole system and the dependencies and other influences that events have on each individual asset (regardless of where it's held or by whom), and the effect that a change in asset-price or asset-liquidity has on those that hold that risk. In practice, a leveraged system is bound to collapse, and if that leverage is widely distributed (de facto, if not contractually), then systemic collapse is inevitable.
However, we should separate sentiment and supply-demand-mechanics, both drivers of trading price, from each other. In a mass default, the price is driven, at first, by forced selling, as participants try (and eventually fail) to meet their liabilities. This has an auto-effect of driving sentiment negative. As the mass defaults occur, there is already a supply shock, though initially masked by the forced selling to meet liabilities. After the forced selling is done, the supply shock can, but doesn't have to, start to drive markets, if there are unbacked, asset-denominated-liabilities left. If not, or if not in sufficient amounts to be called, the force disappears and the price can start behaving "neutrally" again, i.e. the force of leverage becomes non-operational. Given that price is just one data point per instant, you cannot deduce the individual forces driving it without additional information, and the view that people generally default to is that "price up = asset good", "price down = asset bad", even if they should rationally be happy that they can buy something valuable from someone who has to sell at any price.

>> No.53372680

If someone was forced to sell his gold coins at $1.2K/ounce, or even $0.5K/ounce (current market price $1.9K/ounce) because the loan shark is going to break his legs otherwise, wouldn't you happily take them? Or would you say "aw, gold is shit now, it's being sold for 26% of the previous market price, better sell mine too!" Selling so much that you temporarily overwhelm demand is somewhat different, but, unless demand is satisfied long-term (which could, in fairness, be the case), what you can do these is arbitrage in time, i.e. you take the man's gold now and sell it again by the time his legs have healing from the knee surgery.
None of this is new information either, people do say this often enough, but it's just the emotional effect of the line going up or down that blinds us.

>> No.53373045
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So in other words this was an exit pump.

>> No.53374143


>> No.53374215

no its unrelated the fallout from genesis happens when those people start selling

>> No.53374277

This is old news you fucking retarded gorilla nigger

>> No.53374299

>1 day ago

>> No.53374568
File: 316 KB, 512x512, 1072474597_man_with_mud_on_his_face_sticking_his_thumb_up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already priced in

>> No.53374599

Are you a newfag or coping boomer metals collector? Genesis has been toxic waste for months now.

>> No.53374615

the market doesn't care anymore lol can't you tell?

>> No.53374622

Hence "buy when there's blood in the streets"?

>> No.53374632


This was priced in 2 months ago, retard.