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File: 166 KB, 791x902, Screenshot 2023-01-20 161533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53364654 No.53364654 [Reply] [Original]

From a financial point of view should i get a GF ? i worry she empty my wallet with stupid impulsive expenses

>> No.53364704

women are a massive time and money sink, up to you how much the pussy and social validation is worth.

>> No.53364737

The economy is sustained by women. Few understand.

>> No.53364764
File: 807 KB, 1440x3200, Screenshot_20230120-232156_Delta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>men saved an average of 7k
>twice af much money


>> No.53364800

Fake news.

>> No.53364980

You just have to find the right one.
Even before meeting her my wife was very good financially, and I've trained her to be even better.

>> No.53364993

Fuck no. Women are a horrible financial investment. In every way

As a single guy you can still have a good social life if you have hobbies that you are active in and friends/family that you do stuff with occasionally. Most guys social lives are ruined by roasties carting them around to random bullshit and making them do chores or tasks

>> No.53365048

Is this average amount saved year over year or average amount saved total? There’s no way people have only 7k total in their savings

>> No.53365052
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Women are a good investment in the sense that you should invest in Becky Bonds (stocks related to shit that's popular with women -- useless crap that will be bought no matter how dire the situation gets)

>> No.53365076

they are so MATERial bros

>> No.53365081

>You just have to find the right one.
AWALT retard

>> No.53365082


Lol i invested like 60k last year

>> No.53365093

I have less than 1k in my savings because I put everything in stocks.

>> No.53365116

Women have life on easy mode and can't imagine hard times. Men know they could be eating out of a dumpster at any time because no one gives a shit about them.

>> No.53365127
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focus on your training

>> No.53365143

>they show a nigger who can't save shit

>> No.53365152

yes but all im saying is there is a hell of a lot of social validation from other people when you have a gf/wife, that you can't get from just having friends.
people looked at and treated me differently when i was with a girl, even parents.
pussy gets old but the companionship and validation you get from having a cute gf is valuable, but it depends on how much it's worth to you.
for me, it wasn't worth the time it took out of my life and the financial cost either, when you consider the dinners, events, lifestyle inflation etc.

>> No.53365210

Before I married her and took a bit more input in her finances, her main financial problem was "I don't know what to do with my $100k+ in savings teehee!"
Saving really isn't the problem.

>> No.53365214

There have been a number of studies showing that a third of all adults have less than $1000 in savings.

>> No.53365220

No, not if you value your time and money. If you want to start a family then that's fine, but otherwise make yourself rich/successful first.

>> No.53365231

Damn. True

>> No.53365255

My wife has terrible finances when we started dating. The trick is to take over asap and right the ship or you are FUCKED long term.

>> No.53365257

Yea social validation goes up...but EVERYTHING else goes down. Time you spend on yourself, old friends go away, financially exhaustive, sometimes its emotionally draining because you have to deal with her bullshit and all her baggage. Its like having a 12 year old that you constantly have to entertain and spend resources on, only she can cheat on you or walk out at moments notice. Then if you have a child with her your life becomes complete shit, bigger financial burdens, and you have to focus on shielding the child from the degeneracy so it doesnt become a fag/tranny/soiboy/mentally ill or addicted to drugs or porn

>> No.53365290

I don't think taking over is the right mindset, you need to teach her to make the right decisions. For example my wife only bought 2k LINK or so in 2018, but then when I put another $20k or so in it at $5 she decided to match me. That's how she learned to invest, and now that we're paying off our mortgage too fast and trying to divest a bit, she's the one encouraging us into ETFs.

>> No.53365377


>> No.53366041

True you take over then teach them what went wrong. She had a 430 credit score and now is in the 750s and I have made her the chief financial officer of the family. As man of the house I am the the CEO and she gives me a report at the end of the month with paperwork to review and we adjust the budget accordingly based on surplus income. You teach them supervise them then you can trust them. Most guys fail to do one of those three.

>> No.53366086

That's exactly why they brought woman to the work space and stopped being housewives, now they are strong and independent and can spend they're money where they want (useless shit).

>> No.53366092

>and we adjust the budget accordingly based on surplus income
Do I detect a hint of the American mindset that "monthly salary = monthly debt repayments"?
I hope you don't have a car payment.

>> No.53366443

Who still cares about the opinions of lemmings in 2000+23 though?

>> No.53366467

>twice as much
>7k vs 3k
Wow that's enough to afford a down payment on a house in...

...infinity years of saving, since real salaries are going down and housing goes up forever.

>> No.53368099

Anon please I’m an adult on the business section of a Chinese cartoon fan fiction imageboard of course I don’t have a car payment. My pay fluctuates based on a bonus structure. So after all bills+401k+maxing 2 IRAs+travel saving we frequently have surplus that we shift around depending on short to medium term goals we have be it home improvements or something fun like a new tv or mattress.