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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53359804 No.53359804 [Reply] [Original]

How can I guarantee myself a position as a 4chan Janitor? I really need a job.

>> No.53359885

I heard they don't pay well

>> No.53359912

I heard they doubled the pay?
they times it by 2?

>> No.53359916

Say you'll do it for half price

>> No.53359975
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Not again, the last time we got a new janny things got way worse. I really like the current janny he is not insta banning you for 3 days like the last one, but instead gives you a warning instead. I bet the new janny will allow shills to spamm /biz/ again.

>> No.53360013

The last one was just working really hard for his quarterly bonus

>> No.53360030

if they hire me as janny i will do nothing different except sticky all LINK threads

>> No.53360063

>i will do nothing different except sticky the threads about the most shilled token on /biz/
I hope you will never be a janny.

>> No.53360067

i'd ban you for talking back to me you disgusting noLINKer

>> No.53360107

The pay is commensurate for the value added to the site.

>> No.53360118

I heard the quarterly bonus is up to 25% of your base pay, can you confirm?

>> No.53360199
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dont listen to those faggots, jannies are doing it for free!

>> No.53360326
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Have you tried telling them you will work for free?

>> No.53360515

They have the philosophy of "you get paid exactly what you're worth".

>> No.53360564

What even the fuck do they want you to say in this interview bullshit? I told them I had 20 years worth of experience moderating forums and an NEET, what more do they want?

>> No.53360729

Le barely up 30x after 6 years token (not needed)

>> No.53361329

The price of Chainlink should be no more than a cup of coffee(russian) ;)

>> No.53361573

What the fuck are jannies /biz/'s problem anyway? they're the most anal of all jannies.