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53358116 No.53358116 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.53358139

Still wondering why that cervix expert didn't share the size of his penis and how far in he could get before hitting the wall. Was he a virgin like me, just lying?

>> No.53358159

is hitting the cervix pleasurable for women or something you'd want to avoid?

>> No.53358204

He said it hurts. I wanted to know how deep he could go, but no answer.

>> No.53358205

actually very painful, as it takes forever to get warmed up enough for that sort of activity. Even super turned on, you’re still not turned on enough to make that not painful.
>t. femanon

>> No.53358207

Is this the flippening?

>> No.53358221

eheheheheheheheheh can you post your tits hehehehehehehehe..... :)

>> No.53358224

never a woman will you be.

>> No.53358238
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>>t. femanon
You are fooling no one, troon

>> No.53358252

tits or gtfo will always be more funny than zoomer poltards

>> No.53358265

It's very uncomfortable according to most women I've been with but my gf makes it sound like I've accomplished something when I hit it.

>> No.53358269


>> No.53358277

This artist has a very tenuous grasp of the female anatomy.

>> No.53358295
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your cockhead doesn't push against the cervix, its supposed to wedge into the anterior or posterior fornix
cervix hitting the cockhead is a small dick problem, the vagina is designed to pleasure and accommodate a penis that fits into the spots I mentioned no matter what position she is in
the only time a chick should be aware of her cervix when you are fucking her, is after you have creampied her and pin her to the bed to gently, but firmly moosh your dick up against it so she can feel herself being inseminated and contemplate the pulsating heat of a fat cockhead against her babybox, and what it means for her future

niggers don't love you back + stop voting for literal pedophiles webm related

>> No.53358299
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>t. zoomer newfag who only knows about 4chan from /r/4chan
Kill yourself, we all know the only people claiming to be women here are troons. If you want to be a white knight, go to twitter.

>> No.53358307

Idk regular depth in doggy style. I'm a little over 7 inches

>> No.53358378

Stop projecting.

>> No.53358400

holy fuck imagine simping for a homosexual man who mutilated his body with chemicals and surgery
troonhole is not pussy bro, don't be fooled

>> No.53358422

Tits or gtfo is simping yeah alright, kill yourself worthless søyjakking newfaggot droolling troddler. You will never make it. You are a dumb moronic poorfag and will never ever enjoy anything in life.

>> No.53358437

And they white knight faggot reveals himself as a tourist virgin. KYS newfag.

>> No.53358450
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>Tits or gtfo is simping yeah alright, kill yourself worthless søyjakking newfaggot droolling troddler. You will never make it. You are a dumb moronic poorfag and will never ever enjoy anything in life.

>> No.53358454

Stop projecting. You don't even know what a white knight is. I masturbated to hentai before you were born.

Actual normalfag response. That's what I mean with you projecting newfaggot toddlers.

>> No.53358470

Girls have hands???

>> No.53358481
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>> No.53358506

Out of interest: is any touch at all painful, of just forceful ones?

>> No.53358519

Projecting? I'm not going to pretend in good faith that a HUMAN MALE who cuts off his dick and pretends to be female online, is in fact, a female.
If you want to go along with that charade in any capacity, you are white knighting for a troon you mistakenly think is a women because you lack the capability to understand that the few women on this site would never go on /biz/ in their wildest dreams. As soon as pussy, or pussy larpers appear, you white knight faggot autists ALWAYS follow shortly. Kill yourself.

>> No.53358546

>we all know the only people claiming to be women here are troons
On what empirical basis do you make that inference?

>> No.53358564

^ The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

>> No.53358565

women don't come to /biz/, therefore the only people claiming to be women are trolls or faggots pretending to be women

>> No.53358577

>women don't come to /biz/
On what empirical basis do you make that inference?

>> No.53358601

holy fuck, lurk more newfag.
the human male doth not shut the fuck up too much, methinks. Methinks suicide is your only option.

>> No.53358616

Sup that was me.
8 inches

>> No.53358618

you will never be a woman
you don't pass, you smell and look like a man
getting shit on another mans dick does not make you a woman, it makes you a faggot
you will never have a vagina, you will never have a womb or ovaries, you will never be pregnant with anything but HIV growing in your aidswomb
It's obvious, troon. Your line of questioning is dishonest and stupid. Let's just skip to your next faggy posts:
>yuuuhhghh you can't PROVE women don't come here, therefore they must come here often!
>uuhhhhh you see from this chart 5% of /biz/ users self-identitfy as women! that means they visit here! and yes trans-women are women, so they count!

Once again, you are not a woman.

>> No.53358643
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It's pretty obvious to me that the only type of faggot who would get triggered by suggesting women don't come to /biz/, is a cross dressing pedophile troon who takes the suggestion personally.

Fortunately you will kill yourself before you turn 35. Unfortunately we need to deal with you until then.

>> No.53358646

Thanks for the compliments, but your argument is lacking in rigor, to put it mildly.

>> No.53358672

>holy fuck, lurk more newfag
Not an argument.

>It's pretty obvious to me that the only type of faggot who would get triggered by suggesting women don't come to /biz/, is a cross dressing pedophile troon
On what empirical basis do you make that inference?

>> No.53358676

Which is why I said on the other post that the dick pushes left or right of the cervix.

>> No.53358679

/pol/tards are just boring moralfags. Hope they go on a killing spree in minecraft and then kill themselvse. It's unfortunate, but if they only take out 2-3 people before killing themselves it's probably a net positive.

>> No.53358702

>Stop projecting. You don't even know what a white knight is. I masturbated to hentai before you were born.
Sex with hags. Making hags dress like teenage anime girls from 10-20 years ago. Then having sex with them.

>> No.53358718

This isn't a debate and never was a debate you stupid tranny pedophile. It's people making fun of you for being a retarded mutant. It's amazing how often you queers can't tell the difference.
>ummmmm actual being /pol/ means you are a moralfag!
Total nigger death is a moralfag stance now? Holy fuck zoomie, what a hot take! As you dumbfucks like say

>> No.53358782

>This isn't a debate and never was a debate
That is clearly a false statement. You're losing so you pretend you were never playing? Doesn't work that way.

>you stupid tranny pedophile
Projecting again? Do you have something you want to tell us, anon?

>> No.53358822
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4chan finds a way to turn a thread with a man having sex with a woman as the OP image into a homosexual discussion. Never change.

>> No.53358871

>ummm actually its a debate if I say its a debate
well your whole life is a constant fantasy, so its no surprise you can deluded yourself instantly any time you chose
your not just a troon, you're autistic and completely oblivious to actual social cues, even in text format on the internet
>making fun of retard tranny pedos means you are one!
nah 'bro', not how it works
its a common line from mental patients like you though, since you refuse to believe you are actually a tiny and very fucked up minority
>anybody who doesn't like me is actually just like me!
fantasy stuff, total delusion

are you a jew also? a jew tranny? you try to argue like a jew, and you think arguing means something just like a jew

>> No.53358899

ew fuck, its a tranny jew! I feel dirty now, and before you get excited troon, not dirty in the good way
its like stepping in dogshit and trying to wash it off, but its not quite gone no matter how much you wipe it on the grass

>> No.53358900

No. If a girl isn’t ‘warned up’ and you just kinda throw it in you can bruise her cervix

>> No.53358914

Hi I'd like to apply for the job of janitor at your bar. No need to pay me, I'll do it for free.

>> No.53358929

>well your whole life is a constant fantasy... your not just a troon, you're autistic and completely oblivious to actual social cue
Yikes, projecting again Doreen?

4channers are terminally trannybrained. When they're not denouncing trannies they're jerking off to them. Very sick people.

>> No.53358943

>how to get a cold sore in one easy trick

>> No.53358951

>ew fuck, its a tranny jew! I feel dirty now
What happened, did you accidentally catch your reflection in a mirror?