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File: 178 KB, 1200x675, USBank_WME_16x9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53353656 No.53353656 [Reply] [Original]

People say that the Federal Reserve prints money, but I've learned that banks create money out of thin air when they loan it to people. Which one is true?

Also, how is the US able to contunally borrow money and not paid back anything? Imagine some guy kept saying he'll give you your money back with interest yet you've given him over $10,000 and he hasn't paid back a single cent. Why would you keep giving money to him?

>> No.53353723

Former Central Banking Kike here now friendly White Christian weekend BBQer here allow me to explain.
In order to print new money blood must be exchanged by a few key players. These key players are often not seen by the public outside of their skinsuits which makes them look like completely normal politicians and bankers and not the reptilian overlords that they are. Fun fact: human trafficking victim are the means of settlement for all transactions as fiat metals crypto are all worthless to these people. Basically any crypto claiming to be a means of settlement is trying to scam you. They know as well as I do that blood is the currency of the realm.
Thanks for reading! Hope that clears things up for you guys!

>> No.53353753
File: 68 KB, 750x843, 1673990141599976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top-shelf faggotry ser

>> No.53355111

He may be a faggot but he's a correct faggot.

>> No.53355177

I'm not going to compress 9 credit hours of economics classes into a 4chan post. You should keep in mind that the Federal Reserve creates money and only the Treasury can print money.

Here's some deep lore for you though, for you troubles. Anyone telling you that the Federal Reserve prints money is wittingly or unwittingly part of a pyramid scheme perpetrated by the Koch brothers back in the day, and the John Birch Society. The fact that they use the word "print" instead of "create" is deliberate. It's a quick way to know who you're talking to.

>> No.53356010
File: 663 KB, 1125x1077, 1672508754352707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Write a longer post fgt, explain with mote detail and some supporting links.

>> No.53356041

both are true, traditionally expansion of the monetary base (inflation) is caused by new mortgages against new real estate, but in recent years central banks buying assets with newly printed money have been the driver. This is why we are experiencing this inflation - as a fallout of the 2020 liquidity injections

>> No.53356121
File: 487 KB, 777x679, 84789453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ha HA! you see the money is not actually necessarily printed on paper, it is digital, so therefore it doesn't matter the same


>> No.53357596

Only the latter is true. The Fed basically does not exist. It exists in the same way that "Better Call Saul" exists in the mind of its viewers.

>> No.53357754

Both. Federal reserve creates money and loans it to commercial banks. Those banks use the money on their balance sheets to create more money when people get loans.
The fed doesnt insert money directly into the economy even though it creates it from scratch. Not yet anyway.

>> No.53357896
File: 7 KB, 188x268, umm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is the clearest explanation

>> No.53358664

There's 0 reserve requirement. Banks can create money through loans like they wish.

>> No.53359092

I didnt mention reserves. I mentioned balance sheets. Banks wont lend infinite money because they have to do accounting on it