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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 45 KB, 570x487, 1470913972916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5335159 No.5335159 [Reply] [Original]

Who else literally feels nothing right now? I'm down about $15,000 in gains since a couple days ago but I'm not even scared. Maybe I've just seen this happen way too many times and know this is going to recover eventually.

Not buying, not selling. Just drinking normie tears and laughing my ass off.

>> No.5335201

Monaco is about to lift off

>> No.5335207

enjoy waiting 10 years

>> No.5335258
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Damn, really? OK, just sold everything. Hope you aren't lying to me, anon. Or I will be very, very mad.

>> No.5335259

Oh the delicious schadenfreude. It would be different if it was the coins you own tanking, but it’s ALL of them (barring ripple), so we know it’s just the market shitting the bed and it will recover. But goddamn those sweet, sweet normie tears

>> No.5335376
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Not even mildly concerned

>> No.5335381
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Still laughing my ass off at this commie fuck, he's going to want to insert himself head-first into a woodchipper in a couple weeks time

>> No.5335419

I haven't been here long but I started a few days before the Great China FUD. I have been immunised to this now.

>> No.5335492

>mmm bitcoin went up by a lot
>wow wtf its $19000
>So expensive
>Lets buy it, it'll probably go up more :)
>It keeps going up so it won't go down right?
The mentality of people who are buying bitcoin this high, now I know who is buying my fucking bags

>> No.5335503
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Still laughing hysterically at the normies dropping their bags

>> No.5335511
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>> No.5335543


I always wondered who buys my shit at vertical moving ATHs.

>> No.5335584
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>> No.5335638
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>> No.5335681

Damn you've going to have like 50m in a year or two. What will you even do with that much.

>> No.5335691
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Tfw we're running cultures once again

>> No.5335727

I don’t know what I would do with that kind of money. I don’t even know what to do now. I haven’t sold anything I can’t belive I’m at the point where I’m down a million dollars in a day

>> No.5335741

>money can't buy a phone charger

>> No.5335764
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>> No.5335782

>Implying he actually has that much

>> No.5335801
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Best memes are produced when times are tough. Been laughing my ass off all day despite my porto lose 40%. I remember this happen too often, no worry here.
Buying more soon. Thank God, I only have myself to feed + actual job.

>> No.5335803

Meh even if it doesnt go back to $20k for a while we'll get money regardless.

>> No.5335808

same. Just watched 10K evaporate and I feel nothing.
Im like an emotionless vacuum

>> No.5335815

Why not, I just caught a moon rocket to 300k. Another year of good growth and I'll be there.

>> No.5335988


A bit old but completely relevant to today

>> No.5336046


>> No.5336079

He spent the remainder on lean.

>> No.5336095

I imagine it's pretty surreal. Making more money than some people do in their entire lives by sitting on your ass, clicking buttons and looking at some graphs.

>> No.5336108

You mean that shit Trayvon Martin was gonna make with those skittles and watermelon drank?

>> No.5336175

Okay there pajeet

>> No.5336193

I went negative during the China fud after summer and almost went negative during the Bcash run up a few months ago
This doesnt even bother me anymore
atleast this time im still up like 70% over my initial investment

>> No.5336199

lost 10k and I was actually laughing at wojack posts. Jesus. I kind of like it this way.

>> No.5336211

You're just as annoying as someone who forcibly inserts a Trump joke every opportunity they get. In other words, fuck off.

>> No.5336219

Yes it’s totally surreal but now I’m stressed out every single minute of the day. I’ve been doing this for years and I never minded the dips and FUD and crashes until recently when my holdings suddenly became an insane amount of money. Yeah this was something I did for fun and now it’s my job

>> No.5336237

I'm up 50k from shorting and I feel nothing.

>> No.5336245

blumpf btfo

>> No.5336256

down 10k, money stuck on exchange
enjoying a pizza with coke

>> No.5336285


based steel hands brah

>> No.5336303

Why do you keep doing it then? I'd feel pretty set with that much.

>> No.5336313
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>> No.5336368

Because it looked like I had a shot at 8 figures... and most of my holdings aren’t even long term (over a year old) yet and I don’t want to pay short term capital gains rates....

>> No.5336386

can't say I feel nothing, it doesn't feel good watching various numbers drop. but at the same time I'm really not worried, still in the black

>> No.5336398

sad that im such a clueless nocoin faggot

i know its the type of shit id be good at too

>> No.5336405

I copped a 40%+ loss within days when I got in in May, and yes I sold, had nothing to compare it to and saw what this shit was valued at in Jan

>> No.5336419

I’m trying to figure out how to reply to specific posts

>> No.5336453

Click the post number

>> No.5336459

I guess I’m just used to this ... bought my first bitcoins at $700 and watched it drop to $180 .... steel hands

>> No.5336478

Well memed comrade xD

>> No.5336493


>> No.5336515
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>> No.5336535
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>> No.5336562
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Me, I just put $200 in altcoins a week ago just for shits and giggles and so maybe a I could get just a bit more spending money so even if I lost everything I put in it wouldn't be the end of the world for me

I couldn't fucking imagine staking my livelihood on this shit like a lot of people are. Kudos to them though they certainly have bigger gonads than me

>> No.5336619
File: 182 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171221-185435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck are you down in this market? I've only been in since October and I'm very happy.

>> No.5336656

paper losses mean as much to me as paper gains

>> No.5336665

Well your biggest coins are pretty much the only ones that are up today

>> No.5336674

Not to mention I'm up 7x valuation since October.

>> No.5336696


>> No.5336736
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>> No.5336738

>counting in bitcoin.
thats not going to end well for you. We are in bearmarket now

>> No.5336744

1. Christmas is coming and normies want to be with their normie friends and families instead of trading tulips (i do to)
2. Bank services are eaven slower during this period so new money isnt coming in and the momentum is slowing down which creates fear in the market
3.in burgerland if you cash out after the 1.1.2018 you are paying capital gains taxes in 2019 instead 2018, many people know people will be cashing out the first few minutes of 2018 and so are frontruning them
4. Latecomers panicking because they are losing their houses...
Sit back and enjoy the show

>> No.5336755

No problem newfag. You don't need to write 'anon' in the name field, your name defaults to anonymous. Please lurk more before posting.

>> No.5336782

Thanks buddy

>> No.5336814

I sold my ripple at a little over a dollar. Made some solid gains but wish I HEDL.

Why do I feel nothing but failure, no matter how much money I make, unless I sell at the absolute apex before a huge dip?

>> No.5336816

Yeah, and how difficult is it to not put your money in shitcoins with shitty proposals and shitty purposes

Yeah, that 3k USD I put in is now 22k. What could go wrong?

>> No.5336856

Siacoin gonna moon soon.

I feel good overall.

>> No.5336891

Or never: last time the alt coin market was a joke, but today you have so many options, and most of them superior technologically. The only thing that Bitcoin still have is its name...

>> No.5336910

I'm not down in relation to my initial investment, but my gains are getting their shit pushed in

>> No.5336917
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>going into debt for buying crypto

This is not normal, but in the USA it is

>> No.5336946
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>> No.5336976

how old are you mate? single? kids?

>> No.5336986

Down 68k+ in profit cushion...still have a a quarter mil to go before it hits real money. I hate to see it go but long term I think will recover.

>> No.5337017


yeah I don't care. It's like my friend told me.. if I lose all the money I've invested in crypto (bought high lol, but how the fuck should I have known) i will still be poor and nothing would have changed. But if I miss out I will hate myself even more than I already do. It makes a twisted kind of sense. Hodl

>> No.5337030

try 6M

the eact same thing has happened 3+ times this year, this might be the top, but theres no reason it should be any different

>> No.5337043

can you buy all types of cryptos in blockfolio app instead of just fucking btc ltc bch and eth like shitcoinbase?

>> No.5337044
File: 133 KB, 700x869, 1488163051174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't give a hoot

>> No.5337059
File: 236 KB, 1440x1737, Screenshot_20171222-074258_1513925000646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is the manipulation from gdax

>> No.5337062

You’re down 6M today?

>> No.5337086

24h ye

>> No.5337097

I would also like to know if blockfolio is an exchange or have you guys manually entered the amounts and it's just like a tracker

>> No.5337117

Yeah, but it takes a long time for blockfolio to verify your personal information.

>> No.5337131
File: 24 KB, 399x234, 2C2C4E1F-7B6D-4367-90BC-4A241141D37F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh cool...

>> No.5337163

Well that makes me feel a bit better

>> No.5337171
File: 424 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171222-090123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No feels

>> No.5337173

I just use it as a tracker. Nothing better than websites to trade on (see: BitMEX, Binance, Bittrex).

>> No.5337181

>i don't give a hoot
Yuri, is that you?

>> No.5337183

Is it legit?

>> No.5337191

Can someone explain why million is shown as "MM"?

>> No.5337200


I'm down 2m today

>> No.5337215

I'm just using this as an excuse to post pink wojaks while I craft shit in PoE. Bitcoin's discussed quite often in the global chat, surprisingly.

>> No.5337233

Roman numerals. No clue why it's used.

>> No.5337238

M = 1000 MM=1000^2 = 1000000

>> No.5337255

Glad to see other whales are holding

>> No.5337285

Yeah, lightning fast trades times, zero fees, and being able do exchanges on your phone anywhere is crucial.

It means mega millions.
Anyone with mm actually has 1024x the amount shown.

>> No.5337287

Which one of these sites is the most reputable and can you buy every coin on all of them?

>> No.5337312
File: 171 KB, 475x475, 1513320275363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post yfw you're buying more right now

>> No.5337316

You only get to where we got with strong hands

>> No.5337328

Normies please leave

>> No.5337330

I only have $200 should I buy bitcoin now?

>> No.5337348

Yes. This is the dip.

>> No.5337350

Not even remotely a whale unless you have $100M minimum

>> No.5337360

I was you yesterday I now have 100

>> No.5337361


>> No.5337370

how has this money changed you life ? supercars? 10/10 escorts? travel?

>> No.5337383

Its called portfolio and yes you enter your trades manually

>> No.5337401

I am disappointed this wasn't a .gif

>> No.5337402

True. Otherwise I’d have sold in 2013

>> No.5337417
File: 37 KB, 600x400, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watching bitcoin fall like a brick i can't help but laugh at all the weak hands who bought high and sold low

>the absolute state of /biz/

>> No.5337426

That seems rather high. Maybe 1000 bitcoin is a whale?

>> No.5337430

nah, you cant measure crypto whales by fiat, i'd say more like 10k btc or btc equivalent puts you in "whale" category

>> No.5337475

No i haven’t cashed out or changed my lifestyle yet. Don’t want to jinx it. Well .. Except all I did was get a slightly nicer apartment rental and buy furniture for it with crypto at Overstock

>> No.5337497

Fuck yeah bruv

>> No.5337503


But it keeps falling. I'll wait a bit longer. Maybe I'll have $400 till EOY. Lambo is not far away.

>> No.5337509

It's 7am in UK now

Wait another two hours and you will see a real fucking dip

When people wake up and see a 25% over night

>> No.5337523

you only make money to make more faggot

>> No.5337540
File: 29 KB, 350x467, Michael_Scott.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IT'S pennies right now

Basement of 12.5

>> No.5337550

Will you give me $100?

>> No.5337589

I just can't wait to buy more LINK. Finally maybe this will crash the price.

>> No.5337592

Yeah you're right, I got the wrong mentality.

1k is a lot but I dont think thats enough BTC to trash the market if you tried to dump it on the exchange.

>> No.5337669

Yeah I guess whales are defined by ability to move markets.

>> No.5337728

Def not on a day when I’m down 1.3 million

>> No.5337740

Oh also, I swear to god I was waiting for my luggage at the airport and this guy was talking to his gf or something, and he was talking about how he is losing a ton of money because he bought in near ATH.

He was talking about how it was 15k and he was worried he wouldn't be able to pay back something I didn't hear. Maybe a loan. I could not help but snigger as I looked at cryptowat.ch and saw it was at 13k at the time he thought it was 15k.

>> No.5337765


>> No.5337767

Okay I only have ltc in coinbase even if you wanted to is it possible

>> No.5337793


insane discipline man, what you plan on doing when you cash out?

>> No.5337803

Once things get too big you achieve a nirvana as you disconnect from scale.

>> No.5337816
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I think this is the end guys.

>> No.5337836
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>> No.5337840
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Not even remotely rustled. Barely noticed tbeh

>> No.5337914

>no ok symbol
>no thumbs up
>not in .gif
what in the fuck is you doing

>> No.5337923

jesus f christ

>> No.5337940

>mfw when I have lost 30% of my entire investment
>mfw too scared to hold of dump

>> No.5337962

Nah it's gonna bottom out at 11K, this is only dip day 2 of the correction.

>> No.5337978

Oh man i will deserve a reward for holding through all this... would be nice to quit my day job buy a house and put the rest in a less volitile investment

>> No.5337981

I sold everything at 15k€. I feel very very good right now. Might try to buy this dip

>> No.5337993


>> No.5338008

hoddddddllllll, buy the dip tomorrow if you can

>> No.5338071

Starting to feel like I should have sold some when $15k broke

>> No.5338093

>tfw was gonna use the opportunity to buy but Coinbase thinks I'm underage b&

How do I fix that?

>> No.5338102

I've lost close to half the dollar value of what I had but feel very little compared to my butthurt when I lose sats. I'm a little worried but overall - meh

>> No.5338218

welcome to the club

i had been holding almost 200k XVG the other day and when it had been bouncing around 400-500 sat i ended up selling about 80% of it only to have it moon to like 990 sat a few hours later.

Despite buying it at about 50 sat I still felt like absolute dog shit. happened a few days ago and I still feel annoyed/bad.

>> No.5338255

Good lord

>> No.5338328

ai lmao

>> No.5338331

i hope thats just because you have well into 9 figures and not because you put all your money into shitcoins

>> No.5338351

I invested 310 I now have 205 it's slowing going to stop at 80 or something like that I fear

Maybe I should just cut loses and bet it all in a quick 50/50 bet

After all that's all it was

>> No.5338356

1000*1000=1 000 000

>> No.5338368

why LARP? even someone worth like $400,000,000 wouldn't be overly happy about losing 5% of their net worth

>> No.5338434

not really. nobody with this kind of money in crypto is thinking about the short term.

>> No.5338482

ya honestly im still up huge over the last month so .. even if btc goes to 5k i'll be fine.

1k and i'll be a little sad, but it'll recover.

>> No.5338539

Get an annuity 25% and a good hedge fund 30% followed by holding some silver 15% and land 15%, you'll be good. Use the rest for initial big ticket items and the rest on small expenditures or immediate cash.

>> No.5338572

Happened around March/April if I remember. This time I Bought some cheap meme coin ripple. Only one not getting wrecked. Should I sell it for cheap etherem?

>> No.5338617
File: 52 KB, 603x762, AEDE868E-0BB1-466A-B324-4F781B78931C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y u say dis?!

>> No.5338627

You have no fucking idea what you're talking about. Please, nobody listen to this retard

>> No.5338654

Sounds good. I promise I’ll start taking profit after this correction is over!

>> No.5338697


>> No.5338729

I just sold 75% of my coins
The crash will now officially end, you're all welcome

>> No.5338733

I feel sick, i literally lost half my value from november/december
Its dropping so far its like why even bother truing to sell today

>> No.5338764


I'm honestly waiting to scope up some cheap alts

>> No.5338784

Whoever is not buying BZC right now is wasting money.

>> No.5338868

please bro , buy yourself a huracan performante and piss on some 10/10 russian models face for me , ill see you in the heavens next year hopefully

>> No.5338870

Hey if you're so rich why don't you do something about net neutrality

>> No.5338905
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Bears are a lot more predictable and less stressful than bulls.
Bulls can be so completely retarded that they cause gigantic spikes just off a whistle blow and stupid corrections.

>> No.5338908

I'm actually happy. It was bound to happen.
t. oldfag who sold everything in 2015

>> No.5338912

Can anyone help please I am trying to withdraw from coinbase but it says I need to add a bank account but it doesn't show me where to do that

I only had to add my card to deposit so egg do they want me to add an account

>> No.5338930

Risking money that you can't lose is always a bad idea. Stay disciplined, only gamble with money that you don't need, and build up over time. And most importantly, don't lose money, even if it means you miss out on some gains. Avoiding drawdown is key.

>> No.5339009

thats how they get ya, you can't add an account, they get you to invest knowing full well you'll never be able to withdraw

you got played kid, school of hard knocks

>> No.5339020
File: 512 KB, 652x624, Screen Shot 2017-12-22 at 8.50.00 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I feel sick, i literally lost half my value from november/december
>Its dropping so far its like why even bother truing to sell today

Guys, it is either just a dip or the real crash. You can only know after Rey kills Ren.

>> No.5339066

That's the bagholder mentality. I'd rather take the money and run.

>> No.5339076

Like what?

>> No.5339105

How the fuck do you not lose money when btc drops 35% in a day

>> No.5339106

Okay I’m going to. It’s just im still so cheap and have had the same gf since I was poor

>> No.5339259

i'm in this boat too

>> No.5339274

send it to this address, it will generate a new wallet for you that can be linked with bank accounts

>> No.5339291
File: 44 KB, 316x480, ABF4DE60-F68E-4D6D-B4CC-A74157DD28D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve sold nothing and I’m at the gym

We’re all gonna make it bros

>> No.5339298
File: 150 KB, 1080x1920, tmp_29803-Screenshot_20171222-025639-1421680931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stay strong brother's. We're gonna make it.

For reference I'm all in at ~$115k

>> No.5339310

>not hedging across multiple levels for multiple scenarios of life
Hedge funds are for whales who don't feel like watching their trades anymore, annuities-- granted I slipped and put it way too high. Silver is great right now, cheaper than it was 5 years ago, and goes up whenever people start to shit brix about fiat. Land is a no brainer, just do the research on what to buy. Alternatively throw out the annuity and put more into owning real estate like apartment complexes, but that's a bitch and a half to deal with tenants all the time unless you hire employees to do it for you, or flip

>Buy apartments
>Decide on a reasonable return
>Use Excel to calculate optimal holding time
>Sells at optimal holding time
>make 10-20% on my investments every year for a certain amount of time.
>sells when marginal return < my desired return
>buy more. borrow more.
>shows bank you know your shit
>negotiate rates at basically LIBOR
>look at market fluctuations in residential/office/industry complexes
>get in at right time

>> No.5339331

M = 1,000
MM = 1,000*1,000

>> No.5339384

The neat thing, when you're rich you get to have a wife and multiple girlfriends when you're up front with them. They know your the alpha provider now, don't let them control you ever.

>> No.5339433

hello? maybe holding bags the are not evidently retarded like BTC BCH and co? Nobody buying those shitcoins back.

>> No.5339476

Buy bch, join the flippening

>> No.5339595
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>not even 20% losses

>> No.5339796
File: 108 KB, 640x480, 1465596388661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lost what I made in the past week
>the past week of doing absolutely nothing
Easy come, easy go. Panicking doesn't help anything.

>> No.5339906

It's weird but.. I'm a BTC hodler of about 25% of my portfolio and yet I feel like I kinda want this to crash.

I just think all the greedy behavior inside are making myopic decisions. The Coinbase greedy move of insider trading and listing a scam coin was the pinnacle of illustrating that we're in a bubble.

>> No.5340116

Feel nothing? I'm fucking GIDDY!

Pulled out 30k in cash and 15k in gold long before this shitstorm started, not holding any coin with any value TO lose.

When Bitbean, dogecoin, and all the literal meme coins go up 50-100% . . . that's literally the last step before the dump. Nothing retains value in a dump like something already at rock bottom. Who cares how bitcoin drops when the dump causes the bitbeans you bought with the bitcoins you didnt dump to get you earn back all the bitcoin you dumped to cause the crash in the first place.

>> No.5340127

Tell him to sell.

>> No.5340188

kek, indeed

>> No.5340222
File: 178 KB, 1242x2208, Photo Dec 22, 1 25 15 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything that wasnt ripple literally ripped

>> No.5340278

>take the money and run
That's what he was suggesting :)

>> No.5340286
File: 590 KB, 1291x674, crypto_apocalypse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same :D

>> No.5340411

You have to be retarded to sell at the slightest correction, most of the shit in ICO this year will have its first products in the coming months, we are going to be a probably a 5 or 7 trillions market by 2020.

>> No.5340504

My logic exactly. So what if it all goes to shit and I'm still poorfag with years of debt and the prospect of a 1 million dollar mortgage just to buy a house within 50kms of the city I work in. This crypto shit is like an absurd glitch in the matrix and I'm going to try to exploit it until I either make it or wake up one day to find a balance of 0 on my portfolio.

>> No.5340541

You took the words from my brain.

its like well its either im fucked or less fucked but this shit could work

>> No.5340589

I bought some bitcoin on kekbase when it was at 13k the last time. I've lost $10 so far

>> No.5340607

I just sold off my literal shitcoins like XVG and put it in less shit shitcoins like FUN and REQ. I don't feel it's something to panic about but it feels shitty all the same

>> No.5340704

THis is not the end. We're going to ~5K USD

>> No.5340882
File: 396 KB, 394x417, sdfgbsbns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daddy just went to get some cigarettes

>> No.5340941
File: 8 KB, 284x177, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You son have balls as awesome as mine! Stand next to me against this Xmas boomer sell off

>> No.5341065

man I can wait for McAfee to eat his dick man.

>> No.5341506

The CIA really wants it to happen so it will. He might call it off from a fork though. Rightfully can with this bcash insider trading

>> No.5341591
File: 183 KB, 500x334, ten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daddy just hit the gym

>> No.5341727


Your photoshop skills are not that good mate. Improve yourself on shadow layers.

ps: Kys faggot larper

>> No.5341889

I only started in nov with two eth and 3 ltc

Down to 3 eth

Didn't invest much to feel anything

>> No.5342046

not when taking the money entails 30%+ tax on mid 8-figures, i have enough money in this to not care about short term ups and downs, and id sooner lose it to the market than the irs

>> No.5342335

My thoughts exactly

>> No.5343091
File: 511 KB, 482x599, D31DF334-1132-4E70-A4C9-213189A9F2DE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Dogecoin went up 50% I bought a Nintendo

>> No.5343288
File: 153 KB, 1280x720, [Coalgirls]_Hunter_X_Hunter_139_(1280x720_Blu-ray_FLAC)_[153F10A9].mkv_snapshot_21.50_[2017.03.18_10.30.02] edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IOTA is already back to where I bought it.

>> No.5343945
File: 240 KB, 1218x949, F6026F22-22A9-4E94-BAE5-CAD5F3680BF4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We’re gonna make it anon