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53348411 No.53348411 [Reply] [Original]

What’s the point of anything

>> No.53348423

To fill your heart with love
To think of others, to be their rock

>> No.53348447

that's for you to decide.

>> No.53348484

Purpose... You have to find a purpose. Every.Fucking.Time

>> No.53348490

To Glorify God and to know His word. To be assured that this life is not the end if you receive it. This world will pass away, but Gods word is everlasting, . Everything that is not for the glorification of God is vanity.

>> No.53348596
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There is no purpose to anything. You just pump your dopamine receptors occasionally while the world slowly dies around us.

>> No.53348615

To experience life and human relationships, to create the next generation and to alleviate the human condition for the future of people by contributing to society and raising children to excel past yourself.

But now everything feels meaningless and worthless, deteriorating and hopeless. Every once in a while I feel how a human is suppose to feel, but it's lost in a insurmountable depression and numbness.

>> No.53348652
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''I don't know the meaning of life, so let's ruin my existence by being depressed about it''. Stop having an existential crisis on /biz/, faggot. Just make money and stop being an angsty teenager.

>> No.53348676

Thats what happens when you exclude God. The days are evil, the people turned away from God. The deepstate is run by satanic cabal and so is the world government. Keep the faith trust in the LORD

>> No.53348705

To increase entropy.

The whole universe is working toward that 'goal'. As living things, we increase it ultimately and globally by decreasing it temporarily and locally.

>> No.53348986

yes entropy....there was nothing at all then the big bang happened...trust me bros it was nature that created nature!!

>> No.53349033

>it was nature that created nature!!
makes sense to me

>> No.53349598

You seem not to comprehend the notion of a singularity. It has nothing to do with physical 'big bangs'.

>> No.53350230

your only purpose is to be the laughing stock of god that is all. you suffer for his amusement just as you feel happy for his amusement sake