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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53348166 No.53348166 [Reply] [Original]

Palm trees flashed past the airplane window as we landed heavily in George Town. Making our way through the winding, scorched streets, we were still far from our destination when the crowds started to thicken.
People of all ages, colours and creeds milled through the dusty streets, all moving inexorably in the same direction. Cripples, the elderly, the sick. Old men pushed wheelchairs, young children led their mothers as they hobbled along.
By the time we reached the street that had Cayman Mani/Pedi, the crowd was a roiling mass. What had been a loud murmur of anticipation suddenly dropped silent as HE stepped out of the salon, blue plaid glimmering in the blazing noon sun.
Despite all having suffered in the heat to get there, a sudden nervous hush stilled the crowd. Nobody moved. Nobody except for one man.
Slowly stepping from the masses, wrapped in a filthy shawl that covered his features, one man moved up the stairs at the foot of the salon.
"Master" he cried, prostrating himself on the dirty steps "my phimosis is intolerable, please! Master, please!"
The Master smiled beatifically, and took one step toward the cowering, shivering man. His huge grey New Balances made no sound as he moved. The crowd was absolutely silent in anticipation.
The Master spoke:
>The addressable market for smart contracts is quadrillions of dollars
he murmured
>It's the same slides!
the crowd roared as one
>My phimosis is cured! Part of my cock just fell off!
cried the cripple
The crowd went berserk. All knew the miracle they had just witnessed.

>> No.53348185
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>> No.53348213
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>*btfos your live savings*

>> No.53348274
File: 122 KB, 1170x1005, E049CABC-F8FF-4C31-B412-0544C96440F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your dreams and pisses on chainshitter bagholders*

Nothing personal marine

>> No.53348782

>immediately triggered and using multiple ids
awww come on lil guy
its just a bit of banter
aren't you having fun anymore?