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5334670 No.5334670 [Reply] [Original]

I’m getting shaky hands, anon. Tell me, help me, do something the keep me strong. Been in the game a long time but I’m uneasy, getting older and less brave
>need to hodl
>post songs or motivationals

Thanks for being here through it all, you faggots. I love you.

>> No.5334705

this is bad

>> No.5334711


>> No.5334764

oh wait, wrong one, here


>> No.5334870

Should have treated it like gambling, any money you put in is already gone. Put it away for awhile and leave it there, come back and maybe it will be worth something again

>> No.5334983

>need to hodl
Why? preserve your fiat value you literal retards and stop regurgitating reddit memes.

Welcome to bear market

>> No.5335167
File: 1.12 MB, 268x200, 2ECC47D9-D772-41C2-A958-B87545D28E07.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you hodl you lose
>mfw I lost to the first, solidified my foxhole with the second

You’re my melanin-enriched friend.

>helps that I had an auto sell for Ripple at a 25% margin but still. I refuse to lose money.
>only big 3 left is 1.04ETH, gonna watch in curiousity like a pet tarantula

I feel...

>> No.5335204


holding is a giant meme. just fucking sell and buy it for less later on.

>> No.5335365
File: 1.77 MB, 500x277, 1796D3CF-8E06-4568-B225-48B6F9F41B8A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m cool, bro. Up 10% actually. Saw this rumbling, ate a big bag of dicks on btc transfers and rolled it into ripple and added to stellar. Actually up but by the hair of my chinny chin chin. Now my only real shaky hodl is how much of ripple vs. xlm to change over and buy again at bottom, or should I sit? Anxiety, bro. I’m conflicted on btc, loyal to xlm, dubious on ripple. Also have faggot majority of wealth making a measly 8% annum on a stable growth fund in the normie stock market (I don’t fuck with day trading on that bullshit) but you know