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File: 30 KB, 485x389, staking1-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53345043 No.53345043 [Reply] [Original]

Sir Gay Nastyslob edition

>> No.53345085
File: 7 KB, 231x218, 798498432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>down -310k from his ATH
>brags about $240 in rewards
This is the new form of FinDom Lincucks are fapping to

>> No.53345113

Hey you updated the number in the fud now. Btw this format is epic, thanks for dropping by each time :)

>> No.53345564
File: 193 KB, 1755x1061, cuckedfuddert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53345579


>> No.53345587
File: 1.56 MB, 1399x1622, 1673949343938573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>immediately enters a staking thread and starts talking about findom and fapping
What IS the relationship between crippling porn habits and being a neverlinker?

>> No.53345592

>schizophrenic now believes every laughing pepe on 4channel is the same poster
I can just imagine a fat neckbeard chuckling behind his computer thinking he's outsmarting people

>> No.53345610

Holy fuck that is hilarious

>> No.53345613

dude you really are ruining the whole culture of this sub. please stop posting this shit, no crossposting or any of this shitty archive search. just shitpost and enjoy your stay.

>> No.53345616
File: 375 KB, 360x203, 3DFA7A47-41A6-4253-9B39-8898FF6A3EAB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has been a terrible week for fudders

>> No.53345626

Anotha day anotha link. nostakers continue to seethe. We live stack daily stinks while spending our BUILD shitcoins. Future kings.

>> No.53345649

>retard cuck doesnt know we can track him
oh no no no no it all crumbling down!
still whining about your crush because she didnt want you?
oh no poor you!

>> No.53345653

>if you search an image hash to make fun of a lolcow you must be a redditor
Just go back to yourbrainonporn you retarded coomer faggot lmao

>> No.53345671
File: 2.73 MB, 6328x3500, Cripplecock1resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but wait there is more

>> No.53345714
File: 1.62 MB, 3247x1014, lotsofFUD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some of these mentally ill coomer FUDcucks think they are fighting the WEF or some shit kek.

>> No.53345719

She must have rejected him because he's a phimosissy
But don't worry, according to him he has sex with so many women all the time now that he meets in his bedroom while he's screeching about "chainshitters" on biz all day every day

>> No.53345720
File: 804 KB, 674x658, 546553664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm married lol. Link cucks project their virginity on everybody else

The cherry on top of the cake? You won't have sex even if Link reaches $1000

>> No.53345738

its a coomer with a crippled nonfunctional penis.
probably a butchered circumcision.
>I'm married lol
to a Man maybe lmao.
also you sound triggered, care to explain why? do you feel hurt now?
oh no! poor you!

>> No.53345745

ok, so you know what will happen now? You just made us stop using images. Happy now you retards?

>> No.53345766


>> No.53345781
File: 17 KB, 425x283, ab8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit my sides are in orbit right now
Its not hard for linkchads to win when all their enemies are fucking losers apparently KEK

>> No.53345806

literally all of them, found another one who admitted on /adv/ to being an incel loser.
Goes into the next Cringe compilation.

>> No.53345842

another day of the same exact thread by the same exact 2 people literally employed by CLL shitting up the board

>> No.53345853

there is also lots of overlap with /pol/ and /r9k/

>> No.53345894

thread got really quiet all of a sudden, whats the problem FUDcucks?
are you scared?
emergency meeting in the Discord?

>> No.53345906

>"y-you guys are paid by chainlink to do this"
Thanks for correcting the record

>> No.53345930

At least it is more entertaining than the usual chainlink shilling.
I’m enjoying this saga compared to the usual blaming of btc whales/international cabals/etc.

>> No.53346010
File: 304 KB, 3734x559, trannyfaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found another one, he masturbates to trannies and fantasizes about them.


>> No.53346161
File: 40 KB, 735x413, 59883F73-59D4-48E6-9A97-7196FC7E23DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I actually feel bad for them now.

>> No.53346164

I mean it makes sense that he would have trooner coomer fantasies from the dysphoria he gets when he looks in the mirror and sees a mystery meat manlet with a munted penis
Phimosissy, why are you so quiet?

>> No.53346322

Why are you making these threads and why are you excited about less than $7 per day that you can't even access? If Chainlink's motto is Truth>Trust, why should you have to entirely trust them with your shitcoins?

Every 1% Chainlink goes down, you lose over two months worth of staking rewards. How does no one think this is all extremely retarded?

I'm saying this as someone who holds a lot of Link and has staked 7k

>> No.53346487

Cant speak for the op, but the reason I post my 1 staking thread vs the dozens of fudposts that will be made on that day is because 1 link = 1 link and its nice to get them

>If Chainlink's motto is Truth>Trust, why should you have to entirely trust them with your shitcoins?
Participating in the staking contract was completely optional though?

>> No.53346566

Because this is a LINK board and it's a fun little thread to do once a day. You don't need to open it or post if you're completely demoralized.

>> No.53346594

Are you warped Snapseed edit anon?

>> No.53346610

Thank you for fighting back against these freaks.

>> No.53346620


>> No.53346631

Not too sure who that is. Qrd?

>> No.53346637

How do we know that 1 Link = 1 Link even? How do we know how those tokens are even being "paid" to the stakers? And 1 Link from two years ago was a lot more valuable than 1 Link now. And 1 Link in staking rewards is literally worth nothing. You cannot use it or access it.

>> No.53346639

We both turned 40 today, Sir! Here' a toast to us!
Your wallet posts are fast becoming a daily temple for fudders. They come in droves, it's amazing!
Haven't got time to do my fancy wallet image today but I will tomorrow. God bless you.

>> No.53346671

Some guy posted the stake stack but had edited it so it was like it was viewed from an angle and colored differently. Seems you're not him. Thanks for posting your stack and calling out the fudders at least. Hilarious results from from fine investigative work kek

>> No.53346674

You are right. It’s this sort of acceptance that is destroying society right now.

>> No.53346678

How are you not demoralized? All that this technology has enabled is gay NFT projects and retarded Defi applications that are only viable in a completely unrealistic market with a bunch of retards gambling their stimulus checks.

The enterprise use cases mostly revolve around tracking the carbon footprint of people so that their behavior can be controlled.

I'd be happy to hear about what is keeping your morale high.

>> No.53346692

This must be the guy. Cheers anon. Looking forward to the LINK to come

>> No.53346734

Indians and third worlders seethe as we make 2,3,4x their african and pajeeted incomes in their disease infested slums, while at the bottom of the market. they know when things turn around we'll be making more than they could ever make in years, in a single week.

>> No.53346748
File: 61 KB, 460x493, 1638364157405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


By summoning all the dark FUD powers, I will infest the spirit of linkies so that they use their tokens and capital to destroy their overlords. What havok and rage... Turn linkies against their masters. Shorting and prolonged bear markets shall prevail, and linkies who did not heed my warnings shall pay the ultimate price. While the Schwablords powers fade, MINE will flourish! Linkies will never inherit MY domain, for I am making the marines MINE! Linkies will soon understand and come to desire MY magic. It IS inevitable! You shall see... By this dark determination I swear, by this BLUE CROWN (hexagon) the source of all my dark power, SO BE IT... now... AND FOOOREVERRR!

>> No.53346758

>How do we know that 1 Link = 1 Link even?
... what even is this question
>How do we know how those tokens are even being "paid" to the stakers?
Because the rewards indicate the payout that will be released later?
>And 1 Link from two years ago was a lot more valuable than 1 Link now.
And 1 link now is worth a lot more than 1 link from 2018
>And 1 Link in staking rewards is literally worth nothing.
But 1 link = 1 link
>You cannot use it or access it.
Well its a good thing that I understood and agreed to those terms with the understanding that this was a low time preference decision?

>> No.53346763

Still significantly up on initial investment. Still the overall best poised project in the space. If enterprise/global Blockchain adoption is to ever happen, I anticipate CL has a piece of the pie. CCIP and the enhanced staking versions may guarantee this. Also Vitalik and Ari cowriting new research is a promising signal from a big picture perspective.

Fundamentally nothing has changed except price which I've been through multiple times before. Have been holding and periodically stacking since 2017.

>> No.53346789

I actually applied and got rejected lmao

>> No.53346804

OH. I do know the one you're talking about. Ive seen some claims of 3-4 whole wallets staked which would have been cool, but I wanted to keep some of my stack free in case of an irl emergency

>> No.53346852

Yes, a lot has changed in that it has been demonstrated that 90% of the "features" released are nonsense or eternally pushed back from being released:
>Clockwork Finance
>Enterprise use cases

I'm sure I could name more if I think about it.

The question is, where can we see the backend functionality of this staking agreement that shows that there is actually some sort of wallet where each user's total is separated and that those tokens are specifically "owned" by that user in some way and that it all isn't just numbers on a screen. Just like $1 in your account on FTX wasn't really $1.

1 Link displayed through some UI isn't the same as a Link I have in a wallet that I can use, transfer, or know that I actually own.

>> No.53346876
File: 272 KB, 508x450, LINK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> August 2020
> https://coinmarketcap.com/historical/20200815/
> Sell 7,000 LINK for ~300 ETH
> Stake ETH in December 2020
> Current ETH value $460,000
> Current ETH staked rewards, 32 ETH = ~$50,000

>> No.53346905

Your questions are kind of weird considering that you said you staked 7k, fellow staker. Do you not understand how the contract works?

>> No.53346939

Jesus fucking christ. The staked ETH rewards are worth more than his whole LINK stack. I am assuming you did 5%, the rewards were higher in the first several months because there was a lot less ETH staked.

>> No.53346999

Lost out on half a million holding on to a biz meme token kek

>> No.53347028

I don't. Do you?

>> No.53347122
File: 41 KB, 798x644, EfXCE01UYAA8csO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fudders have no life, what drives someone to spend all day fudding
>meanwhile im literally on /biz/ 18 hours a day white knighting for scamserg
>im spending my whole day looking through archives so i can reply to every fudder bulgarian
Fuddies and baggies are both fucking losers. Maybe if you guys had a job you wouldnt have to obsess over a shitcoin all day

>> No.53347202
File: 223 KB, 3618x661, LINKfudderjerksofftoniggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im spending my whole day looking through archives
took me about 2 minutes. now go and jerk off some more to niggers.

>> No.53347207

Do you understand what smart contracts are?
This (and the other associated contracts in this project) defines the functionality for staking.

Here is the actual deployed contract

Feel free to play around and enter info into the "Read" contract if you're paranoid. Or read the contract code yourself.

>> No.53347287

Cheers. I was going to write something kind of like this in response. I wonder if he will insist that it hasnt been explained to his satisfaction and is therefore a scam.

>> No.53347347

>youre the same guy if you use the same image
Just search cringe pepe on google images LMAO
Now take your meds and go outside your shitcoin bags will still be here when you get back

>> No.53347404

>FUDcuck damage control

>> No.53347412
File: 70 KB, 333x337, linkie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i did 5%, it was 7% when staking launched and even rounded down to 300 ETH.
yeah, the guy would probably be set for life. now he's bragging about $200 rewards which isn't even to buy groceries

>> No.53347608

>the same exact filename and similar writing styles are a complete coincidence i swear
Phimosissy still hasnt come back, wonder if he killed himself

>> No.53347749

>just predict the future bro

>> No.53347772
File: 311 KB, 1718x878, Screen Shot 2023-01-20 at 6.51.37 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These two paragraphs are the most Sergey has every said about the fact we are going to be obscenely wealthy.

>> No.53347902

Why would Sergey care about the price anyway? He's already made hundreds of millions dumping on baggies and the only thing he cares about now is setting up with the Devis crowd since he probably doesn't even think about $$$ anymore, just his social score.

>> No.53347923

idk why he would care, anon, but he does. All Chainlink customers, of which there are thousands, either need to market buy LINK or they can pay in any other token, for a premium, that is then used on the backend to market buy LINK.
I'm gonna start looking at AUDI RS6s again, I think it's time.

>> No.53347944

>hundreds of millions
His net worth is over 1.5 billion dollars, if I remember right.

>> No.53347970

Fudders are actually cucks LMAOOOO

>> No.53348256

This looks like a bunch of getter functions to read values...

>> No.53348337

Where is the data for the merkle proofs of this contract stored? (i.e. where is the array of accounts that must be checked to even ensure that the staking accounts are all properly accounted for)? Surely it is on some centralized server somewhere as it is not onchain.

I wonder what would happen were that full tree or even array of accounts to be corrupted.

>> No.53348395

Interestingly there are functions to withdraw. Has anyone messed around with trying to call those functions locally?

>> No.53348434

event RewardWithdrawn(uint256 amount);
/// @notice emitted when an on feed operator gets slashed.
/// Node operators are not slashed more than the amount of rewards they
/// have earned. This means that a node operator that has not
/// accumulated at least two weeks of rewards will be slashed
/// less than an operator that has accumulated at least
/// two weeks of rewards.

>Two more weeks

>> No.53348492

function hasAccess(address staker, bytes32[] calldata proof)
returns (bool);

/// @notice This function is called to update the staking allowlist in a private staking pool
/// @dev Only callable by the contract owner
/// @param newMerkleRoot Merkle Tree root, used to prove access for community stakers
/// will be required at start but can be removed at any time by the owner when
/// staking access will be granted to the public.

Truth>Trust amirite?

>> No.53348505

Where is the allowlist stored? Where is the "Proof of Allowance" or some other "Proof Of" nonsense?

>> No.53348700

Comfy read thanks for sharing

>> No.53349423
File: 217 KB, 232x198, 1638177493312.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NOOOO you cant just reveal faggot neverlinkers to be the obsessed dick mutilating cucks that they are!!!

>> No.53349609

I see no one addressing any of this.

>> No.53351198

Seems like it
It literally is on chain. Read the contract code itself, though admittedly Solidity isn't exactly easy to follow if you have minimal prior experience with it, even if you had prior exposure to software development in general. But before you do that yourself, where do you think the data for the staking pool/all the stakers is saved? You think Chainlink Labs is running an elaborate prank to steal LINK tokens? Genuinely curious what your doubt is here because it's a tad confusing. From the complexity of the code itself, the staking contract is clearly not just a slush pool of funds that CLL is taking and pulling an FTX with, with backend accounting on a private server.

To help answer your questions at least, since you didn't look into the GitHub code the first time it seems (or didn't bother to look at any of the other contracts in that project) see the StakingPoolLib contract

See line 127.
In the staking contract I posted earlier, a pool struct is initialized from this library contract. As you can see here, each pool struct contains a mapping of addresses --> stakers (which itself is an onchain structure that contains your staked amount).

Curious, are you at all familiar with Ethereum smart contracts/defi? Not even as a developer but just like have you ever interacted with one or looked at the functions on eth explorer or looked at solidity before?

>> No.53351337

I have no idea how do read any of this nerd shit lol

>> No.53351438

My dear low IQ fren, this was to remove early access/set the initial pool to open access. Prease understandu

>> No.53352943

>doesn't understand image hash