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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53344957 No.53344957 [Reply] [Original]

reputable news just got out of oven yet I hear no one only crickets


so basically it was disgruntled ex worker spreading lies. anyone else feeling comfy getting that sweet %5 apy?

>> No.53344990
File: 12 KB, 500x396, 1673800745864850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the equivalent of Qtards waiting for Biden to get arrested.

2 more weeks and NEXO will go insolvent
Trust the plan marine

>> No.53345037

>nooooooo I'm telling you the nexo bulgarians are behind the fud nooooooooooo

>> No.53345051

>reputable news

>> No.53345089

Nexo offices were literally raided and 4 people have been arrested

>> No.53345093
File: 95 KB, 2003x1074, cojima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nexo damage control got out in front of this one fast.
That article barely even denies what is being alleged, just that Bill Ackman trashed Herbalife while shorting it so it's fine dude chill the police raid on our office was like just a big misunderstanding.

>According to a Nexo spokesperson, Shulev is merely a “disgruntled ex-employee” who has “no knowledge of the company’s operations.” He is merely “retelling some FUD he read online.”
Everyone please notice that they are directly acknowledging that the email is genuine, Georgi Shulev wrote it. But he got that information from the internet (us) so therefore it is FUD.

>> No.53345111

Not sure if 4d fud or not but clearly english no is first language

>> No.53345135
File: 116 KB, 678x376, 5437354543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NEXO offices were raided
>Link crashes
Lol lmao even

>> No.53345199

pretty irony looking at you're English, would you say?

>> No.53345249

More reputable than "bestbroker" you idiot monkey brian

>> No.53345275


>> No.53345314

resort in questioning me instead of address the news huh? would you looking at that...tells you wonders really

>> No.53345316

I got spooked by the linkcels late 2021 and took out majority, now I only make like .70 a day and I can’t top up anymore.
Feels bad man

>> No.53345347

You didn't get the news? You are not being paid anymore. Why shill for free?

>> No.53345362

Im the one who originally posted this. Its Cleary a fake site, they acknowledge the email is real, retard.

>> No.53345367

>nexo broke!!
>nexo no long having money!!
yet here I am use your brian once my idiot friend

>> No.53345393

go back to mummy baby leave men do the talk

>> No.53345413

Retard. Do you even know where the site was pulled from? Dont steal my shit faggot fudder.

>> No.53345416
File: 223 KB, 1200x948, 1672498586462135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT Chainshitters nervously waiting for their erc-20 token to pump

>> No.53345425

Blody basterd bitch you want to say what to my face!!

>> No.53345446

>tells you wonders really
>monkey brian

Your website has like 1 or 2 views per article my dude, and the article you linked was basically an opinion piece that didnt deboonk anything

You're comically shit at this. I insist that you continue because it's that funny.

>> No.53345449

>use your brian
Not your keys not your cheese. Good luck retrieving your funds from bulgaria. Kekekekek

>> No.53345490

He took my post.


Its a fake website made by a bunch of Russians. They also dont disute the legitimacy of the email too.

>> No.53345515

aww baby want candy? go somewhere else baby here grownup only

not my website idiot who said anything about that?? why you mad about article? perhaps you want it to be true so that you justif your holding of link?

>> No.53345691

This just gets funnier and funnier. So 'Bitcoin Warrior' (kek) reports that Shulev only alleged these things because he was a disgruntled ex-employee. That's priceless. As if a successful businessman and the son of the former Deputy Prime Minister is going to leave himself wide open to a massive libel lawsuit because he was 'disgruntled'.
Oh my days, this just gets better and better, this story. Nexo are so fucked and I need to get more popcorn.

>> No.53345722

what? go out with this mumbo jumbo shit. its like I show you the sun and you claiming its moon?? how can some be this blind?

>> No.53345767
File: 233 KB, 606x588, 47643553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are Chainshitters the most delusional baggies on 4channel?

They reek so much desperation and rage

>> No.53345943

Why so blind angry at nexo guys??? We dont can short or lieing to police

>> No.53345965

Based Bulgarian

NEXO did nothing wrong

>> No.53345970

Anon, if you're trolling right now or doing this ironically you're doing a good job and you deserve my (you)s. Your esl larp is convincing.

>> No.53345972

cool, did FTX going under solve anything? Sergey colluded with all these bad actors. He doesn't shit on Robinhood anymore for a reason.

>> No.53346052

the real questions is how much you get paid per hour for trying to make me give my shekels away you level 1 support agent

>> No.53346094

>monkey brain
>maĭmunski mozŭk

Bulgarian damage control Ops confirmed

>> No.53346129

pmsl whoever is running this damage limitation exercise over there in Bulgaria needs to pull these two clowns off quick and get some people who can speak English...Oh God i've actually got tears in my eyes this is so wonderful. What are we witnessing here.
"its like I show you the sun and you claiming its moon" lolololol can you sell me some fertilizer as well?

>> No.53346214

noticing how the threading change to speculate about me instead of article linked? almost liking these guys dont want discussion about it. no one is larger than bread. the lies legs are short.

>> No.53346254

aww don't say it's a larp i was enjoying it so much.
does seem a bit too good to be true though lol. if nothing else it really made me laugh oh lord

>> No.53346265


>> No.53346289

okay Borat you're over-egging the pudding now lol
Thanks for the lolz though

>> No.53347425

Nexo never scammed anybody. All of its users were paid out their apy and were able to withdraw when they wished
Meanwhile chainlink is 90% premined, completely subsidized on the backs of bag holders which sergey ruthlessly dumps on. Its average holder is down 90%, sergey never delivers anything and constantly breaks promises and backpedals. Link holders have less rights and protections then nexo depositers.
>the team owe you nothing