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File: 135 KB, 720x1279, 20230119_074018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53343818 No.53343818 [Reply] [Original]

Homeless edition

Just a side note, NCT is strictly my "shitcoin casino" choice. Its literally pajeet tier

>> No.53343852

also have $120 in gala and $33 (illuminati insider here) in the internet computer but I'm a phone fag

>> No.53343865

Your portfolio sucks. no eth? no bit? are you retarded? you have VC sham solana? ngmi.

>> No.53344090

im still in cash. i don't have any faith in this rally at all. i'd rather just be happy with my measily 20k and wait for a huge crash or an uncontested bullrun.

>> No.53344117

I sold the rally, this is what I bought about 6-10 hours ago after that little crash settled down and we crabbed again

Then morning came and boomer stocks opened

>> No.53344151

eth and btc are big boy profits only. One of my trash top 20 is more likely to go +%25 randomly than eth. Least that's what I'm putting my money on

What is bit? I already own a pajeet coin

>> No.53344212
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>huge crash
anything is possible but this seems highly unlikely. Odds we are at the beginning of a new 4 year cycle. This pump is potential evidence of that as sellers are exhausted and only buyers remain. You are right to be skeptical, as there is little chance we see $60k BTC this year, or even next year, lots of people don't realize this. Odds are we drop down back to 16k and crab for a while with the overall trend being up, but slowly. There has already been at least 2 major capitulation events, the initial selloff, and the FTX collapse. For BTC to drop down to $10k would require another major event like that, possibly another pandemic out of no where or Binance and Coinbase also going under.

tl;dr, I would at least dip my toe in the water and DCA in small amounts over the next few weeks/months. But I would not hold my breath waiting for another major capitulation. 20k is a nice chunk of cash.

drop everything but Cosmos.

>> No.53344297

to be honest. i was never gonna wait for 10k. i at least knew enough to front run before 10k. Unfortunately everyone had the same idea. i was gonna wait for maybe 13k or possibly 14k. I missed 15k. when it was about 16k i felt, hey the price between 14k and 16k is agreeable, but im not comfortable buying yet, cause IRL reasons. I almost bought at 18k. Now it seems to be hitting some resistance. I'm gonna wait here, which ever way it goes I will take advantage of it. If we even see 17k or a major dip im gonna buy. sadly i bet everyone is thinking that too. just based on my "wait for 14k" retardation.

yeah one thing i agree is we will continue crabbing. I will perhaps follow >>53344212 and start my DCA. 500-1500 a week i suppose.

>> No.53344394
File: 186 KB, 1080x2074, Screenshot_20230119_082635_CoinGecko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shooting for $150k EOY 2024

>> No.53344464

Sir you aren't supposed to hold 80% shitcoin
>drop everything but Cosmos.
Even GRT and EOS?
Also agreed on price points. Even the hyped up alphabet agents raiding a crypto exchange yesterday only knocked it down $750

>> No.53344513
File: 61 KB, 960x488, Screenshot 2023-01-19 113508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EOS is an ETH competitor and also a relic from 2018 which only did 50% of its previous ATH. You can make money off it in a bull market, but you can make money off of any coin in a bull market. Not worth holding IMO.

GRT is probably decent, I had some in 2021, not sure what the project is up to lately.

>> No.53344539
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Shit, no one show this anon my portfolio.

>> No.53344641
File: 2.86 MB, 4024x2312, 20230105_093805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the info fren.

I used to be more dyor tier in my first attempt at the tail end of 2018s run but:
I got older and lazier
I realized there will be no political solution or violent uprising
That goyim are cattle and if kikes didn't exist some other snake oil tribe would appear

That combination made me depressed but I came back with hopes that if I DCA the top 50 at my shitty retail job I'm bound to do well as normalfag hype builds

Thanks for reading my blog, the Bulgarians were the real kikes

>> No.53344669
File: 61 KB, 724x535, fundamentals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hoping for one of:
BTC going to a billy.
Rose going to a hundo.
Sylo going to a buck.
Dogbat somehow doing a shib.

>> No.53345594

You're NGMI. All in one of those. I'd reccomend SOL.

>> No.53345634

I'm not going all in a coin kike bankman shilled. Sol is equivalent to NCT on the scamwick scale except it has high volume

>> No.53345979
File: 10 KB, 225x225, images (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's how you be missing coz these /b/tards be fudding every token there is, just make a decision already and buy those big ones you done your research on.
I remember wen biz was against Eth merge and this caused dips and they said it was going to $500 now you see that ain't the case. They made me loose the chance of buying at $850 so I DCAd at $920 spread it to sylo liquidity mining of Uniswap Sushiswap, Curve Finance, and other protocols else I might just swing trade.

>> No.53346107

Rosechuds WGMI

>> No.53346293

>That's how you be missing coz these /b/tards be fudding every token there is,
>just make a decision already and buy those big ones you done your research on.
2017-2018 alt tokens never returned. bagheld forever
>I remember wen biz was against Eth merge and this caused dips and they said it was going to $500 now you see that ain't the case. They made me loose the chance of buying at $850 so I DCAd at $920 spread it to sylo liquidity mining of Uniswap Sushiswap, Curve Finance, and other protocols else I might just swing trade.
im familiar with those, but eh aren't they essentially just governance tokens?

>> No.53346307

>2000 dollars split on 10 or so coins
>Not a single one of them worthwhile

I guess this is as close to a 0 you can get, but at least you have 130 fiat dollars

>> No.53346404

you kinda got me sold.

here's what im feeling as far as alts.


this is just a shortlist of what i think could see some interest by next bullrun. but im still very weary about alts. i figure i should just stay on btc and eth.

and i dont like swing trading. i just wanna ride a pump and gtfo.

>> No.53346500

why do pajeets always use that
i have not seen a real person use this expression once its such a giveaway lmao

>> No.53347271

What is APY op?

>> No.53348622
File: 454 KB, 1080x1807, Screenshot_20230119-135904_CoinGecko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Added a couple new coins