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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53341951 No.53341951 [Reply] [Original]

>selling old android devices on facebook
>meet up with the buyer
>avg zoomer looking dude
>im thinking his gf probably sent him because fb profile was some chubby looking female
>zoomer gives me the $50 (price was $40)
>i give him the device
>zoomer eyes instantly lock on the devices screen
>asks me if everything works
>"yes, everything works"
>zoomer dude starts to walk away while still staring at the screen
>i even follow walking with him in the same direction for ~10 seconds
>he makes a sharp turn and enters his apartment building
>i continue walking to my car for another ~30 seconds thinking: "what is going on in the zoomer brains these days?"
>drive home
>his gf hits me up on fb, telling me that the price was $40
>i don't reply
>she continues to insult me over the $10
>promises to ruin my fb profile etc
>i don't reply
>~1 hour later...
>i get a new buyer for an item with 13 views that hasn't sold or peeked anyone's interest for the past ~2 weeks
>realize its the same zoomer pleb i just sold to (probably trying to meet up again)
>my best guess is that they are having a fight over the $10
>my fb account is for the marketplace business only (its a throwaway account)

before i delete the fb account i can reply to both of them, what do i tell them?

>> No.53342055

>what do i tell them?
Thanks for playing

>> No.53342073

was he mixed race? the average zoomer mulattoe is literally on the threshold of mental retardation. like, if they existed 50 years ago they would have been diagnosed with something and put on disability gibs.

>> No.53342090

Say you just delivered for the seller and thought it was a tip.

>> No.53342089


>> No.53342101

call the bf a cuck and then block then both and delete the acc

>> No.53342113


>> No.53342198

Just say "exact change only" and block them (or whatever, I have never used facebook)
They're freaking out over $10 because they're high/drunk/other; once it wears off, they will cool out

>> No.53342226

>and them block then

>> No.53342252

tell them you are part nigger so its only fair since they owe reparations for their ancestors slavery. if they are colored that maeks it even better, because you can say they have a small percent of white slave owner blood.

>> No.53342280


>> No.53342344


>> No.53342387

Do all of these and then post results back here tomorrow.
Personally I'd beat the living shit out of both of them with my men, but you probably don't have men for that neither are /fit/ enough to do it yourself without risking jail time.

>> No.53342536

im thinking of telling them both that the device i sold them may have had Spymax installed on it, its a mobile Remote Administration Tool (RAT) that enables an attacker to control victims’ devices through an Android malware.

make them both fight all over again (just for insulting and threatening me)

>> No.53342539
File: 135 KB, 657x527, 6962F823-90B5-49B4-8B54-6BDD6FBE5DCF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pump the new product price to $10 higher. Tell them you are sorry and you will give them $9.99 discount on new product

>> No.53342556

>unprovoked violence is cool and you're not projecting some rancid weakness at all

>> No.53342624

just enjoy your 10 dollars and get on with your life lol

>> No.53342632

Three mutts arguing over $10.

>> No.53342865

walking to my car is unprovoked violence? zoomie had like a good full minute to activate more neurons and run after me, he didn't.

survival of the fittest my nigga.

>> No.53342940

i've never seen a buyer more dead brain than what happened today.

must be some new type offspring zoomer breed i don't know much about.

>> No.53343013
File: 51 KB, 640x360, Misa_Amane_DNTV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell her she should stop harrassing/insulting you or you will report her to the police

>> No.53343032

Most pathetic larp ever.
Why would you even simply consider violently beating these kids when it's you who have been dishonest?

Also, being strong isn't a ride for free violence. It come with responsibilities. If you are lifting to crush the skull of random zoomies who did nothing to you, you are a coward and you need to be put down like the rabid dog you are.
>t. judo 1st dan + /fit/

>> No.53343053
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>> No.53343065

Never underestimate how poor and desperate and pathetic peoples lives are. Losers like that will kill for five bucks. Treat them like you would a crazy hooker. Better just give them the money so they fuck off. There is no way this will end up good for you if you try and fight them over ten bucks.

>> No.53343095

What point are you trying to make here?

>> No.53343121

>i donated the 10 dollars to blm, do you hate black people?

>> No.53343125

killing zoomers at random is unlikely to result in harming anything of value, especially when you adjust for the """"hispanic white"""" meme.

>> No.53343142
File: 191 KB, 500x560, 1CXA8lE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What point are you trying to make here?

>> No.53343758
File: 1.06 MB, 1608x850, 69.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, red the whole thread, how is this:

""Stop harassing and insulting me or I will report you to the police.
[Link to Katy Perry song] Lyrics go something like this:
"They know what is what
But they don't know what is what
They just strut
What the fuck?
Lay 'em up like
Swish, swish, bish
Another one in the basket Chorus:(Another one in the basket)"

Thanks for playing and watch out for Spymax!""

ill also post their replies.

>> No.53343871

Tell her that her boyfriend can suck your dick in front of her for the $10 back.

>> No.53344012


"sorry, no refunds"

>> No.53344037

Just give back the 10 dollars, are you a nigger? Or really that poor? kek

>> No.53344070

> Be millennial
> Have an awkward face-to-face encounter.
> Immediately go online and ask for advice from strangers on how to proceed.
> "what is going on in the millennial brains these days?"

>> No.53344107

Why are you shitting yourself?

>> No.53344158

nothing? who cares? it's facebook marketplace. now it's time for you to make a sale on craigslist.

>> No.53344199

would be even better if you fake a receipt

>> No.53344231

ignore them keep the money this will be a leason for the fags. the boyfriend that picked it up was a pussy for not confronting you and the fat bitch that needed the phone coulsnt waddle out of the apartment its their loss bro

>> No.53344250
File: 49 KB, 700x641, 1613196991548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people really care that much about $10?

>> No.53344364

im just trying to make full impact.. the final KO to monkey brained zoomers. it will also make me feel even more superior that in the future more zoomers money will enter my pockets, while im just gliding through the dumbest matrix.

and yes you can fuck off if you got no ideas worth sharing.

>> No.53344419
File: 516 KB, 652x562, zoomer in 2017.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be zoomer

>> No.53344432

Where do faggots like this come from? /biz/ is about business bitch nigger, OP made a free extra 10 bucks. Fuck off back to homoland with your (actual) poorfag attitude.

>> No.53344451

>you have dishonored the laws of this land for 10 bux and for crushing the skulls of random teenagers with your bare hands, I should slaughter you with my blade *unsheathes katana*

>> No.53344491

This is the answer kek.

>> No.53344504
File: 1.32 MB, 1067x1600, 1668148511135777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be a thief
>Take advantage of those who are weaker than me
>It is time for the epic 4chan thread

>> No.53344523

when they buy expensive shit they usully don't

but when they realize later(too late sometimes) the 20% they overpaid they can't help but

>> No.53344543


What a ridiculous situation...

>> No.53344558

>pay for something
>walk away without waiting/asking for change
>go into different building
zoomie's fault

>> No.53344737

>what do i tell them?
I be bussing with you 10 dollars, no cap, fr fr

>> No.53344777

>Personally I'd beat the living shit out of both of them with my men
Over ten bucks? How Jewish are you?

>> No.53344801
File: 520 KB, 569x705, 1672240897919356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a prey animal aren't you?
As a zoomer I'd give you the 50 bucks just to be cool, seems his hole is having a hissy fit and male zoomer doesn't give a fuck.
Imagine having to listen to a women.

>> No.53344833

>Also, being strong isn't a ride for free violence. It come with responsibilities. If you are lifting to crush the skull of random zoomies who did nothing to you, you are a coward and you need to be put down like the rabid dog you are.
>>t. judo 1st dan + /fit/
Yeah, and? It's gonna be funny when you fags get invaded.

>> No.53344847

>this retarded blog gets 50 replies but my well thought out ATM thread gets archived with 8 replies

>> No.53344863

Fight them over ten bucks.
Imagine getting bitchy over ten bucks.
For once OP isn't being a faggot, that zoomers gf is a faggot.
>Ten bucks.
Pure nickel and dime shit.

>> No.53344890

>killing zoomers at random
I doubt you ever been in a fight.
>Muh zoomer!
If you're under 30 you're a zoomer.

>> No.53344902

>I doubt you ever been in a fight.
i killed several people in afghanistan.
>If you're under 30 you're a zoomer.
i'm 33.

>> No.53344918
File: 106 KB, 757x720, CsXBYKCWYAAe9QZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my men

>> No.53344932

>One dude.
>Blanket statements a whole generation.
How fat and ugly are you?
What is going on in your trailer park?
All this for ten buck? Jesus you mutts are high strung.

>> No.53344975

>killed several people in afghanistan.
No you didn't.
>i'm 33.
Oh wow, so old and mature you are, zoomer.

>> No.53345009
File: 93 KB, 700x500, jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao holy shit

Reply some version of pic related

>> No.53345073
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>> No.53345109

doctor pavelheer

>> No.53345133

anons man here, he's good at beating shit out so watch it guys

>> No.53345152
File: 36 KB, 598x584, 33D64D39-A4D7-4DCE-9CF3-185E4BE84AD9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53345180

>boomers 1%
>gen x N/A
Kek when did gen x do the Asian genocide?

>> No.53345479

>How fat and ugly are you?
>What is going on in your trailer park?
>All this for ten buck? Jesus you mutts are high strung.

all these meaningless questions just to maybe get one right about me? your current score is now 0/3 congratz! dumbass, be dumb somewhere else please.

it clearly stopped being just about the $10 when she decided to insult & harass me

im just going to return her a good one for it and also keep the extra $10

>> No.53345768

Obviously just tell the gf to send nudes and you’ll paypal or cashapp her the 10 bucks

>> No.53345798
File: 124 KB, 1536x1024, 222B2C9D-32D3-43FA-AC71-0BAC019F42A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zoomer detected
all zoomers are spiritually mixed race women

>> No.53345804

This doesn't even make sense. He gave you a $50 bill?

>> No.53345818

You should have given him his change.

>> No.53345864

My apologies, English is my 2nd language.

>> No.53346132

>This doesn't even make sense. He gave you a $50 bill?
What doesn't make sense?

>You should have given him his change.
He didn't ask for the change and he simply choosed to walk away from me while staring at the devices screen i just sold him. Who am i to stop a zoomer who doesn't have the capacity to function properly? it's a free country.

>> No.53346368
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Say sorry ma'm, but I cant charge less than 10 dollar for a blowjob

>> No.53346503

and your first language?

>> No.53346647
File: 126 KB, 577x577, temp2070907190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God seems to be on your side, this wouldn't happen otherwise. Embrace it. Zoomies whining and lashing out about shit is to be expected.

Every time they harass you, they just keep reminding you of your win, zoomies are way too unevolved to understand anything besides zooming and scrolling, trust me u did good, it was the /biz way im even a little jealous of you. Enjoy the win.

>> No.53347486

worth reading and to laugh at.

Live, Laugh, Love ;P

>> No.53347542

>~1 hour later...
>i get a new buyer for an item with 13 views that hasn't sold or peeked anyone's interest for the past ~2 weeks
>realize its the same zoomer pleb i just sold to (probably trying to meet up again)
>my best guess is that they are having a fight over the $10
>my fb account is for the marketplace business only (its a throwaway account)
Setup the meeting in the worst nearby hood area and never show up

>> No.53347610

That $10 was for drugs/alcohol. No one normal cares about $10 unless they are destitute and its fucking up their buzz.

Literal animals

>> No.53347703

>on facebook
the common denominator in all this retardness

>> No.53347763
File: 15 KB, 645x770, 15_image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do all of these and then post results back here tomorrow.
>Personally I'd beat the living shit out of both of them with my men, but you probably don't have men for that neither are /fit/ enough to do it yourself without risking jail time.