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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 784 KB, 1138x944, Etheremon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5334022 No.5334022 [Reply] [Original]

It's been about 48 hours now since launch. What are your guys thoughts? How are your gains?

I missed out on the release of the 3 new Etheremons today. Kinda hate the new """artwork""", looks like shit and out of place compared to the original.

Do you guys honestly believe trading/battling/market will come in the future? I honestly don't see it happening, but it would be cool if it did.

>> No.5334079

monaco is king no doubt about it

>> No.5334089

3.6 eth in cash outs and 1 eth turned into 5 staked.
Best gains i've made in a while, especially considering i invested 2 days ago.

>> No.5334123

im actually excited to start battling

>> No.5334162

so my question is this. it can sometimes take hours to receive your monster right? if you see a monster and only a few people have caught it, by the time the transaction has cleared, how many more people have caught it before you by then?

like if i see an etheremon and only 20 people have it, if i go to buy it right then and there, the transaction won't clear till an hour later and by then i'll find out i'm actually number 300 or something in line?

this is a concern yes? tell me your experience in this regard.

>> No.5334209

Yeah. Who'd of thought that this would be the project i'm most excited about. Literally first of its kind after Cryptokitties was a beta.
I hope you guys are ready for original content games to be ran in the ethereum virtual machine.

>> No.5334257

no its instant. bought 9 of them takes about 5 minutes tops for the monster to go through.
withdraw is very quick as well.
actually pretty legit. could really increase in value in the near future when the battling starts and the morphing features.

remember cryptokitties??? ;)

>> No.5334309

All depends on gas limit and price.
Think of it as running your game on the ethereum virtual machine, and you have to pay for more memory the more Pokemon your address has on it. So increase gas limit to increase your bandwith, and gas price is the price of the data being sent.

>> No.5334376

I've only made like 0.3 eth profit.

>> No.5334615

fuck this gay shit nigga and fuck you

>> No.5334632

how hard is it to make something like this?

>> No.5334766

3 new mons barely broke even and I was in the first 30-50 to buy them.

>> No.5334807
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>Going into a scam

>> No.5334994

Literally less than 12 hours from the decentralized version going up on the Rinkeby testnet. If it works well the main contract will be updated in a week. Could probably make that faster if a lot of people test it out and help audit/identify bugs.

>> No.5335027

Creator had an opportunity to steal/cash out hundreds of ETH and didn't. The guy even helped a user cash out his 20 ETH when his tx wasn't going through. Seems trustworthy, I just don't believe he has the skills to build Etheremon into a real project with a marketplace and battles.

>> No.5335621

You do realize that's how most of these ponzi schemes start off? Founders build trust over a period of time and when they finally feel they have milked the shit out of their scheme, they will cash out leaving everyone high and fucking dry.

>> No.5335704

This has got to be some of the dumbest shit I've ever seen. And I was around for PUDDI PUDDI

>> No.5336059

I was a little late in and only made 20% of my initial investment back however its a lesson at least as cant even sell at a loss like i would on binance.

>> No.5336113

They could have stolen 1.2 MILLION $. At one point there was around 1.5k ETH in their wallet. If they were gonna scam they would've probably done it then. They're currently working on making it so that they can't scam.

The project is a bit rough, but I honestly believe the dev has no bad intentions.

>> No.5336114

It's pretty easy to do for a competent programmer. I expect to see at least one of these pop up every 2 weeks. I don't even care how stupid this is. As long as I get in on the ground floor, I make money

>> No.5336165

lol why does he need 1.2 million dollars then?
For something that isn't released and is just a bunch of shitty vector art drawings

>> No.5336194

being new to ETH i appreciate the newest blog update they posted about the gas limit and gwei. that was really losing me a lot in fees. hopeful this game continues forward as the devs have proven thus far they are not just greedy kikes and realize they have a product worth billions right here if they play their cards right

>> No.5336218
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>> No.5336259

What do you mean why does he need 1.2 million dollars? It's what people were willing to pay for "shitty vector art drawings". It's not like the money went to him, people get dividends from the mons they bought. I'm saying that if he wanted to scam he would've scammed when he had that amount in his wallet but he didn't and even helped people withdraw their gains.

>> No.5336273

Exactly, that's you right now.
You losers are joining a blatant pyramid scheme where 100 losers have to come after you to get anything.

Honestly if he's made this much in a short time, he'd be stupid not to milk you losers for more over the next few weeks. Early retirement in a week or two

>> No.5336298
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>> No.5336351

objectively, whats wrong with pyramid schemes? western society is a pyramid scheme, underneath the surface. thats capitalism. to be against wealth trickling down to the creators and early adopters indicates you believe it should be spread evenly. if thats the case you should just stay in cuckmerica because if its communism you want thats exactly where its headed right now

>> No.5336384

Aah yes, I was waiting for this thread all day. Surprised it wasn't shilled earlier.

What? You guys realized that the second gen, trading, battling, whatever else the devs "promised" isn't happening and you're out on ETH because nobody is paying for them now that they are extremely overpriced?

Stay justed. I should've screencapped myself yesterday when I said to give it two weeks before nobody was talking about this anymore.

>> No.5336414

It's been 2 fucking days.

>> No.5336418

He will be needing that money to pay development of the site. Sure he could just keep the money and make a mil or two. Or he could develop the site and make this worth 600 mil - 1 bil and end up leaving lamboland for gulfstreamland. So much to be done not in this order -
1. media campaign
2. foreign translation.
3. battle mode
4. trading mons

>> No.5336432

Literally this.
Money is a pyramid and government is its ponzi.

>> No.5336467
File: 14 KB, 402x366, 1512810391684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha nobody will care in a year
>5 minutes later

>> No.5336503

thats never going to happen. everyone realizes the magnitude of this idea. we are investing in the concept thats what early adopters do, they take the highest risk to secure the highest potential reward.

i understand being spooked to pull the trigger on these things but on the other hand, its pokemon and everyone loves that shit. crypto is just play money anyways same as this. its all the same and crypto started out the exact same way as this game did.
put your money where you want and disregard the FUD. as long as the redditors hang around these threads spreading the same memes this thing still has legs

>> No.5336522

Things I've learned from ponzimon:

>buy fast
>make 100% returns within 1 hour
>ignore FUDing brainlets who were sleeping during sales

>> No.5336573

ive made 11 eth for free so... hate all you want.

>> No.5336591

But you have to have a 140+ IQ to understand that this game is truly the first of its kind.

Built on buyable, programmable, secure data computation and encryption, and played on the ethereum virtual machine.

>> No.5336624

what's wrong with killing your neighbors and taking their stuff? Objectively, the stronger and smarter feed on the weaker and dumber.

>> No.5336645
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>> No.5336662

Anyone remember the Bitcoin Savings and Trust?

>> No.5336664

literal nigger logic. off yourself

>> No.5336733

So you agree that pyramid schemes are bad?

>> No.5336762

Finally someone understands. The strong prey on the weak. That is the Pokémon way and, indeed, the rules of nature itself. If you aren't gonna be the very best, then you'll just be no one.

How many mons you got? Pangrass is still quite a deal, there's only 8 left at baseline price. Right now it's the cheapest high-BP mon (except for hidden #21 which is literally free at 1 wei and probably won't be able to battle or something) and the highest cost/reward ratio (except for hidden #20 which nobody is buying anymore because the price rose so fast).

>> No.5336809

I'm not buying these retarded ass mons
If I was gonna do something like this, I'd make my own

Fuck I could do that, I'm a professional software engineer and I do game devving as a hobby.

I should take all his source code and throw my own battling on stop of it

>> No.5336888

Not a bad idea actually. The devs have had a lot on their plate between the artist they stole from, the less centralized contract they've been working on, and the new mons/class they introduced, that battling has probably not been the highest priority for a while. I bet you could realistically finish it before them. If you do decide to do something like that, make sure to let your friends on /biz/ know before you launch it.

>> No.5336945

Listen, it's not really that predatory
once the code gets updated there will be plenty of opportunities for players to get in cheap and battle their way to the top. 0-gen-ers simply get to have legendary cards and continue to earn as they were the first investors and have spearheaded the development and testing and constructive criticism of the project

if you want to have a very valuable etheremon to sell later, then buy one now. if you want to save your money, wait until the project develops a bit more and earn your way up then.

>> No.5337014

I got a 130 IQ but didnt try on the test. Have made only about 20 ETH so far and am freerolloing. 1-2 ETH per day. If this takes off Ithis will be worth tonnes.

>> No.5337150

transactions are picking up. think its because of the last blog post? or the upcoming smart contract revision?

>> No.5337301

Yes they have a lot on their plate but they will all have lambos in their gulftreams dawg if this takes off. I feel like flying to SG to run their marketing programme. This is the best project I have seen in some time.

>> No.5337364
File: 1.75 MB, 2000x2074, American Boxart Smorple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever happened to the guy who said he would do an improved version of Smorple/Cukmon? IIRC the original artist said it's fine if the new guy gets the ETH for submitting it as long as he approved it first.

>> No.5337371

If you do it and make it good you would never have to wagecuck again. You've seen how much /biz/ will shill it.

>> No.5337421

This and unironically. I've been very supportive of this because it's the only one out there that even seems to be trying to do a Pokémon-style blockchain game. If someone released a better version right now with battling working I would switch over 100%.

>> No.5337534
File: 65 KB, 255x416, reeeeeeeeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>doesn't buy chulember
>>fudd on thread
>>ill just make my own cuz i cucked myself

>> No.5337549

It's crazy thought that people are still buying albeit slowly.

>> No.5337578

Smorple is /ourmon/

>> No.5337579

I'll take a look if I can
Haven't really done blockchain shit, but I've done plenty of web stuff and server stuff.

I took all next week off, so I'll be posting around in these threads if they pop up with any status updates if I think I can do it.

>> No.5337633


>> No.5337653

I agree with you overall. A real competitor would be a massive threat to this game though. I'm confident in this one still because of how active the devs have been. It's been a crazy number of updates in the barely 2 days since launch, and addressing all the major criticisms, especially going from "literally stolen art and no original content" to "retained the best pokemon fan-artist on the web" within half a day. They either have 1 or 2 guys who have literally not slept for 48 hours or a team of 3 or 4 working in shifts, and I'm leaning towards the former which means I would expect a lull for a few hours around now as they finally get some rest. That means it's the perfect opportunity for someone else to take the spotlight, especially while the reputation of the game on most of the web is that of a total scam.

>> No.5337787

id prefer the flow of dividends to be at this pace honestly. this is what i think the game should be like

>> No.5337852

I like the adrenaline rush of constantly refreshing the browser and seeing the ETH pouring in though.

>> No.5337935

Guys shill this to everyone as much as you can. We are the ones making money. Let's do this

>> No.5337936

For anyone with a ton of mons waiting to cash out, now's probably the best time.

Standard gas price is at a record low of 20 gwei. I was able to cash out with 95 mons (meaning 1.2m gas required) and only had to pay about 0.025 in gas. Would have had to pay 0.05 if we were at 40+ like we were earlier today.

>> No.5337998

yeah thots have the same thing with facebook likes. its not good for your mental health tho

>> No.5338024

I emptied my metamask so I had to use 5 gwei with a 25k limit and it went through instantly

>> No.5338068

Very nice, might as well stick to 5 right now then.

>> No.5338119

One thing that I know is that nintendo or a large corporation will not be the one to take them on. Look how long they took to release pokemon apps, years and years

>> No.5338289
File: 325 KB, 904x583, 1510480956909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right about that, but agile development has its disadvantages too. Etheremon is going to have a hell of a time clearing all the FUD even if they removed all the owner control right now. Until battles and trading are released this game literally IS just a ponzi scheme, which sets off a lot of red flags to new players. Then they'll go to reddit and get their worst fears confirmed by seeing >>5334807 as the first result. But overall I think when people are battling and having fun and the new contract has been fully audited, it'll eventually work out. That might take a week or more however if they don't keep the current pace of updates.

On the plus side... ETH is crashing HARD right now which means the mons just got cheaper for everyone! We've been waiting for the lower barrier to entry and this is it!


W-we're gonna be ok, right?

>> No.5338373
