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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53339446 No.53339446 [Reply] [Original]

dont take it personal

>> No.53339455

Who the fuck even uses Arbitrum? its all just fake numbers to compete with competitors like OP and Polygon

>> No.53339461

they're known to fake their user counts. they're infamous for this

>> No.53339462

nice thread rahnjeet

>> No.53339469

i love how biztards say the most retarded shit ever but never actually back it up with real data
fucking pathetic

>> No.53339472
File: 76 KB, 1182x718, 8720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's actually seething holy fucking kekies

>> No.53339480

>nice thread rahnjeet
>t. 50 y/o arbi boomer that doesnt know how to get his funds off the chain

>> No.53339492

wen mainnet?

>> No.53339504

you seriously need to stop the cope.
if the numbers were fake then explain the near record breaking gas spent last week

>> No.53339525

Not here to defend Mantle as I've yet to try their testnet, but I do agree that Arbitrum heavily pumps their numbers
The chain is old, slow, and expensive with basically no new development that happened in a while

You seriously think more than a couple thousand are using the chain daily? I doubt the number number is anywhere the tens of thousands that they project every day

>> No.53339531
File: 28 KB, 780x438, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>record breaking gas spent last week
imagine flexing gas fees for an L2.... its literally designed for the opposite to happen

>> No.53339567
File: 217 KB, 1060x1071, Mantle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats cause its the most expensive out of all L2s
Mantle would never. Time to shift towards a modular architecture

>> No.53339574

they didnt even try lmao
i feel offended

>> No.53339588

based + checked
tried the testnet. there might actually be something behind this this time

>> No.53339601

except that arbitrum pays gas in ETH. mantle doesnt

>> No.53339610

Gas fees are directly proportional to the current demand for transactions. Higher gas fees generally mean network uptake. How is this a bad thing?

>> No.53339630

Im confused as to why they would do this. They actually seem legit and could cause a change. Why didnt they just set gas fees in eth?

>> No.53339640

They could have easily set gas to ETH but they didnt and this is by design. They didnt want to be stuck in a situation like Arbitrum where devs would rather build on other chains because of token incentives

>> No.53339642

okay but doesnt this affect the security of the chain?

>> No.53339648

Not all L2s are built the same. Arbitrum currently has one of the highest rates of gas fees
Sure, a couple cents dont make a difference in a single transaction, but multiply that by thousands and you'll see a major difference

>> No.53339660

Not really
I researched everything about this
To make it simple. The way that tokens are staed on EigenLayer give the chain 100% of Ethereum's security
There is zero compromise
I'm surprise why other L2s still havent implemented a similar system. Its pretty clever

>> No.53339668
File: 49 KB, 982x1600, 9dfd4c1e-75a9-4d5c-acd2-04fc2d50f4e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mantle bros fighting with Arbi bros
>both of them buying my bags
thanks for this anons
i win. i always do

>> No.53339687
File: 261 KB, 480x480, hehe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He gets it

>> No.53339689

i dont need to buy a separate token to transact

>> No.53339746

this, it's literally crawling with botted wallets all trying to rack up transactions in the hopes of getting an airdrop