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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53336613 No.53336613 [Reply] [Original]

Serious question.
Prices for work is one of the most scammy think I can think of.
Who decides what's the amount of "productivity" in a job?
Can "productivity" be even quantified in a shitty office filled with hr roasties?
Who decides the salary for those roasties, and why it's settled that this kind of job is more important than the work of a lumber?

Why is labour price constantly degrading everywhere, or just growing slower than the inflation price?
Can't you see that everything is kinda "saturated" in the modern society? Everything is barely sustainable?

Why the only salaries that grew over time were the "management" ones? They got to be 10-120 times the salary of an average employee, depending on the company.
Even worse, if we add that managers don't decide shit, since everything is data driven.

>> No.53336644

>Who decides what's the amount of "productivity" in a job?
LeemonSwap can influence behavior and capital productivity through advanced game theory mechanics

>> No.53336649

>Who decides the salary for those roasties

HR makes hiring quotas. Which demographic do you think is least likely to work in HR?

>> No.53336675

I was watching these dangerous jobs in the middle east. Them rebuilding alternators, refurb of lead acid batteries. That kind of stuff. Someone commented on diy about it. They said some of machines they work with are very old and hard to replace. The machines had a much greater value than the people who were poor and needed a job. So labor like anything has a supply and demand. Like how covid increased the cost of low cost labor in the US. My friend makes 38k a year working night shift as a gas station cashier. A job that used to pay on the 20's.

>> No.53336798
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>Lighting farts
I have a colostomy bag so when I wake up in the morning it can be filled to the brim with gas making it look like a giant blimp. I'm tempted to light it for fun, but I'm worried I would ignite all the gas inside my intestine and do permanent damage. I've already had all my large intestine removed, I don't think I could handle losing the rest for a five second laugh.

>> No.53336845

>colostomy bag
My uncle had one, what the fuck is it? He said it's a bag you shit you. Why?

>> No.53336883

Because I've had my large intestine removed due to disease with the small intestine coming through my stomach. Bag is there to collect the poop because there's nothing stopping it from coming out.

>> No.53336894

his colon had to be removed because he took some bad meat in the can so the doctors rerouted his intestines and now he uncontrollably shits out of an artificial asshole with no sphincter so it requires a bag

>> No.53337045

Value added per worker as a metric is usually used to gauge wages, basically what you contribute + a premium to the hiring party for providing you with a corporate structure.
Labor markets for high skill or niche jobs are a little looser so they usually do competitive salaries that depend on your age, location etc.

The part about productivity is a little misleading since productivity and wages are now entirely divorced thanks to technology. Instead of needing to build an entire factory and hiring hundreds of workers, a tiny jewish man with a powerpoint presentation can double your productivity in weeks. Workers are now smarter at pricing their work in other ways as well since they now know that blue collar work = lifelong healthcare bills that your grandkids will be paying off, so some form of healthcare and retirement plan factor in too.

The one class that can't be financially obsolesced through technology is management because they're mostly there for legal, regulatory reasons. The human accountability aspect will never be taken over by machines, unfortunately. They're the top parasites in the food chain and exist to enable fake make-work bullshit while skimming off the plebs AND being prime beneficiaries of corporate welfare.
No different than a feudal lord working his fiefdom, which he also gets to tax.

>> No.53337074

To clarify, I don't mean middle management. They're the parasite's parasite, but they live utterly miserable lives as divine punishment.

Talking about C-suites.

>> No.53337110

supply and demand is a meme, no one is fucking demanding "managers" and "hr roasties", they mostly do completely useless jobs, and still they're paid more than some guy losing his arms in the northern sea to hunt tunas

>> No.53337173

Let's not forget the embarassing Woke twist that most companies took.
I open linkedin and I find tons of pathetic LGBT/Niggers/Minorities hirings, like skill is not even a metric anymore, and having a "muh diverse" work environment is more important.
Pieces of shit like the blackrock guy and other kikes launched this woke trend even when and if they decide to buy a service from a company or fund it.
First thing they ask: "how many niggers/trannies/women are in the company?"

Where is "supply and demand" here? All I see is some twisted zombie economy at this point.

>> No.53338647

Market demand and who owns the means of production. In a pure capitalist society where companies are driven exclusively by an ever increasing profit margin, the lower end working class get squeezed dry while they still productive and later replaced by an younger generation that has to work more and make less.

>> No.53338904

Post hole