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53335289 No.53335289 [Reply] [Original]

>Mmmh yeah, i think i will wageslave for 50 years, then get tired of this shit, then lock myself in my car and put me out of my own misery with carbon monoxide for good
Why the fuck am i even living?

Just to not make my parents suffer? For how long is it going to last? 30 years? 40? maybe even 50?

What's the point, i only see everything die around me, i can't have kids and i would be a shitty creep father, everything i touch dies i don't see anything flourish around me i only see death and death and death and decomposition and death

why? why, what is the point is it some kind of circle of hell what kind of terrible things have i done in my past life to deserve this? no i don't want to get up again and think about what to do next i don't want to i don't need to just for my shitty empathic chains

>> No.53335301 [DELETED] 

>Touch grass & have sex

>> No.53335305

There's a sickness in Western culture right now.

>> No.53337149

Life is mostly pain, but we have crypto and frens. Making it changes everything regardless of what others want you to believe. Its a demoralization tactic to try to make you believe that your life won't change if you achieve your dreams. Fuck those crabs in a bucket.

Just gotta keep trying.

>> No.53337220

I implore you pick up the Holy Bible, read the Book of Ecclesiastes as I'm sure you'll understand what it says, and start on the New Testament after. Follow and believe in Jesus Christ.

>> No.53337384

>read the Book of Ecclesiastes
what's the point of this? At this particular moment?

>> No.53337465

There is literally no point to anything in life, it’s all one big cope. Read terror management theory

>> No.53337488

Reminds me of that scene in Silence where the Japanese peasant asks the priest if there are no taxes in Heaven, then concludes that it must be good to die

>> No.53337595

>terror management theory

>> No.53337923

So you can shitpost with your friends on 4chan about how fucked it is

This place gives me life

>> No.53338079

Ecclesiastes is the book in the Bible which basically says that life means fuckall in the grand perspective and that everything around us is ultimately at the entire mercy of time, the elements, and the cyclical nature of existence. It's a book that's fun to quote at reddit atheists because they will nod along and agree until you tell them it's from the Bible and they'll suddenly shit themselves.

This song is actually just verses from it

>> No.53338239


>> No.53338276
File: 2 KB, 369x32, oy vey goy national identity is just cope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>terror management theory

why am i not surprised it's a trio of kikes pushing a theory advocating that national identity and other in-group beliefs are all cope

>> No.53338373

stop waging, start "leeching" living for free while you devise a scheme to never have to wagie again

like starting your own business where you choose the hours and what jobs to take

even fucking uber driving or shit like that is less stressful than needing to show up at a specific time every day to a wagie job

>> No.53338382

>oy vey goyim let's kill ourselves

>> No.53338406

Eliminate bad karma from previous lives chant the holy name of the lord Waheguru

>> No.53338413

Very cool post fren