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53334093 No.53334093 [Reply] [Original]

What happens when women earning 6 figures a month there, aren't and instead, autist ai builders are taking all the money?

>> No.53334103

they will get free hand outs until they hit the wall. PERIOD. Cope incel.

>> No.53334115

>When will the OF bubble burst?
when incels find something better to spend their money on

>> No.53334140

why are you on this board?
will it be a hard crash or slow decline?

>> No.53334147

The only way the OF bubble could burst is if the government bans it. Men have always and will always pay for pictures of naked women. Stop being jealous and figure out your own niche.

>> No.53334162

men are starting to pay for AI generated pictures.
OF is mostly just images. Some of them use bots or outsource to their bfs to do fan maintenance.
Why can AI not do the job?

>> No.53334193

stop watching porn. whether it comes from a person or ai, at the end of the day it's degrading towards women.

>> No.53334213

Besides the fact that your AI picture has one baby hand and one Groot hand?

>> No.53334224

go back nigger
so you can zoom in on the tits. AI will get better. this wasn't possible 5 years ago

>> No.53334226

Who cares? Not my problem. I'll only try to stop because it's bad for me. Women's issues are not my responsibility.

>> No.53334240

>Post half baked girls
>Complains about OnlyFans
Onlyfans only exist because of comers like you my friend

>> No.53334244
File: 48 KB, 680x492, CADB11B8-D443-42A5-A44A-D3E8D24EB619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about the drawn stuff?

>> No.53334256

You must be pretty young if zooming in on a pair of AI generated boobs is enough.

>> No.53334257

Why so mad basedcel, op is asking the important questions here

>> No.53334262

its endearing

>> No.53334280

nah I'm not paying women for pictures when I can generate pictures of them for free
it's a lefty shill
you must have your dopamine receptors fried if it's not.
thanks. I'm curious what happens. AI is advancing. What women who sell pictures do is being replaced by machines. In person prostitution will pick back up, I think, but paid digital pornography will decline. Imagine AI porn in 10 years and tell me that today's OF is actually better. It will be better quality, cheaper, in abundance for quantity, VR, sensory etc

>> No.53334301

What’s a lefty shill, drawing or fat porn?

>> No.53334324

the basedcel you replied to. they aren't serious, they're just here to d&c.

>> No.53334362

Oh ok.

Why the fuck isn’t there more horny personifications of the stock market? I found this one >>53334244 by chance, cause I’m a fatfag, but why isn’t more people doing it, thin or otherwise?

>> No.53334382

good question. I would love to bang a woman who was a smart math teacher who traded. seems like an easy fantasy niche.

>> No.53334428

Super easy…fuck it, I’ll come up with a green text for this here, but you guys gotta give me a ticker, a time period, and a chub limit (again, I’m a fat fag).

>> No.53334463

six fingers on her left hand, akira on her right

>> No.53334502

How is it degrading?

>> No.53334548
File: 24 KB, 768x254, 2188113654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kikedar is off the charts right now

>> No.53334576

Can you still not upload a pic of celebs into this and let it do its thing? That would be based

>> No.53334578 [DELETED] 

It’s easy to fuck up with A.I.. That’s why I prefer to write my smut, would you like some here? >>53334428

>> No.53334596

But I want women to be degraded. It will make them easier to have sex with.

>> No.53334636

why are you looking at the hands
the deepfake program you could. I think I have an old one downloaded before github took it off. tinfoil on: politicians are using deepfakes and taking it down over a "porn panic" so normie cattle don't know how easy it is to do

>> No.53334639

It’s much easier to degrade fat women, but no one here wants to fuck them but me, right? Maybe you could trick a healthy bitch into being anorexic and take advantage of their mental state?

>> No.53334648

Do you want a green text or not?

>> No.53334660

Cope, nigger.

>> No.53334663
File: 22 KB, 282x367, Screenshot_20230112_205000_WhatsApp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand onlyfans
Why would you pay money to see someone's pictures ?
There is free high quality porn everywhere on the internet why do you guys pay some average chick $50 for a jpeg of her ass ?

>> No.53334667

I mean if you write it it would be entertaining, I don't need porn though..
it's because they are brainwashed into thinking it's scarce

>> No.53334696

i'd assume its just simps who give thaf money as a donation rather than a service

>> No.53334715

because some anons are desperate for any female interaction that they would pay anything for it.

loneliness and desperation gets people to do weird things no matter the cost

>> No.53334729

Quitting porn was one of the best decisions I ever made. It's like a piece of your soul gets returned to you.

Coomers are on the level of meth heads

>> No.53334744

a lot of it are pajeets and sandniggers
congrats (seriously)

>> No.53334752

>it's degrading towards women
Yes, and? What was the problem again?

>> No.53334758

if women didn't want to be degraded they shouldn't volunteer to do porn. maybe try becoming housewives

>> No.53334760

The cooker is strong with these cucks.

Define “porn” in this case. I’d love to write about what the personification of a proper ETF, like SPY, as a mature, slightly overweight economics teacher looks like and gets up to on a daily routine. But the reason I’d want to write it is to belt out some horny from it, how much would be too much?

>> No.53334765

>some anons are desperate for any female interaction that they would pay anything for it.
Hilarious considering any "interaction" they are getting via messages or whatever is likely written by a male.

>> No.53334771

That makes onlyfans is the scam nft's of porn

>> No.53334795

I'd imagine there has always been really rich whores and prostitutes, now you just get to see them as a normie

>> No.53334817

I don't get why people are paying so much for porn when there is so much free content. Literally go to pornhub, pick a category, beat your meat for $0. Does genz really need to simp this hard or have that crazy of a fetish where they need this shit?

>> No.53334827

When AI will get better, animated Unreal Engine 5 3D models n shiet

>> No.53334847

or a bot, ironically
yes. the scarcity bubble is popping thanks to AI
how else do you explain the millions of $ the "stars" make?
write what you want man.
yeah. I knew a guy who said he was flying to the philipines and fucking hookers with VR rigs to record it. I imagine that shit will go mainstream one day.
yeah for in person experiences. if women are offering something so easily replicated by pixels then their economic model is collapsing.

>> No.53334867

>Well poisoning based NoPorn movements with feminish shit

obvious false flagging coomer faggot

>> No.53334881

I'm planing on buying a sex doll.

>> No.53334882

housewives and women are being degraded as a result of your porn consumption you simpleton

>> No.53334904
File: 97 KB, 991x472, 1639215038556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You must be pretty young if zooming in on a pair of AI generated boobs is enough.
No he's just a heterosexual male.
You must be a female not getting any dick.

>> No.53334922

>a lot of it are pajeets and sandniggers
Both those guys pull chicks, it's probably fat white dudes using only fans.
My notch count is at 50.

>> No.53334927

>fucking hookers with VR rigs to record it
Think bigger, real-time body tracking with your perfectly built waifu. Chaturbate on steroids. Or if you don't want the hassle just let the AI doing all the job. ChatGPT 420.69 + Stable DREAMfusion (3D) 7.7.7 and you're set. But it will take a while

>> No.53334938

For the same reason most adults that enjoy porn prefer real watching real people fuck instead of vidya, cartoon and tranime porn.

>> No.53334956

I know two Pajeets and a horde of Muslims in Canada and all those men are married with kids.
So I don't really think it's non whites buying OF.
>Hurr Canada not white durr.
I know, we know, that's the point, fag.

>> No.53334967

I'm watching AI tits. How is that degrading? and anyway, that's not my problem LOL
exactly yeah. it's the future.
the uncanny valley gap is closing.

>> No.53334988

yeah but they are buying the fantasy of it regardless of who is on the other end talking. Like i said, desperation and loneliness leads you to do strange things

>> No.53334991

>it's the future
Women will be even more a depreciating asset, like exponentially. Which is good

>> No.53335010

where do I get a snake arm waifu gf?

>> No.53335070

or they learn how be more attractive to men by being pretty, having sexy hobbies.
try the dark fantasy armor on pornpen to get some inspiration. I've dated girls who owned snakes. they're crazy

>> No.53335103

anon.. I was making fun of the ai not being able to do proper skeletal structure

>> No.53335135

>or they learn how be more attractive to men by being pretty, having sexy hobbies.
And that's why all that stuff is a good thing. They'll need to get back on earth to stay relevant. The absolute state of today's society isn't a sustainable model. The bubble will pop like all the others

>> No.53335139

> degrading towards women
women are useless, fuck 'em

but not literally, that's gay

>> No.53335159

Yes sure, so what? It's their own choice. I have a preteen daughter and I have told her that to be respected and taken seriously you have to be responsible for your own actions and not sell your damn ass pics on the internet

>> No.53335179

Alright, I’ll make it quick. I’m going in unhinged.

>SPY is a university teacher
>She’s been teaching anons how to trade since 1993
>but 90% of her students end up poorer than when they came in
>she gets up in the morning and puts on her square glasses
>“another day, another price change.”
>she wakes up fully to see her pasty white skin in a t-shirt and panties
>clothes that are getting even smaller
>after freshening up, she begins the routine of putting on professional clothes
>she fits her pants over her thunder thighs and enlargening ass
>putting on a belt that had to go up another notch from her binge eating the previous week
>she lifts her pants up to her waist so she isn’t muffin topping them
>or showing off the slight apron her stomach is forming
>then she buttons up her shirt as best as she can
>her boobs practically peeking out between buttons
>it’s too late to buy a bigger shirt so she has to tuck hers under her pants
>good thing too, as she’s having trouble buttoning up the last two buttons
>an overcoat can mask that as well
>she looks in the mirror to see her aged, freckled face staring back
>she doesn’t have any fat collecting there, perfect for dating profiles
>and she makes it to her class just before the 15 minute rule
>“alright class, today we’re going to talk about the dotcom bubble.”
>ah yes, the 90’s, a time where she could fit in a bikini without stuffing her apron in the bottom
>when investors all over would give her money
>but now that her price is jacked up, only older and smarter investors want anything to do with her
>meanwhile, the dullards she’s forced to teach want to know about one thing only
>“is it like crypto?”
>“of course not, crypto is decentralized!”
>“and better for the environment.”
>she isn’t envious about crypto at all
>but she’s sad that these young men have to learn the hard way
>how it feels to watch a bubble burst

Icould writeone, if youwant, evensatire

>> No.53335193

How do I short the only fans market and the like?
I already look at leaks for free

>> No.53335217

Men have been simping over women since the dawn of time. It's not stopping.

>> No.53335257

good, don't let her use social media
lmao well done
invest in AI companies
women have historically provided for men.

>> No.53335273

OnlyFans is a privately traded stock, so try MTCH instead


Just open the eyes of these horny men. Tell them that no matter how much money they put in match group services (Tinder, Okcupid, etc.) they’ll never get fucked. Once you grow the incel movement in the hundreds of thousands, short MTCH. Not a financial advisor or a market manipulator, just seems plausible.

>> No.53335279

women can be ai artists retard
they would make money even easier
and these sites must verify id

>> No.53335299

>it's degrading towards women
Oh boy, here we go...

>> No.53335338

Kek, ai trannies punching the air with mid shaped hands

>> No.53335379

>degrading towards women

All womens with NO exceptions are sluts. Yes, my mom and your mom also.
SHUT IT. Yes. Both are cheap sluts.

Women born to be dominated.
They utterly like it even if they say they don't.
It's nature. And nothing else.

>> No.53335384

you mean uploading their pictures and licensing AI to sell from? That's funny