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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 25 KB, 1672x1476, AVAX_Square_Red.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53332731 No.53332731 [Reply] [Original]

>"i'm overpriced fuck this"
>"fucking shitcoin"
Nowadays /biz/ 0 IQ fundamentals are meant to lose money and live off as a coping manlet. Don't forget that.

>> No.53332746

It feels so good being a BTC and ETH Chad. I sleep comfy, not worrying about whether my coins will be around next cycle. Unlike you shitcoiners

>> No.53332778

yeah been thinking about just maxxing out on these and not worrying about it otherwise
BNB too?

>> No.53332783
File: 59 KB, 1073x575, Fmobb_tXoAAy5wV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally King Shitcoin + Smart money is bridging their BTCs to Avalanche
Ethereum is Netscape, Avalanche is Google Chrome. This is not an opinion, do with this info what you see fit.

>> No.53332825

The only purpose of your shitcoin is to line the pockets of its executives to sell into hard (real) assets like BTC and ETH. We've seen the same story, flaunting tech and partnerships and pedigree of founders to leverage midwits, time and time again

>> No.53332867
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>pink ID
>replied back nothing + nothingburger text
gg anon

>> No.53332907

Nice way of saying you have no retort. You bought into yet another ETH killer and you deserve to suffer for it

>> No.53332932

I don't believe we need to compare avax to ethereum or bitcoin. these are all kings

>> No.53332945

no he was explaining how it's just *fancy* tech that actually does nothing but get people to but into it

>> No.53332995
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>It feels so good being a BTC and ETH Chad.
Clean it up, tranny. No one cares if you feel good or not, calling out 'shitcoins' some altcoins makes me understand that you couldn't ape in early, cope more

>> No.53333002
File: 476 KB, 1080x1082, cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ETH killer
Avalanche is not an Ethereum killer, that's a 0 IQ argument made by people who know nothing about Avalanche's fundamentals or purpose. Real Avalanche OGs will NEVER tell you that. They do share some market/target but it's literally infimum on the bigger picture.
>and you deserve to suffer for it
I've literally changed my life for the better and I'm still massively in profit. Cope and seethe.

>> No.53333020


>> No.53333033

Yeah you have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.53333039

I can't even talk about AVAX in this subhuman board without getting mass replied from jeet paid fudders/bots, It's honestly unbearable and i've no idea why these scams decided to attack Avalanche out of all the other options

>> No.53333040

0 IQ is not even possible

>> No.53333051



>> No.53333074

you're right ~though~

>> No.53333128

Avalanche's BTC.b is about to flip Lightning Network's BTC and no one is talking about it

>> No.53333145

It started after Emin completely ignored the retarded ICP cuck Dominic, and then went on to become full-on jeetspam after Emin BTFO the Polyjeets on Twitter

>> No.53333169
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>"Yeah you have no idea what you're talking about"
>"i-i am right, but i don't want to elaborate further though"
The absolute state of AVAX FUD, it only becomes more pathetic as time passes.

>> No.53333190

Can someone spoonfeed me as to what AVAX does that is revolutionary? It just seems like another smart contract platform.

>> No.53333209

It's a VM-agnostic base layer with a completely novel sub-second finality consensus engine

>> No.53333282

That sounds like an AI just vomited adjectives at me. Can you explain in plain English why that is important and would make me choose to use avax over another chain? I'm looking at trying to determine capabilities and limitations primarily. How does it interact with platforms, can you code platforms directly on chain or only integrate blockchain functionality with existing platforms, etc.

How is it in terms of usability is my biggest concern. Will I have to jump through as many hoops to use a simple smart contract as I do with ethereum?

>> No.53333320
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If I get digits I will buy 1000 AVAX and post proof in a new thread.

>> No.53333354

It was always a shitcoin nothing changed, i can see the desperation. There is always 5 A VAX threads trying to force this shit down our throat.

>> No.53333596
File: 1.95 MB, 1000x1000, P14987194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will explain it in plain English and very simple terms:
- Avalanche's Consensus (Avalanche Consensus) is unprecedented, you can check the technical details online, but if you're not interested in them, it basically gets the best out of Nakamoto + Classical into one single Consensus.
- The purpose of its consensus it's to solve the blockchain trilemma: It's secure, decentralized, and made to keep on scaling as much as it needs (mainly via subnets, but also any other method you'd like, such as L2s) without sacrificing speed nor performance.
- It has also been battle-tested with zero (0) outages nor performance decrease (perfectly managing up to 96% of Ethereum's load)
- Having all of that into account, it's the most suitable blockchain for massive adoption, which is one of crypto's point after all.
- Hence, it's the best blockchain to build on. Even though we're giga-early and AVAX is still very undervalued, you can still see major organizations/institutions stepping into Avalanche for the same.

Any questions?

>> No.53333724

there is one main thing... avalanche consensus

instead of an all-to-all consensus used by all other POS chains (meaning each node has to talk to each other node to agree on consensus), avalanche uses repeated-sub-sampling, i.e. a node will ask k groups of x nodes what they think....

the benefit of this is that 1) it's quick, with sub-second finality and 2) you can scale the validator set because each node will only ever have to communicate with a small number of other nodes, rather than all of them.

There are other good things relating to scalability in subnets, the security model, VM flexibilty etc. etc. but the consensus is the key thing.

>> No.53333818


>Any questions?
$1k when?

>> No.53333863
File: 819 KB, 1259x2048, wagmi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$1k when?
AVAX is hardcapped and deflationary (fees are burned) and to run Validators for Subnets AVAX has to be locked up.
Staking ratio is at around 60% but will go up even further as more Subnets are launching.
Right now there are several hundred Subnets in development on testnet that serve all kinds of usecases from gaming to tradfi.
So when 1k per token? probably sooner than later.
Avalanche is about to have its "EEA moment".

>> No.53333958
File: 149 KB, 600x400, 2AWk0eAg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53335404

this but only a tiny amount suffering because I am doing my best to use Ethereum as little as possible due to the anti-user decisions the developers, extractors, and community leaders made

>> No.53335518

Ty for the spoonfeed, I will do some more research on the specific things you mentioned. I finished my ICP stack and was looking to hedge my portfolio and the hilarious back and forth between icp and avax people made me more curious. Cheers

>> No.53335750

>he thinks eth is going to be around when avax exists

>> No.53335901

Based Avax Chad

>> No.53336160
File: 904 KB, 1127x3700, altcoins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


last gen coins never make it to new ATH anyway

>> No.53336580

>best blockchain to build on
you can't build anything on it lol
when are you retards going to realize this. they have no real world use case and by their own admission still looking for it
they'll never find it because all it can do is move coins around

>> No.53337057

FIDE, Shrapnel, GREE, KKR, Deloitte, etc. would like to have a word with you kek

>> No.53337185

>real) assets like BTC and ETH
avax has objectively better tech than eth

>> No.53337266


>> No.53337283

Avax will replace Etherium and Vitalik is in on it.

>> No.53337319

>DeFi builders, NFT artists, marketplaces, ect - if you want your products, art, and applications exposed to where all the users will be, you too will build on Avalanche.

not listed: anything you can build actually used in the real world

>> No.53337464

holy cope

>> No.53337474

and yet kebabvax has 1% of the vol SOL has...

>> No.53337481

its not a fair comparison because most of the 2017 coins were BTC clones which had limited development... Now on smart contract chains it will just depend on who has the best devs. See polygon, its a FTM/BSC aws tier chain but because opensea uses it by default, it gets a lot of use. If AVAX attracts good devs then it will still be around w Eth next cycle.

>> No.53337547

name something then that's not one of your "partnerships"
show the chain usage

>> No.53337745

you can bet against CZ if you want

>> No.53337888

Define "real world" kek
>Name something with major chain usage that isn't a major use case being built out
How retarded are you?

SOL is a Sam coin that faked 75% of it's TVL at the peak and breaks when it sees actual usage because it has a retarded fee market that enables them to make midwit TPS marketing arguments.