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53330902 No.53330902 [Reply] [Original]

>be me, trying to get into a career as a data scientist
>massive tech company layoffs
>will never have a chance against people from these big tech companies

>> No.53330920

You’ll be fine anon just take a lower salary

>> No.53331061

This. I actually just got a masters in data science and I think I'll have to accept 80k-120k starting unfortunately. I'm at 130k working in finance now but I think I'm pretty topped out in finance unless I go the treasurer/head of FP&A route. Data science should have a higher cap for lower effort, long term play.

>> No.53331092

If you really need job take the advange of the fact that people are morons and ask for less money. In hard times even bad job is better that no job at all.

>> No.53331212

I can't even get a job at fedex what the fuck is this fucking market

>> No.53332253

you were working while studying the masters?

>> No.53332298

A data scientist? For what? Is that even a real job? You're not a scientist unless you're combining chemicals together in fancy tubes.

>> No.53332322

What does it even take to qualify for this job? Can code, have a bachelor's, and minored in math. Does it take a specialized masters or something like a bachelor's in math?

>> No.53332363

This the whole point in them shilling this data science shit

>> No.53333292

Also I keep hearing about this job. I have no idea what qualifies someone for it. Description makes it sound like one guy (data scientist) doing three people's jobs (business analyst, basic script writer, statistician). I keep hearing a salary around 120k, but people randomly pop in to say that they make a lot more while claiming to be data scientists.

It almost sounds like people are shilling the job, but I have no idea why you would shill a job like this.

>> No.53333450

>data scientist
You know how you can tell its not science, when its in the name...

>> No.53334683

Because globohomo companies and governments capture alot of data that they have no idea how to filter/display it in a way that makes sense, If you specialize in doing that, they are willing to pay.

>> No.53334725

Data engineering is where the real money is at. Imagine being a mechanical engineer in 2022+2.

>> No.53334743

>mfw got a phd in data science and now have to settle for a measly 100k a year government job
It's not fair bros, I was supposed to be a somebody.

>> No.53334759

build your own company

>> No.53334935

>Data engineering
Meme field. It's just applied statistics with programming and less actual expertise in mathematics. Data science and engineering are the next fields to be saturated after software engineering. Enjoy it while it lasts.

>> No.53335005

all fields are just "deeper science, but applied." Except math. OFC he has to enjoy it while it lasts, and everyone here should. as soon as AI learn to create social medias jobs and post shit on their own, we might end up having AI overlowrd running entire digital companies alone.

>> No.53335129

>all fields are just "deeper science, but applied." Except math.
My point is that it is increasingly a plug-and-chug sort of job.
>herp derp just fit a neural network/random forest/linear regression model on it without understanding the dynamics of the processes from which the data comes because that's too hard
It's one thing to be an actual scientist who builds sophisticated models grounded in deep theory of economics or physics or engineering (depending on the problem) and another to be a plug-and-chug monkey who knows some basic stats and no theory to inform their blackbox models. Vast majority of people are the latter, which is why DS will go the way of software, which is now also filled with veritable niggerbrains.

>> No.53335319

>$200k/yr as a data scientist
>3 years experience

>> No.53336300

Kys dumb toxoplasmosis victim.