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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53327868 No.53327868 [Reply] [Original]

I hold LCX. Care to check the price?

>> No.53329394
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It is with great disappointment that I inform the community that I have recently been banned from the LCX subreddit for writing multiple well-articulated posts about the issue of fake volume on the exchange. In my posts, I highlighted how LCX's practice of faking volume while having next to no liquidity in the orderbooks is a scam and causes people to lose money when they buy a small amount of an asset.

It is incredibly problematic that my voice and concerns have been silenced in this manner. This type of censorship is a dangerous precedent and is reminiscent of the tactics used in Nazi Germany to silence dissenting voices.

It is crucial that we as a society have open and honest discussions about the practices of businesses and organizations. LCX's actions are not only dishonest, but they also have the potential to cause significant financial losses for their customers. By banning me from the subreddit and silencing the voice of the people, LCX is showing that they do not want to be held accountable for their actions.

I urge the community to speak out against this censorship and demand transparency and accountability from LCX. We must not let our voices be silenced and must fight for our right to speak the truth.