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53326204 No.53326204 [Reply] [Original]

>be loser wannabe selfimprover that fails at everything
>think about touching penis watching “extreme porn“
>tiny penis gets all excited
>say NO!
>make a LINK FUD thread instead and keep fudding for 16 hours every day for months and years

Thats what the life is like for a Chainlink fudder.
So the financial question is how do you deal with your investment attracting mentally ill faggots?
Has that ever happened to a company before?

>> No.53326241

Imagine living with a small cock

Doesn't matter if it gets hard because she can't feel anything!

>> No.53326265

Imagine living with a microcock, thats what Chainlink fudder have to deal with.
They have really small dicks and cant feel it themselves so they direct their energy towards fudding Chainlink.

They hate Chainlink because it dumped and they had planned to finally make it so they can spend their money on Onlyfans or for Premium sections of niche fetish porn sites.
Since Sergey ruined this dream they have sworn to FUD him.

>> No.53326286

im just genuinely surprised at how poor his opsec was considering how he behaved

if i was:
telling people to kill themselves just for holding a crypto
constantly posting screenshots of threads i had been in on biz
constantly using memes on biz that i had used on my twitter
trying to derail threads with 30+ pbtid worth of shit

you can be damn sure i would have done basic stuff like make sure i hadn't used the handle for that account anywhere else
what a goldmine of shame

>> No.53326342

>be bagholder
>make thread daily, how link are about to pump soon
>get fudded
>get angry and take it out on the mentally ill
>get deep throat by sergay
>goes and watch bbc porn

>> No.53326371
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>> No.53326387

You can tell these shills are extremely low IQ, literally braindead fappers, deathgripped their small cocks to death and gooned all their brains out.
Chances are high they are vaccinated so the Problem should solve itself soon.

There he is, the braindead porn addict anti Chainlink shill!

>> No.53326393

This era of Chainlink FUD kind of reminds me of the Astro era back in 2018-2019 where there was literally just this one mentally ill faggot spamming every single thread with FUD nonstop.

>> No.53326411

Astro ended up castrating himself and trooning out no joke

>> No.53326439


>> No.53326486

Such a lust for revenge...
Maybe he's back as Punished Astro "An Hero Denied His Pee-Pee".

>> No.53326496

Turned out the biggest LINK fudder on this board is a mentally ill trans porn addicted faggot, cant make that shit up

>> No.53326523

The castration pacified him, this is the handwriting of someone else its a different group.
Its also probably a small group of them, some sort of social justice warriors that go around the internet telling other Men what to do with their dicks and somehow ended up on /biz/ fudding chainlink.
I wonder what triggered them so hard that they FUD this everyday for Months, maybe they lost money on chainlink and this is their revenge?

>> No.53326532

I guess some tripfag was outed to be connected to a twitter user and then that twitter user ended up being some guy that wrote like nofap shit and incel stuff about having problems not touching his cock.

So now everyone's questioning whether linkfud is actually just made by some mentally ill guy spam posting 24/7 as opposed to like a group of people.

This guy clearly sits at home all day probably has some kind of Obsessive disorder and massive depression so its very likely. A few of them like uncle oldfag was outed to be a reddit user that held neo instead of link and basiclly fuds out of missing out back when link was 0.2 cents or wahtever

>> No.53326545

it seems that way, and they've painted themselves into a corner
they can't even do anything about their own threads being spammed now, because the threads ARE spam, so if they report anything it's like a mugger trying to call the cops on a guy who disarmed him

oh god i remember astro
at least back then he was just 1 salty guy and the rest were people actually trying to be funny, now it's all just genuine seethe and boring repetition

so basically if you look at these for reference
this guy was known on twitter and biz for being responsible for a LOT of constant low quality fud and really vicious, petty behavior
he got his ass served a few days ago by someone who literally looked up his @geoxadem handle and found out that he was a porn addict, and he deleted his account when this was discovered

>> No.53326572

Your reaction is always so entertaining, even I thought about making fun of link holders sometime. Why would anyone lock money in a coin that ignores every bullrun?

>> No.53326576
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This is one sad thread filled with schizophrenic bag holders

>> No.53326577

I didnt know about this fudder astro but shit >>53326411 apparently he was some 24/7 fudder that became a tranny? Pretty fucking crazy when you realize who is behind all this. Its genuine mental illness not the preconcieved shitposting, genuine curiousit/concern, and keep price low to accumulate

>> No.53326586

>just made by some mentally ill guy spam posting 24/7 as opposed to like a group of people
from what i can tell it does still seem to be a group of himself and a few possibly irl friends
he interacted with @2gabberhouse and a few other people who are also from the netherlands and you'll notice that they use a lot of memes and talking points that show up on here

>> No.53326629

and how's our little porn addict feeling today?
did you come to show us your little "y-you're a schizo" safety blanket again?

>> No.53326716

Damn, that is sad.
I just hope the poor guy doesn't get his real life name and address, his family, grandparents, employer, license plate, etc. leaked in this very thread.
Just because he willingly played a part in messing with many anons' financial investments (mine included), doesn't mean that he deserves to have his whole life ruined.

>> No.53326732

I have an 11 cm erect penis (in a good day) Women are just too fat to fuck in any position. My cock keeps sliding out everytime I'm thrusting with my half erect penis, also i can't even feel anything remotely similar to pleasure because of condoms. I don't engage in sexual relationships anymore because of that, not even with prostitutes who lowkey laugh at my tiny dick. Women asses are just too fat and intimidating. I wish girls have these slender teen bodies you see in animes, but world isn't changing for me. It's a "hard" life, unlike my flaccid penis. I'm a schizoid and also I can't find or give love and affection to a girl. I'm doomed to never engage in a relationship. At best I could be the friend who always listens, but who wants to be that? I reject women as soon as they show any remote interest in me. Thanks for reading my blog

>> No.53326769

>some sort of social justice warriors that go around the internet telling other Men what to do with their dicks and somehow ended up on /biz/ fudding chainlink.
The weird thing is though that there also seems to be some sort of /pol/ overlap. They're very anti-chainlink (at least on the surface level) due to WEF connections and the idea that chainlink would enslave mankind, so it has to be stopped. It may very well be the case that chainlink became too memed during the last cycle and some cabal of troons trolling /pol/ picked up on chainlink there (link gained some traction on /pol/ when it pumped post-google).
When you try to psychologically profile the fudders it's tempting to just throw your hands up in the air and say "it's ChatGPT bots", "it's OGs accumulating", "it's bulgarians/jeets", "it's linklets that lost it all to CeFi" - but none of these answers fully explains everything.

>> No.53326788

Do you ever get angry at yourself and your small penis that you begin fudding cryptocurrency tokens for 16+ hours a day? Why or why not?

>> No.53326823

eh unless that twitter handle was his whole identity then his life is hardly ruined because it was just his sad coomer stories that got posted
he has just been greatly humbled and has to rebuild his little persona again and maybe dial it back a bit

>> No.53326868
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>They're very anti-chainlink (at least on the surface level) due to WEF connections
So we gotta figure out if they are paid shills or not.
Like try and get them to post for shills forbidden words, like denouncing the talmud, writing Nigger or insulting the jewish god.
If they cant do these things it means they are paid shills and their posts are supervised and monitored.
If they can do these things it means its some sort of ragtag group of bagholders, trannies that do it for free.
What do you think? Are they paid or just mentally ill faggots?
I want this riddle solved.

>> No.53326874
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I hold a decent amount of XRP (6 figures) and every now and then I fud it for keks. I didn't find a correlation between the size of mi cock and the FUD, I just would have thought it is a form or catharsis. Nice approach. Also, I kind of accepted myself long ago, I'm just not the kind of guy who makes women wet. But I watch these porn movies, guys with humongous erect cocks thrusting with animal energy into women's vaginas (real vaginas) and these ladies moaning in pleasure making all sort of facial expressions I would never provoke and I feel like I'm missing something very important in human experience. At best women tolerate me or have pity sex with me but the thought that I'm never to arouse sexually any woman just kills me sometimes, I'm also a 5' 6" manlet so i'm not getting any panties wet any time soon. Thanks for reading and don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter

>> No.53326899

based for not watching porn

>> No.53326962

What about Sexual Frustration?
Is there a connection between the urge to post FUD and not being able to have the Sex?
Also thanks for taking the time and answering honestly.

>> No.53327067

I think you already answered your question yourself, the constant FUD is a sort of sublimation of sexual energy into a "creative process" (the fud). But that's only a piece of the puzzle since there may be several reasons why someone would fud his own coin (ticker LINK), even when you can't possibly unstake it at all. I believe only LINK holders fud LINK at this point. You usually fud a coin you hold. You would fud a coin you don't hold if you missed the bottom and it's performing remarkably well, which is not LINK's case. Adios

>> No.53327120

>Are they paid or just mentally ill faggots?
I'm leaning toward this being mentally ill faggots. Whether they're legitimately short (can't recall one ever posting a short) or accoomulating link I still can't tell. There are certainly fudders who are short and long but like I said in my first post they remind me of Astro where it isn't about the money, it's about sending a message. They're obsessed with chainlink just like us but they seemingly do not have a position, making their obsession nonsensical. If I had to guess age demographic I'd go with zoomer.

>> No.53327152


I am very close to getting his name. Hes a retard and left a trail lol

>> No.53327237

>I believe only LINK holders fud LINK at this point.
Dont think thats the case at all, a serious Link holder would make a joke here and there sure but wouldnt evolve into such an obsession of Fudding it literally 24/7. Its seething and screeching in every of these FUD posts, in other words Butt Hurt.
Now what causes such a butthurt obsession?

>even when you can't possibly unstake it at all
I doubt these fudders are staking it, or like >>53327120 said they dont have a position, they seemingly got no skin in the game.
Weird shit overall.

Good, cant wait to bully him into Suicide.

>> No.53327358


Remember the “market maker from amsterdam” larp? These little faggots have been at it for years. Look how they went from shilling to what it is now too. They are mentally deranged and obviously lost a lot of money

>> No.53327385

Also, schwarb spammer was from europe as he started spamming from early morning euro hours every day. I used to guess around germany but amsterdam makes sense

>> No.53327554

probably him