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53325263 No.53325263 [Reply] [Original]

I’m 1 year into my relationship with this girl and she’s broke as shit and i literally pay for everything. It only takes 2 years to be considered a defacto marriage in australia where i live. How do i structure the relationship in a way where she wont fuck me over if we break up? I worked hard for the money i have and i would rather break up with her in a couple months if i cannot find a way where i dont get fucked in the ass. I have about 300k in equity and im 28. She has 10k in her bank account and a massive student debt (80k) that i want nothing to do with. We lease an apartment together and i pay all the bills she gives me a little bit of money to cover around 33% of the rent. Other than this small paranoia i have that she will fuck me over one day i think the relationship is fine.

>> No.53325315

>How do you prevent common law/defacto marriage
You don't. The point of modern alimony isn't ultimately to serve women in the context of marriage; the point is to extract the maximum amount of wealth from men for any intimacy at all, with women and the state splitting the ill-gotten proceeds.
The desired consequence of this goal is to extract everything you have from you for the promise of intimacy, and once everything you have is taken away, the intimacy will be taken away too.
While yes, this is the fundamental, implicit calculus under which women operate (resources in exchange for womb-access), the current system is an extreme, pathological manifestation of this.

>> No.53325338

You clearly love money more than her. Just break up already. Go hug your bank account

>> No.53325365

What about structuring the relationship in a way where it becomes impossible for her to prove lengthy cohabitation together? I.e im the only one on the lease, bills etc.

Why do i have to risk getting fucked in the ass for me to love her? What the fuck is she risking?

>> No.53325375

Ausfag here
Happened to my brother. He and his gf living together for years one day she just breaks up. Demands half the house as she's "entitled" to it. He didn't want to sell the house so ended up having to pay her out something like the equivalent of the profit if there were to sell around 70k.
Not sure what to say make a decision brother just don't be like me 30 single and drunk on a Wednesday. Although the house I live in is mine and no dumb bitch who works as a beauty therapist can take it which is nice

>> No.53325409

>What about structuring the relationship in a way where it becomes impossible for her to prove lengthy cohabitation together? I.e im the only one on the lease, bills etc.
I'm not qualified to give legal advice, but in general, the law isn't the important part, but the desired outcome in. In Canada, there was the case of this businessman who had not lived together with his girlfriend, but because he had gone on vacation with her, the court ruled that they had cohabitated and that she was entitled to a divorce settlement. Or look at the example of people saying that social media companies censoring people literally at the government's behest, as came out in the case of Twitter recently, and people online defending that because it's technically not a violation of the First Amendment. Or the cases of prenups being thrown out in court, either because they're "too unequal" or because "they were signed under duress" (the duress being that the man wouldn't marry without it having been signed).
You are a man, the system wants to take you the cleaners. Any law, agreement, etc. is just a means to that end. The calculus is that simple.
In practical terms, you might find some temporarily stable arrangement, but you should be aware of what the game being played here is.

>> No.53325415

I would rather be alone in my house than alone in someone else's house after she divorce rapes me. Without a doubt your brother got the short end of the stick. The grass is not really greener on the other side.

>> No.53325427

Where do you live? In the UK its more difficult than that. If you're not married you dont automatically have a right to shit; if they say they have a beneficial interest to your property they have to prove a "common intention" constructive trust exists and that needs some evidence - or a resulting trust coming from them advancing you some money to buy the property. Aus may be slightly different.

>> No.53325438

>The grass is not really greener on the other side.
When you've been a KHHV for 30+ years, even getting divorce raped sounds better than this

>> No.53325455

The risk is time, which for her means her youth and beauty and ability to have children and or a marriage with the highest value man she can vs being dumped at 40 and stuck, financially also in case she gave up career/job to have kids. Not saying I agree with your laws but there is some ok reasoning to them.

>> No.53325467
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Ive always known the world is out to get us.

>> No.53325477

Sounds like you've already made up your mind now stop being a pussy and break up with her I have to go fud link

>> No.53325479

She's only worth keeping if you are both unjabbed. A pureblood woman is worth keeping around (rare) despite the potential financial costs. If on the other hand she's a vaxxie end it now and take the losses. Rebuild. It'll be much less of hit now than if she somehow spawns some abomination from her graphene-coated ovaries and has you on the hook for mutant support.

>> No.53325486

Just set up some "our shit stays separated "c ontracts

>> No.53325497
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Sentence her to be your stay at home wife

>> No.53325499

I carry the same risk. These are literally my prime years. I could be bald in 2 years. I dont see your reasoning. Women can easily find a new guy to look after them in less than a night. The khhv’s in this thread alone should be more than enough proof that the opposite is not true.

>> No.53325501

Why the fuck are you paying for everything? Cucked

>> No.53325503

I never signed that contract, why do beurocraps think they have the right?

>> No.53325510

I know a guy who moved in with a girl and he spent about $50k of his savings on her over 2 years only for her to cheat on him with some other guy, the guy moved back in with his parents after that.

>> No.53325531

Does that actually work? Isnt it common that prenups barely hold up in court.

Cause she’s fucking poor as shit and i would be paying more or less the same if she wasnt there.

>> No.53325575

It's over for you. Should have just pumped and dumped until you were ready to have a wife. Never take care of or pay for a woman until she is your wife. Until she is your wife she needs to do whatever the fuck she was doing before. If get daddy paid for all her shit you tell her to go to her daddy with any shit she has.

>> No.53325621
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>how do I let government live in my home without the government living in my home

Stop being retarded.

>> No.53325646

>Why do i have to risk getting fucked in the ass for me to love her?
I feel like if you trusted her like you should on a relationship this shouldn't be a worry.
if you feel like she's the type to fuck you over in a break up why are you even dating her?

>> No.53325678

All women have it in them. You’re probably young and clueless about women. But all it takes is a suggestion from a friend to completely influence their behaviour. Especially if they’re angry at you. Besides u shouldnt trust anyone in this world as nihilist as it sounds everyone will put themselves first.

>> No.53325685

Why do these fucking morons ruin their reputation by openly telling everyone they know how bad they got fucked over? Actual fucking npcs. Litterally on the other opposite of the spectrum from Machiavellian sociopaths.

>> No.53325697

roastie alert! roastie alert!

>> No.53325703

80k in school debt but she doesn't work in that profession and makengood money? So she spend 80k on getting fucked in college. Good find yo got there I'd personally dump a baby 8nside her then leave

>> No.53325707


YOUR WOMAN is Biologically Programmed to LEAVE YOU.

You’re Smart for thinking about this, Anon.

>> No.53325714

>Besides u shouldnt trust anyone in this world as nihilist as it sounds everyone will put themselves first.

This. Take the god pill anon. He wants you to know that your family is also false. You only have yourself in the end. And if you have god in you then you will also have god with you in the end. Everything else and everyone else is transient. This life is like a cruise trip. It's all temporary and they are all fucking strangers that you won't ever see again after this trip is over.

>> No.53325716

The fact he didn't kill her is why we are in this mess. Yall are weak men
T.got the house and.kid my wife got nothing because I'm smarter and have more money

>> No.53325729

It's not really the world, just the system of state power we've built. The world can exist perfectly fine without out.
I'm also not saying that women are inherently evil, or that they all cheer this on, but rather that the state has made them dangerous by putting a loaded gun with the safety off into the hand of every woman, whether she wanted to or not, thus poisoning relationships with an ever-present, catastrophic threat. Neither that state nor women as a group was the first and ultimate cause; it's rather a mutual interaction in which each party can largely hold itself blameless for its own actions: state power exists, women advocate for some law that is beneficial to them, the state expands to be able to enforce the new law, the societal situation gets worse, women demand protection, etc. Not all laws favoring women are also advocated for by women, or by a majority of women, either. But that's the intolerable situation that has developed.

>> No.53325733

Did she leave you and you turned the tables on her in court? Or did you decide to end it first?

>> No.53325751

Don't worry anon. After nuclear ww3 we go back to the stone age. And that means women go back to the fucking kitchen. Kek it's inevitable. Scientists love to say that we are living in a dream that will not last. I say yes mother fucker we are living in a dream. Onlyfans and simps are not fucking natural nor conductive to carbon based environments that function off the natural selection method of life.

>> No.53325762


>> No.53325787

>young and clueless
kek nope I've had my fair share of bullshit and have learned through it in relationships
I just know that for any relationship to work there needs to be trust. if you don't have trust in the other person just fuck off out of the relationship already, you're wasting your time.
>don't trust anyone
this is such a bullshit way of thinking. The one person you should be able to trust is your partner cause that's the one person you get to choose to spend your whole life with. fuck off with this bs thought that everyone is a dick head out to get you

all that means is you suck at choosing the people you spend your time around

>> No.53325809

>Onlyfans and simps are not fucking natural nor conductive to carbon based environments that function off the natural selection method of life.
I get what you mean. You need a profoundly sick environment to produce these sorts of things, and they themselves make the environment worse. If you want to think about it that way, it's system-level suicide.

>> No.53325877

It's fucking over bro. I have three kids and i don't know how I'm going to raise them without losing this fight. The world is so fucked. Im going to have to just adjust my expectations. Can't wait for this shit to just reach it's end game. Personally i think with all the Tylenol and baby formula shortages and now the talk of natural gas being banned in kitchens and of course all the downtowns in every major city being ghostowns because apparently everyone is working from home. I think the real end game is that the white collar didn't stay home. They moved somewhere else. That's where resources are going and why our resources are running out or being shifted. Whether the white collar moved to Dubai and new zealand or even off grid or off world. Idk. But they still need our products to consuuuume and that's why America is turning into a 3rd world country. Bail reform, organized looters robbing luxury stores and department stores. I think it's all to deflect from the reality that the blue collar, the working class and the immigrants all rushing in here are being scapegoated along with the country and it's heritage. All just so the rich can make more money and live a higher standard of living. I mean dubai or and offgrid world free from all the issues that plague America today but still having all of the products and culture that you like about America without any joggers or homeless or immigrants to interact with does sound very sweet.

>> No.53325917

I agree, it's fucked up, but I don't think this can last. If trends continue for 10 more years, or even 5, we have civilizational collapse as pension funds try to suck the last drop of blood out of workers whose money gets inflated to below-poverty wages. But who knows, they kept the wheels on the wagon so far.

>> No.53325930

I kicked her out for wanting to go to a party without me. Then I made her sign a piece of paper giving me everything if she wanted to see our kids again. (If kids are left in your care you don't have to let the other parent have them again) plus I threatened to get her for child support and know some sheriffs

>> No.53325939

Had her sign infront of a notary btw then filed it in court and school

>> No.53325942

Yup, next time people ask me what happened to America in just going to say it openly. America turned into a colony again because of covid. You stupid fuckers have happily given away our fucking county piece by piece since the patriot act.

>> No.53325977

LMFAO the west Is so cucked. How do you allow your politicians to make such stupid laws. How is a girlfriend entitled to anything when the relationship isn't legally binding? Why don't you try cheating on her and see if she'll move out. Or just move out yourself and take the loss as a very good lesson on the parasitic nature of women.

>> No.53326007

I'm going to assume you are an Indian. Your country is far worse buddy. In America men don't hit women. In India men get hit by women. You fuckers have no middle ground. You are either defacing women with burning acid to their face or being so cucked that they talk to you niggers like secretaries and many even get physical with you. Real men have no ground to stand on in India. They have to become an animal of varying nature. Plus you fuckers shit in the street. Hindu equals mega pussy lol

>> No.53326013

>defacto marriage
You tell her explicitly that you don't want a defacto marriage and therefore things will change.

>> No.53326043

kek based. women are so fucking mentally retarded and ignorant of the world (beyond pop culture nonsense) that it's easy to blindside them like this. the biggest mistake that people make in separation/divorce is going slowly and being respectful and allowing her time to seek counsel with a jewish lawyer. the most prudent course of action is an unrelenting blitzkrieg full of lies and manipulation and borderline extortion. did she sign these documents under duress? that's for a court to decide, if it even gets that far. ideally she'll have much more immediate concerns to worry about, like supporting herself on a $40k/year womanbrain salary in 1 bedroom studio apartment in the DIVERSE side of town, once the gibs faucet (your salary) is cut off.

>> No.53326052

Lol I'm not Indian. It's funny though that that's how you cope instead of doing something but watch your country going down the toilet like some turd. There's a book by Esther Vilar, an Argentine woman called the manipulated man. It should be required reading in your high schools. Zoomers who read it will uncover the true nature of women and see the romantic love industry for what it is. That's how you get back your country. Promote that book to every young man you know. Isn't it ironic that it was written by a woman? Makes it more authentic.

>> No.53326058
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Why are you gay?

>> No.53326086

Perfectly summarized. They treat her like family still instead of being at war with someone trying to destroy thier life. Take the kids gloves off and women don't stand a chance

>> No.53326107

Talk to an attorney.
In burgerland this can be as simple as putting your mom's address on your driver's license, but the rest of the world isn't that simple

>> No.53326303

being gay works

>> No.53326336

Brought up a couple of the things said in this thread and she’s angry now and saying i dont trust her. So maybe we might end up breaking up today. Im indifferent as i plan to break up with her in 6 months anyway.

>> No.53326361

I guess the moral of the story is
>Only date girls who have rich dads
>Only date girls for short term periods <2 years
>Only date girls you want to marry `

>> No.53326420

Yes she's going to get pregnant while you wait for six month like the retard you are. Then you are going to wait for another 9 months to prove baby isn't yours and then she's going to take half your money.

>> No.53326477

Just break up with her.

>> No.53326926

Well things have devolved quite a lot now we’re having a full blown argument about other aspects of our life. This is probably it.

>> No.53326951

Just call her fat and poor and you will save yourself a headache. A little pain today for her saves you months, probably years of suffering.

>> No.53327019

You’re fake ass wannabe Dr Phil shithead.

>> No.53327241

Yeah she's not an actual child anon. Use your emotional intelligence to your advantage.

>> No.53328157

Just ignore maritime law and do what you want. Common law is do no harm, be honorable in your business dealings.

>> No.53329232

She’s Biologically Programmed to Leave You…..Why would you Ever Trust Her?

>> No.53329266

>2 years in Australia
Lol no it's 6 months dickhead. You're fucked.

>> No.53329361

Gee it's almost like traditional marriage solved this. It was a compromise where she gave her youth and virginity to a man and in return he had to commit to her for life (provisioning) right through to old age.

Nowadays the first half of the bargain is gone yet men are still expected to hold up their half of the compromise.

>> No.53329472
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Male attractiveness is based on way more than looks, and women consistently find men visually attractive who are older than them right up into old age.

Men's physical attraction towards women always remains approx. 21 no matter how old they get.

Source: image