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53325193 No.53325193 [Reply] [Original]

>Be subhuman Australian
>Haha everyone is so poor lmao our minimum wage is 80 gorillion dollars I make 200k mate
>wah wah wah I’ll never be able to afford a house a shed is 1m dollars

Why do Australians pretend like they’re making good money when they’re some of the poorest faggots in the Anglosphere? Your money is worth as much as my toilet paper. I have a suspicion that Australians on the Internet are all mentally deranged because normies are outside enjoying the nice weather. I have never met a decent Australian online and I hope you all get gassed. You’re obnoxious faggots and not quirky.

>> No.53325221

can't hear you over the good weather mate

>> No.53325226

Agent Bruce reporting to base. Mission success, target is seething.

>> No.53325234

Good one mate, this shoey is for you

>> No.53325239

Pretty much agree. My work package is 179k aud. But this is 'just" over 125k burger dollars. After all our abhorrent taxes I'm basically a minimum wage burger.
I could just move to burgerland and earn 250k burgers which is about 355k subpar australian "dollars".
I go to burgerland every 1-2 years and jesus fuck i'm poor except for a while ago when we were at a 1:1 exchange rate.

>> No.53325260

You probably go into threads saying you make 180k without mentioning it’s in AUD aka what I wipe my ass with. 90% of you faggots do this and then later on mention you’re from that shithole. But they still don’t even mention it’s AUD

Anyway I hope you get gassed and don’t come to the states stay in your containment shithole

>> No.53325277

I always put aud at the end, it points out to the burgers that im still poor. The only good thing about having such a bad currency is crypto keeps going up against it since it's all priced in superior burgerdollars.

Also dont forget we're just a military base of burgerland out here, so gassing us just means china and SEA will chimp out harder. I only go to burgerland to inspect a superior country.

>> No.53325301

If it makes you guys feel better my #2 hated country is Norway. A lot of retarded Norwegians like to shit up the Internet too.

Two of the worst countries to interact with online.

>> No.53325302

checked, fucking bootlicker

>> No.53325337
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Chang detected

>> No.53325359

Aussies are white. They have the highest rate of skin cancer. The sun and it's intensity for which they aren't made for (look in contrast at Abos) also melts their brain.

>> No.53325511

Yeah it's shit don't come here

>> No.53325528
File: 1.23 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

G'day m8, Australian here
God I hate Australia. More like Ausfailia heh
Don't EVER come to Australia!
i mena look at this shit, cant even walk on the beach without getting FUCKED up

>> No.53325532

Just wish the taxes weren't so fucked
>50% of my money gone if my crypto blows up
What the fuck

>> No.53325542

Factually incorrect

>> No.53325569

Hahaha this cocksucking in an anti Aussie thread. I can only imagine how broken you look and act.
>>53325528 why's this slug got a human foot?

>> No.53325722

yeah nah was at the beach

>> No.53325769

most based thing about the AUD being dogshit is i price my networth in USD and always get a pleasant surprise when I realise how much AUD that is.

>> No.53325771
File: 2.29 MB, 4032x3024, 8ABDBB78-C4EE-4144-B79F-387647CDC64B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah Australia sucks.

Just don’t come mate. We’re full anyway.


>> No.53325799
File: 318 KB, 1231x1533, A7329E7C-A048-4A06-A64C-0034C5EA6923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chang detected

>> No.53325810
File: 52 KB, 731x720, A4152784-BD4A-46F5-A4D2-F99F0EAD9144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meds. Now.

>> No.53325823
File: 263 KB, 755x377, zimbabwe-100trillion-banknote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've noticed this as well. they're even dumber than zimbabwean niggers. at least zimbabwean niggers realized that big numbers are meaningless. meanwhile the average auscuck can't stop bragging about his $200k salary working FIFO in the mines, MATE.... while the cost of even the most dilapidated cuck shed is $1.25M.

>> No.53325850
File: 172 KB, 1150x863, emu_u_1150x863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, sound like your absolutely seething dear.
How does it feel having your only source of vitamin D come in a supplement?

Come visit, we always need fresh meat for the Emu War. i'll take you croc surfing, and we'll ride some kangaroos. you can experience sunshine for the first time in your life, and stay in our 5 star covid camps. It'll be amazing.

Got a 100kg abbo woman doing a mating dance out front right now, gtg.

>> No.53325855

Checked and kek'd at you being a self hating Aussie. You really think amerimutts are superior?

No one else gives a fuck who you hate. Just pay the snivelling cuck above to come to America so you can take your impotent Australiam rage out on him you weird cunt KEK

>> No.53325923

Calling Aussies names on the internet will get you no where. Saying timtams are shit will get more of a reaction.

>> No.53325960

Kek this thread is a case study on how retarded they are.

These terminally online retards bragging about nice weather as if though they go outside and like Hawaii, California, and Florida don’t exist

>> No.53325992

Depends where you buy your shed. If you go outside the cities where it's still good old Australia, prices are still fairly reasonable. City prices are stupid high but who wants to live in a city anyway.

>> No.53326358

Only if you sell

>> No.53326563

If I swap my shitcoins for btc the taxman is still after me. I'm not holding shitcoins forever

>> No.53326602

How is swapping considered a taxable event? Switching Euros to Dollars isn't either. Understandable, if you sell crypto for dollars/euros, but swapping it into another crypto somehow legitimizes btc as real money...?

>> No.53326638

Whatever you say but They have twelve foot ninja.

>> No.53326727

Ausfag here, I agree
You actually have to be subhuman to enjoy it here.
If you're Aussie and you love this place currently, ur on crack

>> No.53326847

pretty easy to just take your AUD overseas and be a king