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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5332452 No.5332452 [Reply] [Original]

I mean.. it's pretty obvious but WHO HERE IS GETTING FUCKING JUSTED RN?

>> No.5332478
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>> No.5332489


pretty comfy, ready to set my big fat margin longs on btc when we reach bottom in 1 or 2 hours. gonna be even richer after xmas. crazy times

>> No.5332502

I've lost 33% of my total portfolio on Bitcoin Cash.
I'm going to go to the Coinbase HQ and shoot the entire fucking place up after today. No survivors.
BCash is strong fundamentally but Coinbase absolutely annihilated its market value with this convoluted, ass-backwards 'launch' that, as far as I'm concerned, was intended to fuck over the coin over.
I'm absolutely fucking beside myself. Fuck this piece of shit coin, but most importantly, FUCK COINBASE.

>> No.5332506

sonm and maybe dcorp they both have strong teams behind their shit and already booming

>> No.5332507
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i cant feel my hands

>> No.5332526

I bought BTC at 19k$. Did I get JUSTed?

>> No.5332578

Just hold for a month. It'll get there.

>> No.5332614


you should have lost 100% for even buying roger vers shilled government bcash shitcoin. get lost faggot

>> No.5332637

suprisingly not - holding FUN and XLM which have gained if anything. I stay the fuck away from BScam and these shitty Asian coins which are basically some chinks gambling

>> No.5332651

just bought $500 worth of Etherium at $733

I hope it doesn't crash further

>> No.5332663
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I'm not getting justd too bad, mostly in LTC, ETH, alts

but I fucking hate BCASH and I fucking hate normiebase and what they've done to us

>> No.5332723
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>all these fucking retards on this board flipping out over a dip
You should be buying now, even if it takes a month to go back up you'll still make insane profit

>> No.5332754

Justing mode is over now, we are now in shaky recovery mode

>> No.5332831


cause you're a core cuck aren't you?

>> No.5332899

>Just checked my wallet.
>All my bitcoin is there.
All's fine

>> No.5332950
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>tfw up 14% with LINK
not me senpai

>> No.5333022
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Goddamn everyone here is autistic

The top 5 coins are down, therefore the rest of the coins reflect that trend.

It's only been like 2 days, by christmas the market is gonna recover and everyone is going to go back to circle-jerking about how good of a meme investor they are

Get a fuckin grip

>> No.5333031

I already spent all my mone on yesterday's dip.

>> No.5333041

Last time I got justed I just waited it out and escaped my bags.

>> No.5333076

>tfw sold all my holdings right before everything crashed today.
>tfw going to buy back in ten fold once pajeet has his way with all the normies that bought the hype and pumped the market

>> No.5333086

As long as 1 BTC = 1 BTC then we're fine

>> No.5333099
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>> No.5333146

gee willikers, you've posted something that exactly matches a post from another thread.

I guess you copied and pasted it, huh? Gee.

>> No.5333161
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See, I thought it was obvious, but this is why you do not invest money in something that does not exist. You put your fucking money into a non-physical object and now people are realizing that it is literally nothing but numbers on a computer screen that you paid for with real money.

Just open up fucking wordpad, type in:
> Bitcoin Amount: $99999999999999.57
There you go, it's basically the exact same feeling of owning bitcoin, minus any loss on your end.

The fact that none of you people realized the whole thing was a massive scam is what gets me.

>> No.5333167


this negro knows what's up

>> No.5333182

confido buyers everywhere

>> No.5333194
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>> No.5333219

Yep, it was a scam that let people cash out more money than they bought in with.

Wodda scam.

>> No.5333241

Feels good to have sold earlier today while my shit was at peak. May have only been $1200 But I only had $300 in to it so I can't complain.

>> No.5333261
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Fuck off with this meme

>> No.5333281

thanks. bought 100k

>> No.5333310

Brb selling all my internet stocks and the online gold

>> No.5333313


>> No.5333348

just doxx the fuck outa ver and rob his btc at gunpoint if youre guna do that

>> No.5333378

livestream it please, or atleast post on /pol/ with times etc.

>> No.5333398


>> No.5333522

I managed to get out ahead of time. Writing was on the wall.

Hey pro tip because I new a lot of you are pretty new to the investing game: when everybody is jumping for joy and adamant that the currency or stock cannot fail or will continue this ridiculous upward momentum forever, you really need to think about pulling out. You can hedge and pull out half just so you're still in to see where it goes but still. Be careful folks.

>> No.5333564

>you put money into nothing and the nothing gives you money back
It's volatile trend-investing, same way somebody made money off the pet-rock fad and arcades way back when. You can't really use bitcoin for anything useful, and there's no privacy to it in the end because whatever you buy online with it is going to be connected with an address to recieve it. It all comes back to you.

Some people made money on Enron, too, but it was still a bloated scam. If you made money on bitcoin, well that's good. You reached the lifeboats before everyone started realizing that the Titanic was going to sink and I hope you enjoy your success! Nothing wrong with 'gettin' while the gettin' is good'

>> No.5333596

reported :^)

>> No.5333665

>tfw traded all my bitcoin for ethereum last night thinking I was smart
>down 12 percent in sats today

Biggest mistake of the month, fuck my life.

>> No.5333677

Everyone was "jumping for joy" since 10k genius. Why didn't you cash out then? I did and I'm pretty salty.

>> No.5333683
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>> No.5333693


And how did you withdraw quickly?

>> No.5333702

holy fucking shit lol

>> No.5333808

You would think. The problem is btc moves WAY past the point of euphoria. If I would've played it "smart," I would have sold at 12k

>> No.5334709
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Lol you won't do shit nigga stfu

>> No.5334848
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>> No.5335119
File: 59 KB, 585x682, EBC8CD96-B708-4D48-8AEA-70FE673E5AEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get me in screencap

>> No.5335181

Lost 65% here from the first floppening. Get on my level faggot.

>> No.5335196


>> No.5335220

no one here is alright

>> No.5335252

>buying bcash

lmaoing at your life fagit

>> No.5335284

I'm getting absolutely JUSTed

Lost $100,000+ this week

>> No.5335344

Nolinkers will never know this feel, comrade.

>> No.5335363
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I lost $2m since I went to bed late night.

>> No.5335387
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>lost 80 dollars
Is it time to kill myself yet?

>> No.5335515
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>I'm going to go to the Coinbase HQ

I'm actually kind of surprised someone hasn't blindsided Roger Ver. Does he even have full time security? People like that make themselves so visible. It would just take one seriously broke and deranged individual who has nothing left to lose.

>> No.5335918
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>> No.5336017

Dont worry baby, I'm in the same boat.

>> No.5336020


>> No.5336198

holding ICX and LINK so no not at all

>> No.5336582
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>seriously broke and deranged individual who has nothing left to lose

*Cracks knuckles and stands up*

>> No.5336623
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>you guys are alright
>don't go to coinbase tomorrow

>> No.5336684

Literally all crypto's promise is a product after 5 years, BZC is the only one of 20 coins that's actually finished.

>> No.5336688
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Why did I buy in at 18k


>> No.5336737

did a redditor find his way into 4chan?

>> No.5336819

check daily candles. We have a trend reversal. ATH is in
We are going to sub 10k
screencap this

>> No.5336852

You did well anon.

Sit by my side and snicker at these laggards getting justed with me

>> No.5336983
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I had pulled out into fiat and was feeling comfy watching the slow decline. Think I'm smarter then I actually am. Decide to buy the dip and try to resell the bounce to make a tiny profit.

Dip much bigger then anticipated.

Bought too early. Held. The bounce comes, it climbs back to -.5% of where i bought and 1% away from my sell order.
I hold. It never makes it. I go back down into oblivion with all the coins.

Stuck bag holding 40 eth for who knows how long now.

>> No.5337075

holy shit down we go.

>> No.5337081

Your intentions were pure anon.

>> No.5337109


>> No.5337253

I'm not getting JUSTed, but getting more nervous by the minute. When do I buy back?

>> No.5337269

t. fell for the bull trap

>> No.5337480

When it hits 5k. Sooner than you think.

>> No.5337531

oh shiiit bitch

>> No.5337604

I too think it will hit 5k but even then it may not stop. At that price level all bets are off and even the most staunch buttcoin holders will fold.

>> No.5337649

WHEN WILL IT END?!?? I got in 3 day ago, this wasn't how it was supposed to go. I just wanna have and make sick gainz with my /biz/ bros.

>> No.5337678
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>> No.5337720
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this, I've been getting my ass pounded since I've gotten in after watching biz bros make it for a week+ while I waited for cuckbase to finish my fucking transaction, fuck

>> No.5337727

at this rate its gonna be tonight

>> No.5337822

considering banks don't work pretty much whole next week I feel like we're riding red top January

>> No.5337844

Same. And I thought I did good buy getting LTC at the dip a few hours ago @ 240... So much for that.

>> No.5337897
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>> No.5337909
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Not going to lie, this was partially luck.

>> No.5338112

a-a-are we bouncing back bros?

>> No.5338144

Update, I'm at about 45% now.

>> No.5338152
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from 11k to 7k in under 2 days. thanks coinbase. thanks us regulation fud.

>> No.5338358

lol even chainlink is falling now.

>> No.5338393

no, obvious bulltrap

this is going down much further

>> No.5338468


>yfw the big boys allowed this to happen and SEC won't do shit

You know whos going to be buying the dip instantly right when it stops?

>> No.5338486

I'm 60% down. Holy shit this is brutal

>> No.5338490

BCH is the reddit of bitcoin forks