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53324291 No.53324291 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.53324304

>eh... when your enemy is weak you attack them
>when your enemy is strong you avoid them

>> No.53324332

It makes 89 IQ business majors feel deep.

>> No.53324336

They still fail to understand how to actually be a good "general". If they actual understood the text they would realize that they are shitty generals and that's grounds for a mutiny and beheading.
>Think how Amazon treats it's warehouse workers.
High level sociopaths are shitbags who deserve to be executed, so i'm not surprised they behave that way.

>> No.53324371

The most elementary of decisions can sometimes be clouded by situation and/or emotion. Re-affirming them through study creates fervour in your methodology.

>> No.53324381
File: 7 KB, 112x112, big think.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why does the business board not talk about military science

>> No.53324401

Sun Tzu was a bureaucrat who never commanded a single soldier

>> No.53324684

Kek, this book is a meme
>When the army is hungry feed them

>> No.53324698

Probably better off reading Musashi or Rommel. Create advantage; then, PUSH the advantage as far as possible.


>> No.53324718

Memes aside, what i liked the most is the focus on war economics, war to be profitable should never last too much, people get tired of shit really fast and your pockets as well.

>> No.53324945

Art of war
More like
Fart of war
*wet farting noises*

>> No.53325001

I read half of this garbage thinking I'm going to get some information that would be the slightest bit useful, but I got absolutely nothing, even from the pov of a war general, this book is a complete moot

>> No.53325139

>The most elementary of decisions can sometimes be clouded by situation and/or emotion. Re-affirming them through study creates fervour in your methodology.

This anon makes an important point.

Everyone knows how they *should* trade, in theory, as well, right? But how many people fuck up massively at every opportunity? Even those with a lot of experience.

Regarding The Art of War, we may well mock it for being largely ambiguobvious stuff but I would still think slightly less of someone who hadn't read it. Same with countless other books. It's like plebs mocking the bible or something, hur dur I have quora and reddit why do I need 2000 year old fairytales? Maybe something in them can improve our pathetic lives.

>> No.53325344

Reading anything written before even the idea of a computer or the internet existed to get useful information is beyond retarded.

Reading anything written in 90% of fields from before about 2016 or so when the deep learning neural net revolution started for useful information is beyond retarded.

If anyone recommends this shit its just boomers parroting the shit they read out of pride hoping you will make the same mistakes they did so they can profit of the same mistakes they have been taught to profit from.

>> No.53325354


>> No.53326898

appear retarded when you are smart?