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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53321626 No.53321626 [Reply] [Original]

From some of the incel seething I’ve seen on here (which I don’t even blame them for women are insane these days) I imagine /Biz/cels will make Dubai toilet yacht parties look like an Amish sewing circle. What do you think will happen when 5-10% of this board are in 8 figure territory?

>> No.53321640


I wanna shit in a girls mouth bros

>> No.53321646

i will phone stacy and tell her she owe me sex

>> No.53321647
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I am gonna be real with you holmes, 8 figs isn't even yacht money

>> No.53321652

>when 5-10% of this board are in 8 figure territory?
that's a more deranged fantasy than whatever depraved sex shit you have in mind

>> No.53321660

I'm going to meditate 8 hours a day.

>> No.53321666

I'm just gonna chill

>> No.53321670

i'd do consensual sex in the missionary position, while holding hands

>> No.53321689
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>What level of depraviltiy will /biz/cels reach when they make it to 8 figures

I'll be a loyal husband with a based high iq loving family.

>> No.53322182

Is there anything more boring than resetting yourself back to default degeneracy?
Once someone makes it and has the time to grind for themselves rather than shekelstein, why would anyone spend time doing lvl 1 stuff like drinking and drugs, which can be done by anyone including the homeless? End game content is much more interesting.

>> No.53322194
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Based. Can I watch?

>> No.53322440

this but i will phone every girl in my highschool

>> No.53322449
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>buying a small cottage innawoods
>a reasonable and reliable vehicle
>having 0 debt
>traveling with gf
>putting babies in her to cure the crazy
>homeschooling my kids
>teach them useful hobbies like hunting, farming, and mechanics
>maybe even lift

Peak debauchery in modernity.

>> No.53322460
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>Let's make a movie where the male protaganist is comedicly cucked and a huge loser

>> No.53322474

this, except with women AND cute femboys and trannies

>> No.53322487

I think most just do the same thing they do normally but are a neet instead of wage cucking

>> No.53322488
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I recently considered myself to have "made it" after i reached 7 figs with my DEXT multi portfolio (mixed from low mcap gems and tokens that give dividends) and let me tell you nothing changes THAT much. You just become yourself but with money. Problems that couldn't be solved with money stay the same or get worse and you need to keep a hold of yourself to not become fully schizo. And im not even "that" rich

>> No.53322501

>putting babies in her to cure the crazy
Postpartum is way worse, trust me

>> No.53322520

go on

>> No.53322753
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Every "Trauma" comes out to the surface, the emotional roller coster of loving then hating you multiple times in the span of minutes, the murder impulses (the unspoken truth about SIDS)
Women on BC are crazy bitches because the pill artificially induces postpartum psychosis on them

>> No.53322902

This, Do it like the (old) new money that spread information and infrastructure
Start an old school academic that is based on merit and real science instead of the debtmaxx degree mills that only churn out approved fashion grants and counterfucks CIA/Mossad critical marxist bullshit efforts

>> No.53322913

I will tip my doordash drivers $7 instead of $6

>> No.53322956

i used to go see escorts a lot but after a few gnarly experiences in 2020 I stopped. went to escorts so i wouldn't have to deal with female bullshit and yet there's no escaping it. haven't had sex since. I'm going kinda nuts as a result and really need to let loose but when i think about it i think about some of the crazy stuff that happened and chicken out. if i were rich i'd probably get like a few sugar babies. girls i could see regularly who are reliable and not nutso if such a thing is possible

>> No.53322960

Just don't go full McAfee and have black women shit in your mouth.

>> No.53322966

I would have my sex change surgery while awake but fully numbed so I could see my manhood removed live, get mega milkers installed, have a stay at home Portuguese body builder to be my house boy, walk on rose petals everywhere, have a glass dildo made from a plaster cast of my former cock, become a dominatrix and turn guys into sissies

>> No.53322988

Lol are you gonna scar them mentally with your abomopussy?

>> No.53323009

Here's a little spoiler. You can do depravity as a broke, penniless guy living on your friend's couch in his shitty apartment. Trust me. So if you weren't able to do sexual depravity as a broke motherfucker, which you can, you're not going to manage it as a rich guy either. It's not going to magically resolve your lack of social skills and sexual hangups.

If that's what you're after, then getting out more, making friends, and learning to socialize normally is what's actually going to do it for you.

>> No.53323041

>So if you weren't able to do sexual depravity as a broke motherfucker, which you can, you're not going to manage it as a rich guy either
Dude when I was at my most broke I was doing the walk of shame home in high heels and a mini skirt after being railed by a marine while his wife was in the hospital and I farted a glob of cum on the sidewalk accidentally
You don't know depravity

Well if I was rich I could have the best pussy job ever

>> No.53323051

I don't know your kind of kink, but I'm glad you had fun.

>> No.53323079
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Well currently I'm just really into being treated like a little slut, slapped, choked, pissed on, but then get cleaned up and taken to dinner and spoiled. Unfortunately eventhough I'm cute and pass guys don't want their friends or parents finding out they are dating a t-girl

I'm all in on shiba so who knows, maybe if I make it I will just settle down off the grid and be a trad waifu home maker

>> No.53323092

They won't do shit, they become normal people.

>t. 8 fig ex-incel

>> No.53323099

We're all stock characters from porn sometimes. Strangely I'm either scary glasses hentai protagonist or tan beach guy to young women, or I'm cute nerd getting ara ara'd to older women. Sex is a weird mental thing when you actually think about it.

>> No.53323113

>Sex is a weird mental thing when you actually think about it.
The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.”

― H.P. Lovecraft

>> No.53323123

My weenie is so atrophied from all the hormones I can stick it inside me

>> No.53323132

...the first time that a woman ever calls me daddy, now that I'm over 30, during sex, I can't promise that I won't reflexively slap her.

>> No.53323169
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I love calling guys daddy

>> No.53323176

Downright heretical

>> No.53323209

getting gangabged by 3 passing troons

>> No.53323272

>Women on BC are crazy bitches because the pill artificially induces postpartum psychosis on them
this girl i was dating get on BC with me. One day she just wanted to call it quits out of no place. Fucking pissed me off because she wanted me to tell her i loved her and when i finally did and got caught up in her she does this shit. I still have to see her too.

>> No.53323279

If I ever punch you in the mouth, it won't be because you're trans.

>> No.53323290

Good luck, we don't top

>> No.53323301

Can't ever find t girls that look good like you. 99% of them are just hairy dudes that like to wear women's clothes and be degraded. Zero effort on their part to actually look like a woman.

>> No.53323314

Yeah I hate those fuckers, gives troons a bad name

>> No.53323323

post pp with VPN

>> No.53323599

>Zero effort on their part to actually look like a woman.
What do you mean to “look like a woman” they are woman bro, no matter how they present themselves.

>> No.53324159

I'd make small video games for fun and maybe do charitable work for locals.

>> No.53324202

move over to the right

>> No.53324206
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I already live a completely degenerate lifestyle with my middle class income
>find young women with difficult backgrounds
>love bomb them and introduce them to drugs
>coke fueled orgies
I'm not really sure what I would do with more money dEsu, probably the same on a larger scale or with better women

>> No.53324233
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I'm crashing this plane, with no survivors.

>> No.53324241
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I'm already driving one of these.

>> No.53324243

all I want is maybe a year or max 2 of travelling expensively, seeing the world , partying with prostitutes, maybe some on the young side

Then I’m going to just find women and have as many children as possible
If I was really like a 100+ millionaire then I’d maybe start a sperm bank fertility clinic institute impregnating women with my sperm and helping white women get pregnant and have lots of kids.

>> No.53324246

I just bought an alienware. Life as usual, now imaginary target is 3 commas.

>> No.53324268
File: 253 KB, 1400x2120, B9C8BAE4-3328-4670-9640-157F3C2D17DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate that many sociopathic business people read the Art of War (usually a copy without examples and Chinese commentary) and think they are following what the book says. If they actually followed what the book says, they wouldn't be CEOs or any positions like that. They are shitty generals who deserve to be mutinied and beheaded.

>> No.53324295

I prefer confucius.

>> No.53324297

Point still stands. Sociopathic business people fail at comprehending the text fully.

>> No.53324310

>Jeeves, go fetch the whores cart

>> No.53324315
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>End game content is much more interesting.

>> No.53324320


basically if you crave attention and have no love for people, it's going to be really bad for you

>> No.53324328

Because they need a way to feel wise when they are not.

>> No.53324347

Many behave in such a way that would grounds for execution. They treat their troops like shit. If we were out in a war zone they would be fragged and rightfully so.

>> No.53324627

once you rich the only deed left is suicide

>> No.53324646

No it's not, you're supposed to come full circle and give it all up and live in a hut in the woods that you built from trees you cut down

>> No.53324647


>> No.53324676

I'm moving to the Philippines when I make it.

I already have 4 babies with 4 different Filipino women, each on a different island.

Whenever I fly back to flip land I set my tinder and online dating profile as "bareback with creampie ONLY", and message anybody who matches with me "Let me cum inside of you". It takes like 30 minutes of swiping to find a fuckable date for that night.

Flip women are the sluttiest, most cum addicted, willing single mothers on the planet earth. They live to be bred, and the opportunity to have a white baby fucked into them is like a dream come true.

I get them into the bed, make them come, and get them to agree to bear my child before I nut inside of them. I have never had any of them ever get mad at me for coming inside, since that is the entire premise of our hookup. That they will walk away with a creampie from a white man.

You may not believe me, and you definitely won't believe this next part: I have even had several woman promise to meet me on the days they are ovulating, with their fertility cycle schedule all planned out and everything. Because they WANT to get pregnant by a white foreigner. I have even had an older white guy with a filipino wife message me and ask me to breed her, since he had a vasectomy and she was pestering him for a child. I did it.

The Philippines is a shithole, but for a white man who wants to COLONIZE brown asian cunt, it is the holy land and paradise.

>> No.53324779

I thank every bit of my neurons that gave me the willpower to dump near the shiba top in 2021 and not touch it again. Glad you are never going to make significant money again, normies have been burned from shiba and it has no elon musk to keep it afloat. Don't buy anything else, thanks for bagging.