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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53312155 No.53312155 [Reply] [Original]

>bought a few groceries for this week
>60€ ($65)
my fucking fault for buying some meat

>> No.53312179

Lolololol what's next, caviar and Dom perignon?
Meat, milk, fish, fruits, that's not included for you in their 2030 agenda.

>> No.53312190

eat less, and buy more meat in bulk, directly from a local producer.

>> No.53312199

steal to counteract inflation

>> No.53312210

excuse me, she has all her fingers and toes. is this not ai? I'm confused. anyway yeah if you're not on a rice and bean diet at this point ngmi.

>> No.53312242
File: 273 KB, 1599x1697, YourSeasoningSir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll need to start eating the slop immediately, ah. and some protein seasoning for you Xer. Wouldn't want your employer to loser their wagie! (until you're 60 and can be disposed of)

>> No.53312249

>eat less
I need to eat a healthy amount for the gym anon...
>meat in bulk, directly from a local producer
I dont live in montana thats difficult here in EU
Also I hate freezing fresh meat. It's not the same later.

>> No.53312252
File: 41 KB, 197x658, Billie_Adams_concept_art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You niggers should have learned to hunt. It takes years to get proficient, but I highly recommend learning it.

Protip: Our time is running out, get /fit/ /out/ and /biz/ pilled if you want to escape the pod and ze bugz.

>> No.53312264

> is stop eating food

>> No.53312276

>stop cleaning house
>get roach infestation
>cook and eat roaches
>free food
Where's the flaw?

>> No.53312302
File: 284 KB, 1511x2015, 281563512_5103204379775289_8145555589864878016_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically dumpsper dive to fight inflation, they throw away perfectly edible meat because if they offer a discount the perception of price will make people stop buying at 200% markup

>> No.53312328

it sits around at room temperature for several hours before one of the manager wagies unlocks the dumpster chute.

t. worked in a grocery store meat department for several years

>> No.53312333

artificial inflation is the truth. Productivity is permanently increasing, so where are the goods? Either consumed/wasted by the ultra wealthy or thrown away so the proles don't get it.

>> No.53312340
File: 29 KB, 1024x613, 1673720526565517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually hunt with my family, but the hunt season here is just 4 months and it's ok for a few deers, wildboards and rabbits, not enought to survive the rest of the year. Also again, extremly expensive hobby in EU
>get /fit/
Im on it. But like you know you need to eat healthy + protein. Thats expensive as hell now.
nah just EU esl I know that my english is crap

>> No.53312446


Damn… Because hog is considered a pest in the U.S. you can kill and harvest year round in most states. I got /fit/ as a NEET and basically just used cottage cheese and eggs before the price hike. Look up the protein macros in all foods. Legumes are typically cheap and have a high protein count. You won’t end up looking like Zyzz because your carb intake will bloat you a bit, but you’ll escape skinnyfat mode if you lift heavy. Good luck bro.

>> No.53312501

This, I shot my neighbor's cat with my 9mm and ate it.

>> No.53312663
File: 12 KB, 474x294, OIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See this is why I learned archery. Arrows and bolts are reusable on small game.

>> No.53313162

>need to eat a healthy amount for the gym anon...
No you don't, fattie.

>> No.53313179

>You niggers should have learned to hunt
In 1930 they almost caused the white tail deer population to go extinct.
Learn to grow food you fucking savages.

>> No.53313193

>it sits around at room temperature for several hours
And? Go pay a wagie 100 bucks to unlock it for you and grab everything.
People like you are pussies.

>> No.53313209

Sling shot wrist rocket Master race.
Why even need a arrow when rocks are everywhere for free.

>> No.53313562

you just need bugs and onions