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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53309315 No.53309315 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.53309323

I'm a Euro and I just came home from work. Cope and seethe

>> No.53309342

i make 2k € on unemployment
im about to go play wow while eating biscuits rn

>> No.53309346

No, I'm a neet.

Same, I get about €2400 after taxes per month AND I can invest as much as I want and my investments earnings don't affect my neetbux.

>> No.53309354

I'm about to have sex with my arab refugee gf. you jealous?

>> No.53309355

>Same, I get about €2400 after taxes per month AND I can invest as much as I want and my investments earnings don't affect my neetbux.

that's literally how much I get for waging full time

>> No.53309413

That's kind of the point, though pretty much everyone in my family gets about 1.5-2x more than me. Livable income for people who get disabled in youth and a bonus because I had a high paying full time job for a short period when I was 18. It's a bit higher than normal.
If I became disabled at adult age and had a partner I was living with or was married I would get around €2100 before taxes, so probably around €1800. If you live alone that's barely enough for rent and food here though if you ever want to buy some clothes or a computer.

I hate AI so much, but I do look forward to more automation. I do believe at some point the world will be automated so much that this is kind of the norm, and you get *extra* money by doing things that are hard to automate. For example, want a fancy boat? Get to work. Want to eat? No problem, here's shelter and food.
People will want a fancy car and a fancy boat either way or a bigger house to feel "luxurious" so there will always be people working.

>> No.53309423

Someone please shoot me in the head. I’m on the train to office and I won’t be back home for another 11 hours at least. I can’t endure this much longer bros, if we don’t have a bullrun 2024/25 I will pull the pluck and just kms. Not worth living like that honestly

>> No.53309465

>leaving work
It's 8 in the morning, dumb mutt.

>> No.53309695

Pretty sure they're just waking up. Get ready for another dump They're going to sell to stick it to Putler.

>> No.53309874
File: 31 KB, 320x612, 100 hours work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost 8 am
>europoors leaving work
we don't need a secondary night job in europe in order to survive like you amerilards, sweaty

>> No.53310254

Speak for yourself bro, 2 jobs, 1 bachelors degree, barely getting by

>> No.53310479

you are doing something wrong then, dude
where do you live for not surviving with 2 jobs?

>> No.53310573

living in denmark is easy mode

>> No.53310617
File: 136 KB, 888x1024, 1672226097099710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"work" from home
>effectively work 1 hour per day, if even that
>get paid full time
Autists who can't get a job will cope till kingdom come.

>> No.53310786
File: 268 KB, 512x512, taq8nztk0lo51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not being a self employed chad or retired neet in 2023
What were you guys doing the past 6 years?

>> No.53310817

Which country for those juicy gibs?