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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53307652 No.53307652 [Reply] [Original]

I know my ex boyfriend still come here so this is to him, and all like-minded assholes.

I am a recently single woman who was treated like garbage by my recent ex-boyfriend. My self-esteem was at an all-time low, but I knew I had to pick myself back up and move on from the toxic relationship. I may not have any formal education or training, but I do have one thing going for me, my body. So, I decided to create an OnlyFans account and start selling pictures of myself for money. It may not have been my first choice, but it has given me the financial independence and confidence I never had when I was with my ex.

It has been a liberating experience to take control of my own image and sexuality, and to see the positive response from my followers. I never thought I would be able to make a living doing something like this, but I am proud to say that I am now more successful than I ever was when I was with my ex. I am finally able to stand on my own two feet and make something of myself, without depending on anyone else.

Fuck you Aaron. You will never come close to how I feel. Oh, yeah, and I should note that many of your friends have subscribed and I know this and put on a show for them :)

>> No.53307661

That's a man

>> No.53307671
File: 25 KB, 738x703, fca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get this fuckin shit larp pasta back to /b

>> No.53307680

which sub did you get this from so I can masturbate

>> No.53307809
File: 63 KB, 420x409, toaaron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck me Aaron!!

>> No.53307849

they are all simps having access to cheap money during the bull run.
im not trying to be harsh but the body thing wont last
think bigger

>> No.53307877

His name is Anon, not Aaron

>> No.53307891

can i get a free trial?

>> No.53307893

take me back baby!! please i love you :'3

>> No.53307897

You're delusional if you think low interest rates have any meaningful influence on a coomers mind.

Onlyfans will be a large breadwinning career for women moving forward into this decade and well into the future. Incels seethe

>> No.53307898

Didn’t read any of that roastie. If you’re making money welcome to /biz.

>> No.53307927

you're so funny, I hate you... Its over!

>> No.53307981

lol at calling me incel you know about me sad bitch
i tried to talk you without sounding disrespectful
but w/e enjoy ur life

>> No.53307987

Go listen to more Tate fucking loser

>> No.53307992

fuck you and tate

>> No.53308001

Oh hey Lauren.

>> No.53308031

Kek worthless whore gets back at man in the only way she knows how to do anything, by selling her body. Now no self respecting man will give her the time of day. Nice larp anyway fag

>> No.53308060

you should at least take measures to protect your identity so your kids have a chance of not knowing you used to show your asshole for money

also beware of stalkers. men are just as depraved as you imagine they are.

>> No.53308069
File: 1.54 MB, 1000x563, 1569217623769.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i short western women?

>> No.53308074

why would she hide it? shes proud of being a whore and her kids should be too. all their friends in high school should get a chance to see their mum that way

>> No.53308079

Ha, the only thing you've proven is Aaron is LUCKY to be rid of you.
What type of disgusting trash defiles themself to internet losers.
You're shame and a disgrace to your family as well.

S to spit.

>> No.53308080

I'm sending all your nude pictures to all your family and friends, Ashley. Fuck you, you worthless whore

>> No.53308098

Based, kek.
Step it up a level and do her ENTIRE neighborhood. Everyone should like what a dirty worthless whore she is.

>> No.53308110

its very empowering

>> No.53308126

fucking lol i just realised that if onlyfans is the female equivalent of the shitcoin casino then this is the equivalent of sharing her seed phrase online

>> No.53308195

You've triggered so many incels here hahaha. I think there's a primal urge by men to feel put down whenever a women can embrace the sexuality all men desire. It's an ironic dystonic feeling that most men can't handle.

What makes it worse is that men know that most woman have the potential to show their beautiful bodies and get all the attention but men do not have that power.

>> No.53308228
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What your OF link i will sub my queen

>> No.53308254

its a bit like the primal desire to be provided for and express maternity in women, which no one will bother with if sexuality isnt exclusive. why would i go out of my way for you if youre selling your key asset to literally anyone for pennies?

>> No.53308298

Men dont feel the urge to whore ourselves at all you demonic slut.

Men are the protectors of civilization, and that means we are wired to shun & expel any & all destructive terrible behavior from our community. The worst of which is disgraceful women unfit to even be near children, let alone have any of their own.

You'll notice the only men that cheer this behavior on are the seediest scummiest desperate losers, who prey off such women.
A quick fuck and chuck for a buck.
Thats all women like you are worth now.

>> No.53308312

This is so fake it's sad that people actually replied to it like wtf

>> No.53308314

That coffee isn't really that heavy for a deadlift.

>> No.53308321

You know the rules bitch. Tits and timestamp or gtfo

>> No.53308331

>my bf mentally fucked me so hard that i decided to become a prostitute just to totally pwn him
lmao what a weak minded bitch. Dodged a bullet Aaron!

>> No.53308337

and then everyone clapped

>> No.53308395

lol take your ai faggot

>> No.53308631

of course its fake. im speaking to the whores in the audience

>> No.53308772
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wtf is this and why am i so hard

>> No.53308957
File: 96 KB, 500x501, 6C1A144D-D603-4CD6-8C80-F98DBF08E4DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stunning and brave my;


>> No.53309031

Is this Belle delphine? When bbc gang bang gaped?

>> No.53309045

fucking thirsty thots ... Can you do us a favor and KYS you nasty Cunt? Great idea.

>> No.53309265

this is actually not a bad idea for a onlyfans niche kind of like burp anon. women are pretty creative when they want to be gotta admit

>> No.53309286
File: 138 KB, 500x647, 1568089917014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53309303

>You'll notice the only men that cheer this behavior on are the seediest scummiest desperate losers, who prey off such women
They cheer it on because they're desperate. I cheer it on because I'm an accelerationist. We are not the same.