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53306260 No.53306260 [Reply] [Original]

Just received an offer to make double the money I currently make, but I am a bit at a crossroads on how to proceed. I already know what I'll probably end up doing but would like some insight from you fucks.

I'm a self-taught webdev working for a small company. It is my second programming job - in total I have around 10 months of formal experience, so not that much, and jumped around between two companys (got fired from the first job).

In my current job I bust my ass and have to do real work, but I have total freedom, I develop everything and can dictate the pace, and I have a great relationship with my superior and the rest of the team - theres no SCRUM, no agile bullshit, I just get sent a task to complete in a week and at the end of the week I have to show the work I've done. So the job environment is awesome, but the pay is low as its a small company.

Now I've received an offer from a friend to work with Machine Learning/AI at a company from a guy he knows - the pay is 1.5 to 2x what I currently make.

The problem is I told my boss when I was hired that I would stay at least a whole year with him, I'm looking for long term partnership, etc...so it would be a bit of a scumbag move, but it would significantly improve my quality of life and the additional money would mean much more entrepeneurship opportunities.

What do?

>> No.53306290

I should detail this, in case it isn't clear enough:

It could be a very risky move because

1. I don't have experience with AI/ML, but could easily learn it as I have high IQ

2. My job history is basically jumping from company to company every 5 months which is no good.

3. I might hate the job environment, like at my first job.

>> No.53306294

If you don't stick with him for at least a 1.5 years, it will harm your reputation.

>> No.53306337

Is your boss circumcised?

>> No.53306338

Would this new work subject be more interesting to you?
More importantly, what’s your current standard of living? If you are able to save 50% of your current after tax income without living like a complete poorfag I’d say stay. Otherwise just accept the new offer.

Speaking from experience working for a very large telecom group, I’d definitely take a pay cut if it meant working in a non-retarded environment.

>> No.53306367

OP there’s always a risk of a new job being a bad environment. Though my rule of thumb is don’t stay at a job purely because the people you work with are nice.

Ask yourself a few things. Will the new tech stack look better on your CV? Is the current shit you’re working on legacy? Does the new company offer better progression? Are you challenged at your current place? Do you want to be challenged or are you fine with being average? Agile/scrum is a walk in the park as long as you have at least some communication skills. Leading/facilitating planning, retro’s, demos and all that other shit is actually a breeze. Although you might find when you do switch to an agile environment you do less programming and more talking about the problem/planning it. It’s not for everyone, I hated it at first but it has grown on me

For reference I’m a self taught web dev (.Net, react, ts) coming into my 5th year at my third company.

>> No.53306375

What did you use to self-teach webdev?

>> No.53306379

Making almost double? IDk man id take it, we only have a year or two till next make it bullrun. TRY not to burn any bridges so you can at least attempt to crawl back if its terrible.

>> No.53306391

I currently do grunt work (web development) so AI would definitely be more interesting.

I spend 100% of what I make, I'm a junior, so my salary is slightly above not starve to death - in concrete terms: I make 800 USD/mo. I am a third worlder so it's enough to eat decently, go to a gym, have a hobby, but it's not enough for entrepeneurship, as I save nothing.

You make a strong point about the work environment - I found my previous woke company intolerable.

Everyone constantly online on Slack, setting up meetings for no reason, sometimes some bitch would set up a meeting just for "the team to socialize" or for people to "meet up and have fun", there were stupid events like invitations to get togethers and getting flown out to some bullshit island they would meet up at.

Also Agile, Scrum, which is retarded. There was barely any work to do, so I would be idle until some designer bitch assigned me a task such as "Change the color of a button" or "Fix redirection bug on click of X component" and when I completed the tasks a team mate would tell me I was working too fast.

It was absolutely emasculating.

I guess I'll examine the company to make sure it's not gay faggotry, as I really enjoy my current workplace.

This is a valid point as well. I would probably have to hide some of my previous experience to seem more consistent as a professional, but the money sure seems worth it.

>> No.53306407

Setting aside the factors that you’ve laid out here about yourself and focusing only on the two positions, I would be a bit worried about new job. What kind of company (read “start-up”) would hire a dev with 10 months of experience at double the market rate on recommendation alone? Do they truly understand the programming statement of this work? How many programmers currently work there and what is the total combined programming experience of the team including how much experience do the team leaders have? What are the expectations of that position and can you truly do that? If they don’t have a good grasp of this, you are better off where you are at to gain experience in a comfortable environment. There will always be some startup yahoo asking around for programmers. I’m assuming you don’t have a lot of money given your work history, but how quickly can you get another programming job if you had to should paychecks dry up at fancy startup? I’d stick to where you’re at until you get more experience either way, 10mo is nothing.

>> No.53306419

Use the offer to leverage a raise at your current position

>> No.53306439
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>Just received an offer to make double the money

Ask your boss if he can match that if not tell him to fuck off and take it you owe your employer nothing money is all that matters.

>> No.53306448

dont do this and dont burn any bridges

>> No.53306450

Macaco, você postou isso no 1500.

>> No.53306455

Sounds like salary is your main motivator but take the time to see what the offer is about, do an interview with your potential future team and maybe visit the office to see if you'd like the environment. Maybe you'll find it's not a good fit.
Anyway without knowing more about your situation, personally I would just remain and finish the year, maybe the other offer will still be on the table at a later date.

>> No.53306463

Yes, from a rational standpoint being a good guy in the private initiative is probably a bad idea compared to just chasing the money.

I currently work with the newest web dev tech stacks, so they look good on my CV, but web dev is just grunt work, there really is no complexity.

At the same time, improving and becoming really sharp at web dev is great at it as it is a top tier skill for entrepeneurship. I can totally see myself building a company with a buddy of mine to get freelance jobs and maybe use ChatGPT to write the bulk of the code for us, or some pajeet, and then use our time and knowledge to patch it up and deploy.

Admittedly I was a bit autistic at my previous job, I don't really enjoy normies that much - I like coding for 8 hours, clocking out and getting the money in my pocket more than chatting bullshit.

Literally just put up some React, Spring, TypeScript projects on your github and sell them well, nobody's going to run your projects anyway. Sell yourself as a genius who knows 100 languages.

You must have the IQ to back it up though. I actually like low-level programming so I have C++ stuff too, which gives me some IQ points for recruiters.

>> No.53306464

A enjoyable work experience is worth a lot too. So many jobs are miserable even with higher pay.
If you really like the position see if you can get more for it too.

>> No.53306474

Didn't read this 800 a month?
Take the job and leave a shit on your bosses desk before you leave.

>> No.53306477

Kek. E aqui obtive várias respostas, ao contrário de lá, só tem macaco no 1500chan.

>> No.53306493

the trick is that OP is probably not making market rate. Also, the range of salaries for a given level is a mile wide. Last time I found a new job, the offers I received were between 80k and 330k. It was insane.

If you're very close with your boss, OP, you could tell him your dilemma. "Hey, I know the plan was for me to stay here for at least a year, but I have an offer for double in hand. I'd rather stay, any way we can find a way for it to make sense for me to stay?" Personally I'd take the new job based only on what you've said, but I feel very little loyalty to employers.

>> No.53306499
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Also you can use the extra money to buy bitcoins and stop being a third worlder wage cuck.

>> No.53306534

Based pajeet deskshitter.

>> No.53306566

Valid points, but I am making peanuts, considering I work for a company from the first world.

That was my initial idea - to scout the company, interviewer, the team and decide from there. And I have zero savings, as my current salary does not give me the luxury of saving money.

I buy everything on credit and pay off what I spent with my salary every month - pay check to pay check.

>> No.53306648

You sound autistic so I will be clear. You are underpaid. You speak perfect English, can sit still for eight hours a day, and can learn autonomously. You need to find a way to build up towards free-lance work so that you can get paid U.S. rates for high quality work. Do whatever gets you to that.

>> No.53306705

Legit advice king, thanks.

Being a wagie is shit tier making high or low rates anyways.

I just want enough money to be able to venture into entrepeneurship such as dropshipping, buying drugs from the darknet and selling locally, hiring low-skilled labor to do freelance work for me and then patching it up, starting my own crypto projects next bullrun.

That's the path to freedom, money and bitches in late stage capitalism.

>> No.53306725

Just realized that hiring third-worlders for low rates and making fat stacks on top of that is exactly what my current job is xd

>> No.53306947

>Oy vey goy! Waste a year and a half to Mr Shekelburg!!
Don't listen to this fag OP

>> No.53307132

Shut the fuck up
> t. Tech recruiter at a multinational

>> No.53307155

Ask for a raise


>> No.53307228

Loyalty is dead. It died in the 1990’s.

Job hoppers get rewarded. Job stayers get depression.