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53304868 No.53304868 [Reply] [Original]

Where are you buying right now? I'm loading up places in the middle of center city Philadelphia which will be worth Manhattan prices soon enough

>> No.53304886

Buying up empty lots on the outskirt of my city since Trudeau wants to keep bringing in immigrants

>> No.53304914

All cities are going to collapse retard.
Buy corner lots in the middle of towns around 50,000 people.
Bonus if it's on a national highway like highway 50.

>> No.53304951

>Two more weeks

>> No.53304981

I don't think it's a bad bet to think that people will continue to move out of cities and that it will accelerate.

>> No.53304994

>Built in 1925
>Not even 1000ft^2
>Nearly half a million
At least it has forced air I guess?

>> No.53305013

>street level
>illegal to arm yourself

>> No.53305064

"philly is gonna be the next thing" is something i'm tired of hearing. PITTSBURGH/DETROIT will massively appreciate in the next 15 years

>> No.53305133

Good luck with your philly shit you absolute faggot

>> No.53305187

People said new York was doomed during the entire 80s. People bought and billionaires were made. Poors like you are still seething

>> No.53305235

you're going to get wrecked. philly is the most lawless it's been in a long time.

t. bucks county

>> No.53305249

You really think they're going to bring in someone like Giuliani to keep the pimp hand strong? lmao.

>> No.53305261

Wow never heard of a suburbanites saying a place they don't live is lawless before. Nope never. Yeah I should wait until their worth a million each to try and buy. Absolute retard

>> No.53305274

Been in a deal for about 6 month. Had problems with the seller delivering the property vacant. Used that as a reason a long eith rising interest rate to get the boomer seller to drop price by 125k. Tenant hated the boomers guts and wanted to fuck them over, they got their wish.

>> No.53305354

nice rebuttal. philly is seeing a population decline, taxes will soon be going up due to wfh revenue losses. it's not going to look good for high end realty.

>> No.53305463
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>t. Has no idea what he's talking about
People became billionaires in the 90s buying up Philadelphia land. Philly is way better off now with way more money flowing in than then too

>> No.53305599

It makes sense at first
But consider, that most of the resources allocated to infrastructure goes into cities
It is a actually villages and small towns falling apart. You're lucky if you have a well and shit in the hole in the backyard or septic. With no schools, no Healthcare
Having a new Walmart will be the paramount of development. While the infrastructure from better timesl will only deteriorate further
Lots of poltards expect cities to collapse but only the opposite has been happening in the recent years

>> No.53305929
File: 1.99 MB, 1407x880, Screenshot from 2023-01-16 19-38-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've also been thinking about Philadelphia as a prime buyer opportunity, but aren't you worried about the 41% black population? It's becoming a very trendy spot, like Portland, but Portland is 76% white, too. It's not like Chicago, either, where its whites on the north side and downtown, blacks on the south side, and mexicans on the west side. Instead, blacks surround almost the entire city. Crime is skyrocketing in Philly too, and I don't see any reason for that to stop. Aren't you afraid this city will just eat itself alive?

>> No.53305941

uh, have you seen the demographics for philadelphia?

>> No.53305969

I live in Philly, too, and it is extremly lawless here. You have gangs of dozens and dozens of black people riding around the city on motorbikes and ATVs ever night of the week, disrupting traffic, causing mayhem,loud as fuck, and very frequent mass lootings, where dozens of teens will get together, each weekend and go raid some store, then vanish into the night.



>> No.53305996

>small cities have no jews, now jews and no jews
Is that supposed to be bad?

>> No.53306001

I'm putting my extra real estate up for sale now before the mass boomer retirement/die off really ramps up

>> No.53306015

Some Center City news for you too...Oh, and the black population isn't dropping here, like in Chicago, either. I checked this, as part of considering buying here:



>> No.53306035

retard the elites live in cities, they wont let it collapse.

>> No.53306421

I'm rich and live in the country.
So...actually rich.
Not "I make $500,000/y and live in a box "rich".
Hundreds of acres of land rich.

>> No.53306454

Are you retarded?
I live in a county of 13,000 and there is a brand new middle school and high school and they are building a water park.
Keep slopping up propaganda moron.

>> No.53306479

>dude a ton of cities have become more livable but philadelphia isn't one of them so somehow it will just work out okay?
you picked wrong

>> No.53306485

No. Their minions live in cities.
You are a typical, easily confused, pleb.

By all means, keep living in a box and subjecting yourself to all manner of physical intrusion 24/7.
I'll just be on my 2 acre lot, 5,000 sqft house, pool and tennis court that I have barely making over $200,000.

>> No.53306624
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I am sure people are rushing to move to philly

>> No.53306812
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Aspiring landchad here
Other than establishing a good credit score and aquring capital, are there anything else I need to do now that will help me become a landlord in the future?
Should I go into houses or should I rent out storage buildings?

>> No.53306833

>All cities are going to collapse retard.
the end is coming!!!!!!

>> No.53307000

a job
get to work wagie
daydream time is over

>> No.53307291

if youre not like op buying something in a nigger filled land its a good idea. Dont be like op though lmao.

Philly fucking dalphia lmfao. Have fun cleaning out the roaches and lice after jerome and your wife get done fucking

>> No.53307341

kek googled it to be even more certain. 40 Fuckin percent blacks. I'm done lmao OP buy that house and "rent" it. Please, I'm sure that 1. You'll be able to rent it to a nice white family that will actually pay it on time if pay at all.
2. youre not gonna kys from lack of brain cells
If you want investment property look where there are no blacks buddy

>> No.53307351
File: 57 KB, 1279x303, Screenshot_20230116_100205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot screenshot

>> No.53307358

He clearly said "center city" Philadelphia not inner city. OP is a salesman! Happy Marin Luther King Blvd. Day, gentlemen.

>> No.53307376

>elites live in cities

>> No.53307427

no they don't. I worked at EY for a bit. all of the millionaire partners lived on the main line. senior managers in the slightly cheaper burbs. staff, seniors, and fresh managers in the city so they can LARP like they have money.

>> No.53307528

>Whites aren’t educated
Have you ever seen an inner city school in your life you sheltered idiot?

>> No.53307529

I'm buying rocks in the Metaverse. Be greedy when others are fearful

>> No.53307536

>Dominicans really think they're not black just because they speak spanish

>> No.53307549

my firm forced me to present a "careers in business" thing to a classroom of 3rd grade niglets at a charter school in north philly. it was the most eye opening and disgusting thing ive ever done. 90% of those kids will be in prison by age 18.