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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 160 KB, 1668x1668, WsmuJeJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53302369 No.53302369 [Reply] [Original]

>people unironically thought these things were going to make them rich

>> No.53302381

They made quite a few people rich, yes

>> No.53302415

Yes. A few. Very early adopters, actual artists, etc. Everyone else? Bag holders. The shit you buy at the dollar store made someone rich along the way but that doesn't change the fact it's cheap Chinese made shit.

>> No.53302473

>a few
The 3k+ that bought under 20E made ~40E in profit per; anyone with 3+ made at least 250k in profit

>> No.53302514
File: 1.48 MB, 1000x1250, 78B13923-A19A-432A-B9D9-AA3BBBFBBE25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these on the other hand…..

>> No.53302558
File: 1.84 MB, 964x966, 1673899821476486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these on the other hand…..
get mogged by Trumpies

>> No.53302568


people who are against NFTs are the ultimate midwits desu
too smart to see it's mostly a sketchy scam
too dumb to understand that you can still make a ton of money off of it

I made a ton off of NFTs in 2021

>> No.53302593

Early people got rich, late people were already rich. You don't buy a monkey picture for $500k-1m if you're not already rich. Personally, I think biz hates nfts because most of you missed out. I think they're fun and they're here to stay (not the monkeys, just nfts in general)

>> No.53302609

I bought one cause of Gary vee. Huge mistake

>> No.53302661

cope, seethe, wage, mald, and most of all have fun staying poor

>> No.53302692
File: 509 KB, 600x750, milady cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check the price LOL

>> No.53302868

Yeah. 3k compared to how many other bag holders?

>> No.53302886

You're leaving out the part where you were very likely an early adopters.

>> No.53302897

Not buying your bags.

>> No.53302906

Retard. This works for anything that you can buy and sell. Imagine how many TSLA bagholders there are. Dear Lord, the number must be a lot bigger that BAYC bagholders, you must go help them. Quick make a thread how idiots fell for the TSLA meme

>> No.53302917

>Quick make a thread how idiots fell for the TSLA meme
You're so close to getting the point of my OP, yet so far at the same time...

>> No.53302961
File: 87 KB, 1170x1165, FV_fGUeXkAUKO-z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a milady board

>> No.53303049
File: 222 KB, 600x627, baste.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only early investors got rich

if you had a monkey about 3/4 of a year ago, you would have been airdropped about $200k worth of apecoin per picture you held

>> No.53303197


nope, don't make excuses.
if you're smart you can ride the pumps.

for example I bought a mutant ape at 10eth and sold it for 20eth

current floor of them is 15eth. Not a bad time to get it again but if it goes back to 10eth I'm 100% gonna buy one again

>> No.53303219

Lmao this means nothing without knowing the value of eth when you bought/sold.

>> No.53303262

Who creates these pathetic poorfag cope threads? You're aware that even now in this very moment the cheapest BAYC goes for around 117K USD worth of ETH, right?

All these endless brainless headlines and youtube vids as if BAYC is at zero, meanwhile even during a bear market with a global recession a jpeg of an ugly monkey still goes for six figures lmao

>> No.53303287

You're mistaken "valued" for "sold".
And did any nft's you bought sell for 6 figures?
Protio: they did not

>> No.53303365

When my boomer supervisor coworker started buying bored apes was exactly when I knew to sell at 60k. Some people made money but such a subjective value play is not my forte. It's like fine art I would like to get into it, but I don't know which ones will get rugged or pumped by the elite child touchers.

>> No.53303384

All this shit did was make normalfags hate crypto even more than they already did (and for good reason, this shit was fucking stupid.)

We are a long way from mass adoption.

>> No.53303443

>You're mistaken "valued" for "sold".
They are being sold nearly every day to this day. In this very moment even the cheapest BAYC has a WETH offer worth around 110K USD. All any BAYC holder has to do is click "Accept" and get that money instantly.
Not to mention that BAYC holders got six figure worth of airdrops just for holding as well.
>And did any nft's you bought sell for 6 figures
My biggest sell was Moonbirds, minted one for 2.5 ETH and sold for 27.77 ETH. Sure it isn't six figures and I should've sold it for higher, but I'm not complaining.
To pretend that everything is just "le wash trading" is nothing but poorfag cope.

>> No.53303447

i was on the buy screen the day of the launch with a few thousand/hundred left and i said nah too expensive despite nice landing page

>> No.53303463


>> No.53304239
File: 1.55 MB, 1480x795, stru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

superman trump is going to make me a landowner

>> No.53304286

Who buys this garbage?

>> No.53304491
File: 32 KB, 587x448, 1652116329602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much is this worth now?

>> No.53304523

I made bank working for opensea lmao

>> No.53304547

BoredApes have a very nice return. And they are still sold at over 70 ETH right now.
They were airdropped $100k in apecoin and that's not the only airdrop. In fact tomorrow there's the next one

>> No.53304567

he'll release another 45k item set and dilute you within the year

>> No.53304621
File: 165 KB, 1200x1172, Bildschirmfoto 2023-01-16 um 23.57.33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Floor price (the least rare ones) is at 74 ETH.
Sell volume is down to about 35 per day.
(PS they are a good buy right now imho, people on /biz/ just don't understand NFT's)

>> No.53304628

When your wallets are leaking due to lack of privacy protocol, how will you get rich??

>> No.53304646

35 per week I mean (weird time metric)

>> No.53304661

Just some piece of shits

>> No.53304669

We understand the technology, but this is a proof of concept run wild by grifters.

>> No.53304740

He sold it a year ago for 109.690 ETH, which was around 350K worth at the time, so around 100K profit.

>> No.53304793
File: 197 KB, 635x343, BTest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the extent that people in crypto are grifters at large, sure.
But Yuga Labs, who made it, are valued solidly (billions at the top) and the COO of Blizzard was just appointed CEO.
I want to avoid shilling fucking monkey jpegs, but as far as I can tell that's a corner of crypto that actually works as a business model.
If you think of NFT's as resellable licenses or persistent tickets, it makes more sense. That it's fecal humor atm. is maybe in the nature of the people who "ape" into it.


>> No.53304816

Based. He found a greater fool. Don't bag hold

>> No.53304861


They have an airdrop tomorrow that will probably sell at 2 to 3 ETH on the market.
Basically, buying a mutant ape for 16 ETH, getting the drop and selling the mutant afterwards is free money (if you got 16 ETH on the side).
I don't have that money, but shitting on this is stupid - look at the NFT space and you see it's working (grift or not)

>> No.53304882

What's the airdrop? I thought it was playing a game and if you scored high enough you'd get a mint pass.

>> No.53304899

The problem in your situation is that you're not the only one thinking that, which means a shitload of Mutant Ape FP dumping as soon the airdrop happens.
Could be in profit still of course, but it isn't so risk-free like you describe it.

>> No.53304959

The airdrop is the pass (anothe NFT) to play the game. Some will sell the pass on the open market. The game is open for 3 weeks and in the end every player gets ranked and they get another NFT (probably something related to 3D avatars on the Otherside Metaverse)

Sure, that's true. I don't think it will stay below 16 forever though, it's still a fair trade - I figure

>> No.53304965

The barrier to entry is being lowered through protocols like ORE that's driving widespread adoption of the blockchain,

>> No.53304991

>in the end every player gets ranked and they get another NFT
I believe I read that the prize goes to only the top scoring player. Nobody would pay 2-3 eth for a chance to compete in a game. Someone will probably find an exploit and cheese the top score and there will be a ton of butt hurt.

>> No.53305073

The main price (the butthole key, yes) goes to the winner. But every player will get _something_.
There's also tech where you can let pajeets play for you I think.
I think it will still pump to 2-3 ETH. There's not gonna be many on the market, a few k of them make.

>> No.53305092


>> No.53305178

Top cope. I hope this thread is one giant bait
Nfts are the biggest shit on earth but you can make a shitton money with it you stupid retards. Youre just mad that you missed out

>> No.53305259

cope more

i bought 2 apes and got airdropped so much money over the last year and sold right after otherside mint, best investment of the last bullrun now cope and seethe that you missed it

>> No.53305313

>Yes. A few. Very early adopters, actual artists
>The shit you buy at the dollar store made someone rich along the way but that doesn't change the fact it's cheap Chinese made shit.
So is it chinese crap or made by talented artists?

>> No.53305438

>otherside mint

Kek, that shit created so many bagholders

>> No.53305564

nah, but when he wins 2024 he will release a 47k collection. and both will MOON

>> No.53305698
File: 79 KB, 640x1199, FmoBSJTagAA83Fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People unironically didn't think this token was going to make them rich
Yeah bottom line people are dumb

>> No.53305822

>Racist pictures
>Somehow not canceled
I should’ve bought some

>> No.53306098

like anything

>> No.53306143

Unfortunately for you Kanye West will be winning 2024

>> No.53306744

i would accept that timeline

>> No.53307030

of course you would.

>> No.53307108

every person with a brain knew these were going to 5x overnight.

they made me quite a bit of money. the trick is to just listen to the (((media))) narrative non stop. with these cards you didnt even have to to that because its obvious the ultra magas would buy into the hype and moon it but then the jewish media says ACKSHUALLLYYYY

then you sell... simple

>> No.53307124

Got some apecoin

>> No.53307148

There's still like 10 million dollars of volume on OpenSea every day