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File: 142 KB, 848x477, how-to-make-weed-brownies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53299250 No.53299250 [Reply] [Original]

Should I just say fuck it, and sell weed for a living? How do I report to the government to pay off my apartment.

>> No.53299282

You can put that you sell drugs on tax forms, they don't care as long as they get their cut of the action.

>> No.53299363

>selling weed

I can literally walk down to target and stop by the weed shop. Tf are you doing nigger? Also you pay the apartment rent in cash. Anon you’re a little too low IQ for crime I suggest just doing a 9-5 because you’re actually retarded.

>> No.53299429

I have a 9-5, faggot. I need something to supplement my job. Also just cause you can buy weed from the shop doesn't mean the quality is good. There's a reason a gray market exist.

>> No.53299840

kys pothead

>> No.53299867

>dude weed lmao

Junkies will never make it.

>> No.53299982

are you serious?

>> No.53299991

It would have to depend on location. The weed market has fucking cratered here in co, so wholesale prices are insanely low now. This means you can get 50-75 dollar ounces at rec. Shops sometimes. With retailers on every corner I don't see how a grey market would exist unless you are transporting to an illegal state

>> No.53300158

Can I move to Colorado? Not for the weed but for the white people

>> No.53300207
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>> No.53300227

thats just an extra clause to superfuck you if they find out your income is illegal, added onto RICO shit. How retarded do you have to be to admit on a federal form that you are indeed dealing drugs

>> No.53300340

If you can afford it sure. I live in the mountains and haven't seen a black person irl in at least a year lmfao

>> No.53300373

You might have missed the gold rush depending where you live. I made bank for about 3.5 years between 2017-18 to 2021 and got to live as a NEET King for like 2 years. All about your connect and then having a wide social circle to build clientele. Rule 1 DO NOT FUCK WITH NIGGERS OR WIGGERS. They will rob you. Selling weed can be a sweet gig but once you cross the line and get into 6 figure territory the stress becomes harsh.

>> No.53300387
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>goyim having a tantrum while not undestanding that they dont care if the cattle kills each other

>> No.53300405

buy bulk delta 8 oil for 40 dollars
buy empty carts
fill and sell for fat profits
normies won't be able to know/tell- trust me

>> No.53300410

gamble the money. one fun night at the casino and its clean. Ironically start another llc business to funnel the money in. You can have each vending machine produce lets say 4k each month think about it, its a cash business thats what i would do. Also, a computer repair business would be hard to audit. Just write up tickets on service only so you dont have to pay tax. You can run the business out of your home. Just keep a quickbooks or spreadsheet

>> No.53300420

they dont actually expect you to file 'drug dealing' as income on your tax form you retarded nigger, but they added that clause to add an extra charge to your sentence if you're caught with an illegal source of income. Fucking moron man holy shit.

>> No.53300447

>Bro just tell us if you're doing something illegal
>We promise we won't be massive fucking kikes about it

>> No.53300448

Jesus. What state are you in? You are not going to complete with a dispensary. The best you can do is get a side hustle delivering to people too unmotivated to even get their own weed.

>> No.53300492

There are still a lot of states this would be feasible if you were willing to buy bulk and transport over state lines.

>> No.53300498
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an entire Mom and Pop industry wiped out
replaced with horrid looking stores where 20 something hempistas lurk behind chrome and glass counters, waiting to unload their wikipedia tier sermons about the difference between sativa and indica
Willie Nelson must be rolling in his grave

this is something our society is good at
subsuming, absorbing and ruining shit, then selling you the ersatz result

>> No.53300508

I know a guy who made fat profits before legalization. Some states require a marijuana card and some people don't want to be on that list. But it's becoming increasingly easy to get high quality weed without an legal difficulties. I have 3 legal dispensaries near me, and 5 vape shops. All of the vape shops sell THC vapes. It's technically illegal but local law enforcement doesn't really care to deal with it.

>> No.53300512

Yeah I remember all my friends were low level dealers and it seemed so cool and exciting at the time but now that I'm old I realized they had guns pulled on them and were constantly looking over their shoulders for not a lot of money. I guess it was a lot back then but it sure doesn't seem worth it now

>> No.53300536

Yeah, I know a guy who does this at scale. He has his legal operation in one state, and traffics to several other states. However, every few months he loses another state because they just legalized. He has been rolling his money into crypto.

>> No.53300548

NJ, most people would rather buy from the gray market due to how retarded the price and quality of weed is. I figured I would buy from my connections, make edibles seeing how I have the equipment and experience on nowing how to cook, family owns a restaurant, and just bake and sell.

>> No.53300609
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>How do I report to the government to pay off my apartment.
there was an old advice tip guide on how to deal drugs. i don't think i saved it, just to shed some suspicion but the number one thing that sticks out was the deposit and handling of money.
the very system this anon had set in place allowed him and his friend to make a %50-50 split of profits through two separate dropbox locations they each had their own personal key for where profits had to match at the end of the month. of course OP had a copy of his "friends" key because that's amateur hour shit. Kentucky just legalized medical marijuana under an executive order by andy beshear and you're more than welcome to come over here and start delivering - plenty of these old fucks would love it and so long as you're carrying under 8 ounces and have the receipt of purchase, unopened container (flexible there), and you've got a reason to have it in possession then you're good.

>> No.53300631
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i make a point of that concept for handling money because it's pretty much exactly how smart contracts work.

>> No.53300720
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If I am not mistaken, NJ hasn't been legal all that long. Quality and price will improve. Is NJ medical only, or full recreational?

I know the NYC market. I would imagine most people would just go to the city to cop, or know a guy who knows a guy in the city. Picrel is what's going on right now in NYC.

>> No.53300778

>dead drop
Old school stuff. Google around about dead drops and old cold war spy stuff. It works.

Do you have the whole list of that pic? A lot of NLP stuff.

>> No.53300818

Idk where you buy weed but the stores are mostly clean and professional, and Willie Nelson literally sells his own line of cannabis products here. https://williesreserve.com/

>> No.53300904

Will I remove myself from god's grace by smoking weed bros?

>> No.53300945

Sounds like the answer is don't be such a faggot and sell meth

>> No.53301397

Definitely not. They even mention the burning bush in the bible.

>> No.53301829


>> No.53301942

Literally just pick something else to write instead of "selling drugs" on the form where you're supposed to say where you got the income.

>> No.53302166

Dude, there's no point to sell weed anymore now that it's legal. Do you know anyone that sells black market alcohol or tobacco?

I'm sorry anon, the time to sell weed was from 1965 to 2015. You literally had 50 years. It's over. Legal weed is so cheap now. I live in a legal state that just legalized and already 8th are only 30 bucks and ounces are under 200 dollars, and it's for really good weed.

This isn't 2006 when dank nugs fetched 350-400 per ounce. The fact is that you aren't going to make any serious profit selling weed unless you are growing it yourself and it costs you practically nothing.

In the state of Oregon growers will literally just throw weed into the trash because there's so much weed and it's so cheap that they often literally can't dump on the market without crashing prices further. Thousands of pounds just get thrown in the trash every year even though it could be made to make oil. There's so much weed that it's more profitable to destroy some of it than sell it

Remember, if weed were fully legal and taxed like a regular crop, ounces would be like $5 or $10. And that's basically how it is in the pacific northwest, except it's a little higher maybe $30-$50 an ounce

>> No.53302245
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Money launder through a business. For example, sell weed illegally and legally through a dispensery and have the government launder it for you.

>> No.53302595

DEA fingers typed this post

>> No.53302707

You're an idiot.
We have laws in this state that limit how many dispensaries can be in each town. Additionally, the town itself had to have voted with at least 60% in favor of the legalization (IIRC) to even be eligible to host dispensaries. On top of that the state makes it incredibly difficult to open shops.
t. Recreational marijuana dispensary investor

>> No.53302937

>the stores are mostly clean and professional

like a starbucks?

>> No.53302959

if youre asking..its a no

>> No.53302994

That ship has sailed. Sell coke and buy a food truck.

>> No.53303138

they are not cops, and much like wagies they act like "not my job" and they let anything pass as long as you dont make noise about it

>> No.53303211

Do mushrooms or research chemicals, instead. Mushrooms, you can buy spore syringes online, 100% legal, and growing them is extremely easy (look up the PF-TEK grow method). Research chemicals, like 4-aco-dmt, 2-ce, etc., you can buy for $130 a gram, online, from a wide variety of sources, then sell for $10 per 10mg. For measuring research chemicals, I suggest the dillution method, as it's much easier to take 1000mg of powder, dissolved it in 1000ml of water, then sell it in 10ml vials, than trying to accurately weigh out 10mg doses, where if you weigh wrong, you could be sketchily giving people innacurate doses.

>> No.53303728

I have sold and grown weed most my life. I had a solid 10 years of making 6 figures a year or more and then 2 years where I was able to make close to 250k a year when vape pens came out. I was the first guy in my town to have them and I live in an area with a bunch of college kids and I was able to flip those vape pens for $20 a pop when I was paying $8. I live in NY, and the market here sucks now. I use to be able to make 4-600 selling lbs. it was nothing to sell a 10 pack and make 4-5k off it. Now I’m lucky to make 1-200 a lb, and it’s going so damn slow. I was lucky to invest some of what I made into legal endeavors. Crypto, a legal weed business and I got a nice chunk of gold and silver, and about 20k in various sports autographs and memorabilia. The only way to make money now is to grow it, and even then; it’s nothing. It’s over for weed dudes in the north east, unless you grow a lot, or ship it down south. But I’m not taking any federal risks. I get 5k a month from a legal weed business I helped bankroll, but I only have 16 more months left of that. That’s keeping me afloat now, I hope by the time that ends my crypto gains will be enough to make my next move. I had 800k at the last bull top, took out 100k which was double my initial investment, now what I have left is worth about 100k. Btc, vechain, Eth, avax and quant make up that 100k. I have started to rebuy also in the last few months, hoping this will be mult millions next bull run. If not, I will have to go back to wage slaving and I haven’t had a legit job besides delivering food in a decade.

>> No.53303852
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Hmm, the marijuana business is now making more and more sense. Pic related.

>> No.53303939

Definitely risky moving weight out of state. I know a guy who does this. He use to do it with weed, but like you said, the market is saturated. TX is very tough. The Carolinas and GA is moderate risk. VA is too close to DC where it is completely legal. Moving vapes and edibles is a lot easier. They can look like regular vapes or candy. Your best bet is to find a local guy who you know really really well. Ideally you want family who knows the game. Get plugged into the college scene, or young professionals.

>> No.53304035

So how I stayed successful for so long without getting caught was I had a very small circle of family and friends I trusted. They all have moved on for the most part bc they see the writing on the wall. Like I said I hope this next bull run gives me enough to get in real estate or perhaps find my own legal grow. Doing a warehouse grow property cost about 1.2-1.5 million. I’m older now too, and the risk of mailing shit and catching fed charges just isn’t worth it. I had 10 years man, a solid run. I rather walk away on my own then be forced out by the feds lol.

>> No.53304037

why would they do it though?

>> No.53304063

Uhhhh where can you buy delta 8 oil in bulk? Asking for a friend

>> No.53304090

I meant funding a proper warehouse grow cost 1.2-1.5 mill. By the time ya buy ligbts, update hvac and electric, it’s so expansive to do a 100-120 light grow properly. I figure next bull run I want to cash out completely and try and parlay that into real estate or trying to fund my own legal grow, but by then I’m sure the market will be even more saturated, I think it’s over for weed growers. Maybe can squeeze a lil bit out over the next few years, but anyone serious should be planning there exit and pivoting elsewhere. Unless you already have a massive grow, it’s just not worth it imo.

>> No.53304106

The richest guy I know personally started in cocaine and heroin. He now owns over 50 commercial properties.

>> No.53304128

I'll look into that, rhanks.

>> No.53304143

I know another guy who does this. He has a commercial property with a normal retail business. The basement is he grow operation. Lights, CO2, air filters for the smell. Very advanced, almost looks like a movie. But again, the market is collapsing.

>> No.53304153

Yeah if you have an exit plan and stick to it and can avoid prison, it’s the best way to move up the economic ladder if you don’t have other means to do it.

>> No.53304199

Dude are you me? Other than the massive crypto gains.

>> No.53304510

Well, just between you and me, he caught a Federal charge, but only got 4 years probation. Pretty sure he became a CI. I looked up his case. No matter, I only know him through real estate.

>> No.53304601

Not exactly the same vibe but yeah, many have the highly marketed, sterile corporate environment of a Starbucks or similar chain. There are plenty of one off stores that are less corporatey feeling but some bigger chains feel like a Starbucks

>> No.53305029
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>immediate .pdf download
stop that

>> No.53305050

What state do you live in?

>> No.53305098

nm just saw you're NJ. I live in NJ as well and if you are trying to do things legally you would have to apply for a license which is a waiting list at this point. they conveniently let all the medical places sell recreational first and force everyone to pay insane prices so they rake in easy profits and by the time the little guy is allowed into the market the prices drop significantly making it even harder to recoup their costs of opening and obtaining the license.

>> No.53305135

the license you are after is a class 5 retailer.

>> No.53305168

Yea the stress almost isn’t worth it niggers these days will kick a door down over a thousand dollars and put a gun in your face. That’s why it’s essential to not even associate with people that even talk to niggers if you’re gonna make it in the weed game. Shit was probably the highlight of my life though looking back on it now that I’m back in the wage cage. Making 150-200k straight cash, being your own boss and the dude the neighborhood and kids idolize these days thanks to rap music is pretty fun. Eventually you realize tho “ok I’m not retiring from this shit and I can’t put any of these years of fucking around on a resume” and the stress of watching people around you get robbed/arrested made me throw in the towel. But fuck do I miss the money/freedom/ego it gives you from being the man.

>> No.53305190

At least you're not west coast. The glut over there is no joke. If you've already pulled in that much money, why not just put a large amount of it into stock index funds, and select super dipped stocks? Digital Ocean -77%, Cloudflare -82%, AirBnB -61%, Amazon -46%, Cripsr -80%, Robinhood -92%, etc.. A lot of stocks are just as dipped as crypto, with potentially just as much bounce, with way less risk.

>> No.53305202

My guy did you hit up those crypto atm’s in 2018-19? I shouldn’t even say anything in here but they were a gold mine for turning straight cash into crypto as long as you used a burner phone and shuffled wallets. Heard that though been itching to start up again but from what I hear from everyone there’s no money in it hardly anymore plus I’ve got a decent wagie job I need to just be content with and not fuck up and wind up a felon.

>> No.53305224

Stop what? Is this supposed to be some secret document? I found it in 15 seconds searching a qoute from it.

>> No.53305268

Canadian here, I made money selling weed in Canada even when it was legal.
OP, find stoners and sell them your homegrown.
You two faggots, get fucking wrecked, I bet you never had any GFs in highschool, probably no friends either.

>> No.53305270
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of all the times an anon replies to me and it's gaslighting in the second response
have a secondary source of income, like flipping burgers or hammering nails, painting walls. some shit you can do once or twice a week and make a weeks worth of pay

>> No.53305304
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You never sold a dime bag in your life you fucking drop out.
Wiggers and niggers are the ONLY people who smoke large amounts of weed.
You guys need to get some sleep, schools tomorrow.
>t.Actual drug dealer.

>> No.53305326
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>I realized they had guns pulled on them and were constantly looking over their shoulders
Lmao, stop watching movies kid.
The USA is just a shithole.

>> No.53305341
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>Do you know anyone that sells black market alcohol
Yeah actually.
It's called homegrown and I would buy homegrown tobacco and booze too, fag.

>> No.53305384
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>8th are only 30 bucks
You are paying ten bucks a gram for weed my dude, YOU do realize this? right? Come the fuck off it, what is with the fudd and telling people to NOT sell weed, it's a cash crop in Canada.
OP, Learn to grow, learn to sell 80 dollar zips and learn to grow really good, keif laden weed once you get going and you can EASILY sell a zip (ounce) for 350 to 400 OR DONT DO THAT, cut the competition and sell even cheaper.
3.5 grams is 20 bucks in leaf land, fag nerds.
Tell your buddy to stop selling cocaine and he wont get guns pulled on him.

>> No.53305556

To be fair, most of the cocaine I know about personally these days is sold out of a bar or club. Either the house is in on it, or they let the guy work because they want to be the spot where you can drink and do drugs all night. No one is pulling a gun here.

>> No.53305700

>nickel and dime corner boy detected
Yea if you sell to niggers and wiggers we wouldn’t even associate. Up your weight and get to the point you’re serving pounds and 100 packs of carts to blue collar wagies, hippy kids, and dudes that look like they browse reddit junior. I used to flow one kid that sounded like you that thought he was cool hanging around a bunch of niggers and he got busted within a year/always had his house hot or was getting robbed. At least he was solid and didn’t rat on me.

>> No.53305711

>To be fair, most of the cocaine I know about personally these days is sold out of a bar or club. Either the house is in on it, or they let the guy work because they want to be the spot where you can drink and do drugs all night. No one is pulling a gun here.

that's honestly retarded as fuck, they tried that in Denver and the bar got busted because they're retarded. Illegal drugs should keep a low profile. House (establishment) should never be in on it.

>According to the city order, Denver police received an anonymous complaint involving the sale of narcotics at Sancho’s Broken Arrow in September. The complaint involved the alleged sale of dimethyltryptamine (DMT) and cocaine by employees of the bar.

>Undercover officers went into Sancho’s Broken Arrow back in September and documents revealed that they bought suspected cocaine from a bar employee while on the patio. The order states that the substance purchased was tested and deemed to be positive for cocaine.

>It goes on to say undercover officers bought cocaine at the bar two more times, the most recent instance having occurred a few months ago in March.

>Aside from drugs, the order mentions two times undercover cadets had been served alcohol. According to the report, a 19-year-old cadet was served back in March after they showed a bartender a Colorado Driver’s License with the vertical format and “Under 21” printed on it.


>> No.53307072

how can i do this?
>4 hours and 20 minutes ago. nice
you can find bulk delta 8 from many retailers.
just google it and find the one you like.

>> No.53307077

he literally just told you how to do it you retarded stoner

>> No.53307114

>Dealing over the bar
Ngmi. That is literally not the way to do it. You have to know a guy who knows a guy. You ask the bartender, the bartender says no, the bartender tips off the dealer, the dealer sidles up to you and strikes up a conversation. Smart people make you from the parking lot. There should be no obvious connection between the house and the dealer. And a real smooth dealer does a table dead drop. Amateurs.

>> No.53307184

Right, because the logistics of setting up a successful dude weed lmao business is to buy bulk oil and fill carts. And that's it right?
Selling your product has nothing to do with marketing it and acquiring repeat customers.
I just set up shop somewhere and the money will start flowing in right?
*obligatory doot noise*

>> No.53307775

you slipped up before your fingers even started typing bro.

>> No.53307811

No seriously, how can I do this?
Finish what he started, teach me the rest.
catch a fish for a man, and you will feed him for a day, teach the man how to fish and you will feed him for a lifetime.
I'm waiting on those fishes buddy.

>> No.53307928

well first knock off the golden advice and start looking at the world through a different lense. maybe a lense that looks at who people are, not what money is. need a modern example?
if you can't tell me why this commercial is playing such melancholy music then you need to focus on something that deals with people, not weed.

>> No.53308122

It's playing melancholic music because he's in love with his trash cans but they're inanimate objects so they can't reciprocate that love.
Now how do I make millions selling street weed.

>> No.53308171

There's one pot vendor for every one pot smoker at this point, it's fucking over. Better off being a pot Uber or whatever that gay shit is called if you're looking for a """"side hustle""""

>> No.53308758
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My friends all deal weed, one lives in a remote part of town so people flock to him and there is no police around there, he cant get caught like never, but he unfortunely is acoholic so money don't last before it parts into his liver, other friend deals powder and weed, he is yourger and pretty reckless, he makes decent bank but he is everything but discrete lol, everyone in town knows he deal, im sure cops know by now but he does okay, he has been already robbed once, here weed is expensive but I really wouldnt be able to deal, im dumb and autistic so no good mix but I think is profitable indeed if you can put up with the stress and risk, here you risk being canned 15 years if caught and being judged by sone Dredd tier judge so it begs the question

>> No.53308777
File: 227 KB, 997x634, 9251AB45-7EB2-4CA1-8C9E-C9B9266B1A90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mushrooms are faster and more profitable
Especially if you’re selling weed already
Stoners love shrooms

>> No.53308834

listen to this man, this is good advice

>> No.53309242
File: 5 KB, 304x166, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumb nigga hour. you wouldn't survive in a house in any neighborhood with a property value less than 100k

>> No.53310779

you are a fucking faggot, kys homo

>> No.53310821

Can't you file your taxes and just not report what it is you do to make your income? I remember reading about that forever ago, whores and dealers would file without stating what they do to make money and the government didn't give a shit so long as they got their cut.

>> No.53311102

Great image, lol. RIP 420chan. HIFFWE.

>> No.53311792

Yes. The tax code explicitly says you must report all income even from a criminal enterprise. You could get some other criminal charge, but it won't be for tax evasion. The IRS generally doesn't share tax information with other authorities. You would have to have a Federal case where alphabet boys were involved. Have some sort of front. Pay your taxes, and don't look like a drug dealer.