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File: 18 KB, 400x400, veladxp478398274932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53299043 No.53299043 [Reply] [Original]

>supposed to be a great public beta launch in a few days but now it's a private beta with only discord trannies admitted.
>dxp to vela conversion was also supposed to happen before the 18th and now that date is undetermined
>they promoted a bullshit january 18th public beta launch and liquidity narrative for the last vested investors to sell
>refuses to show anyone their software unless they are a preapproved paid faggot
>redo the website but now includes less information and is more vague on roadmap

you are very lucky to sell at this price because this piece of shit is going nowhere. mark my words.

>> No.53299061

These are the same guys that made Jade Protocol, which also rugged in the end

>> No.53299127

dexpools their previous project is a fucking ghost town that amounted to nothing

>> No.53299425
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you're not getting my bags for cheapies i'm not selling no matter how much you fud

>> No.53299515

tell me one thing i said that is incorrect. go ahead.

they got a bunch of paid shills on the payroll so i'm interested in what you have to say. let's go.

>> No.53300524

they also added 7.5% tax to the first NFT in the middle of the night without any announcement during a period when it was selling a lot. am i lying?

>> No.53300538

>you are very lucky to sell at this price
I'm not going to sell you my stack. Sorry and fuck you. You're being outpriced as we speak.

>> No.53300602

priced out of something i don't want to buy that's been even for the last 2 weeks while everything else is exploding? alright then

>> No.53300608


i guess you are the fudder from yesterday?

But there is one thing I don't understand. Why do you use your time to expose a scam project instead of investing this time in the research of real projects with potential? I mean, you gave more or less live updates from the Vela telegram yesterday.

>> No.53300669

listen you are a paid shill now defend your token. did they not add tax to the nft with no announcement? yes or no?

>> No.53300670

95% of supply owned by team and VC. what kind of idiot buys this?

>> No.53300965

yes they also increased the supply of DXP from 7 million to 8 million a few days ago with NO ANNOUNCEMENT and only said anything about it when asked. 500k of which was injected into the circulating supply. these are facts.

am i lying?

>> No.53300999

sorry it was 14 days ago which just so happened to coincide with end of the nice price action

here's the tx:


>> No.53301216

You sound like the kind of people that buy Icypee and SonicshibaObama10Inu.

>> No.53301235

so you agree that everything i've said is true and yet your still defend this shit. cool stay poor

>> No.53301281

Do what you want. I'll be holding my almost 2000 DXP for a little bit more :)

>> No.53301325

lol there is no liquidity going into the platform on the 18th. most casual observers think there is going to be. once everyone realizes nothing is happening on the 18th it's gonna be a massacre lol

>> No.53301431

>once everyone realizes nothing is happening on the 18th it's gonna be a massacre lol
Ok, we'll talk again on the 18th. Besides, this is a VELA thread. What are you doing here? Why are you losing your time trashing this project?

>> No.53301470
File: 107 KB, 480x608, 1671354571982181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao he made the same thread two days ago.

This project lives rent free in his head lmao

>> No.53301474

because they are liars and fooled me until i thankfully figured it out before you and others. sounds like a great reason to trash something you faggot

>> No.53301496

which parts of my fud are not true? can you actually defend the token without jeet replies?

>> No.53301577
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You're only fudding because you sold and you'll feel bad if you see number go up now.

>> No.53301641

price is lower than what i sold for and has been in a stagnant cycle for the last 2 weeks because they injected 500k in to the circulating supply without telling anyone

got any defense to my fud or just personal attacks?

>> No.53301712
File: 1.29 MB, 1300x972, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based DXP/Vela truthsayer, I like you style friend even when I I hold a DXP. Time to sell?

>> No.53301835

well i bought under 75 cents so it was an easy decision for me. not worth the risk with all the significant red flags

>> No.53301925


So you bought under 75 cents but instead of moving on you create everyday a new fud thread about vela top kek

>> No.53301984

this is my first thread. i wanted to have a discussion but i guess there is really nothing to discuss because everything i say is true and you have no defense. is this the situation? if not please start defending your investment.

>> No.53302144

sold for almost a 2x after I learned they canceled public beta

>> No.53302186

>sold for almost a 2x after I learned they canceled public beta
Notice how the price hasn't dropped after delaying the public beta. That means confidence in the project. You made a terrible mistake solding your stack.

>> No.53302298

because they didn't announce it you tard. they are being sneaky about it. watch what happens the closer we get to the 18th and people start tuning in. consider yourself lucky for knowing this right now and having the oppurtunity to sell

>> No.53302341

A 2x is fine with me, plus my charts told me that 1.21 would be the top of this rally. I wanted to try out the beta, but now its a vaporware scam. There's better coins out there.

>> No.53302362

hello raj

>> No.53302545

These may be the serial long con ruggers running rampant. Vela is such a gay fucking name anyway.

>> No.53302946

well team is shady as hell. literally kind of fucking team mints 500k tokens into circulation with no announcement. so fucking hilarious

>> No.53303237
File: 2.12 MB, 200x280, 1672723671464238.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KEK I'm a Vela diehard but good god fellow anon.

"Solding...." I mean had you wrote solling then we could infer you made a typo but "solding..." implies you really think that is the past tense for sold.

Anyways I harbor no ill will to my fellow pajeets. Welcome to Vela hope you become a pajeet king with many pajeeta whores at your feet as a result of all your Vela Gains!