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File: 137 KB, 1500x1000, mutualfund-final-253e20b35df7479b8afb203b56c934c2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53298919 No.53298919 [Reply] [Original]

Crypto nerds out.
Seriously, why are boomer methods of investing so unpopular?
Mutual fund:
>Give money to a fund manager, regular payments and do not look at it
>Literally their only job is to buy and move different investments around to get the best return
>Fund manager aided by highly-trained, knowledgeable traders whose only job is to invest money properly using best methods according to the goals of the fund
>Even most riskier funds average out around 8% return a year after commission

Meanwhile, incel /biz/lord:
>Buys meme stocks and crypto based on what random people on the Internet tell him
>Has no time to watch the market all day unless he's a NEET which in that case he shouldn't be investing
>Has no financial background
>loses it all

Seems like the normie investing ways are not so bad.

>> No.53299157

Because they mostly underperform passive tracking ETFs.

>> No.53299216

I wouldn’t say mutual funds specifically but there’s nothing wrong with index funds. Problem is 96%+ of this board is poorfags who don’t have 10k, let alone 200k to invest. They rather put it all on crypto gambling than take a slower but guaranteed path to wealth building.

>> No.53299229
File: 576 KB, 946x532, cover4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre giving your money to some midwit fund manager so he can snort cocaine and fuck strippers

>> No.53299553

Literally this. VOO, VTI, SPY, O, ect always out perform mutual funds. That paired with the fact that ETFs cost less in terms of expense ratio immediately renders mutual funds obsolete.

>> No.53299597

>take boomer advice and maybe you'll keep pace with inflation
Excellent advice

>> No.53299680

Because it's not a moonshot, but index funds are a guaranteed way to grow your money faster than inflation and build wealth. But it does take 30-40 years of consistent investing, and doing it with a tax-advantaged account like a 401k or IRA helps significantly.

>> No.53299786

Good luck with all that boomer stuff when the system finally caves and woops! your return is worth nothing. Great reset inbound, baby. Buy Link.

>> No.53299874

Everything fails to beat the rate of inflation.

>> No.53300119
File: 444 KB, 1800x1200, F3C6B049-C7B6-45C7-AC8F-52A3B980D95D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bro society will collapse any day now, just trust me bro

>> No.53300946

Yeh, cos the Great Reset is just a figment of my imagination and is mentioned nowhere by any conspicuous trade entities or serious people. Inflation isn't real and nothing ever happens.
Get back to your trailer park if you like it there so much.

>> No.53300996

You know how the jews were pushing all the white people out of the mainstream of society? They kind of had to come up with other shit to do faggot

>> No.53301107
