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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 51 KB, 717x428, B9D8F1A2-09CF-4062-B200-6312F49C93C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53298028 No.53298028 [Reply] [Original]

Where linklets and no stakers have no money, nothing to look forward to, despair and jealousy of looking at other coins.

Enjoy the show. There were barely any left but this will flush them out and we can now have our normie free comfy stable coin.

>> No.53298047

Even the lingering polfags will be gone, releasing their bags, and only remain in spirit for a short time

>> No.53298058

How does it feeling that I made about 10 linkies in a day while you stakers barely make 1?

>> No.53298085

shorted link earlier and made the equivalent of 300 days of staking rewards.

>> No.53298095
File: 340 KB, 1170x2532, F3D59E6C-AFC9-4DA1-93A7-5C30DA6F3480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.53298101

>And Linkies will get REALLY jealous when big news drops for Chainlink and then Bitcoin instacrashes again, heh heh heh

>> No.53298109

Link tokens are for shorting only

>> No.53298118


Spite shorting is the same as capitulating.

Is like a sex staved runt hammering the ugliest whale asap at an orgy for freaks

>> No.53298137

>How does it feeling

>> No.53298420

I find myself wondering what it must be like to be you guys; to have saved up a sizeable stack of Link and then, thinking yourself a savvy investor/businessman, lodging most of it on Bancor and Celsius, all the while dreaming of this rich lifestyle you would one day soon attain.
I try to imagine the crippling grief and the dreadful feeling of loss when you realised it was all turning to shit. Oh god that must have been horrific. Like having a child taken from you. All your hopes and dreams gone, just like that. Of course, it actually took a while as there was this brief hope you might get it all back, but it wasn't to be.
I only pray you didn't buy a lot of Linkpool too, did you? To lock in that 'guaranteed share of all node earnings'? Holy mother of mercy, but that was not to be either, was it?
Your pain must be indescribable. I only hope I can offer a few words of consolation: HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

>> No.53299104

We must spend hundreds of hours of our lives making poorly made memes and scripts about blue cube bad
We must make thousands upon thousands of posts about blue cube bad
We must become so angry that we threaten you with violence or death for holding chainlink because blue cube bad

We also do not care about link because blue cube bad
We do this purely for fun. This is what we do for fun. We do not always sound angry - we are always having fun

If you do not believe us it is because you are an obsessed schizophrenic.

PS: Please stop spamming our spam threads. We literally can't do anything about it without getting our own threads deleted for being spam.