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53296158 No.53296158 [Reply] [Original]

>$10000 in my investment portfolio but still feel poor
How do I fix this

>> No.53296166

Stop being poor.

>> No.53296176

$10000 is quite rich where I'm from. Took me 5 years.

>> No.53296181

10000 is fucking nothing, you are poor

>> No.53296267

Even with only 10000 you won't be poor in 2 or 3 cycles, so keep sitting on it until like 2033 and you'll be golden

>> No.53296295

DCAing into BTC in the bear
Wait for BTC to hit 80k
Collect as many FREE tokens as possible such as Coinbase Earn and whatnot
Take your 45k and split into two
Eth should be around 2500 at this point
Half into ETH
Half into various alts of your choice
BTC should travel to 150-200k
ETH to 15k
Alts could rug, 1000x or 5x.
Sell free shit when it's way u

Final profitability once you're satisfied and sell should be around 200k-600k
>boohoo I made an average of 400k I'm so poor

Simultaneously get certifications or training or a degree to get a better job. Using loans is fine. Once the bullrun is over pay off your loans with your profits, use better job and profits to buy the next dip. 2028 run will net you 10 million dollars. Then KYS because you wasted your 20s/30s chasing internet meme money instead of girls and friends.

>> No.53296842

is that the bottom?

>> No.53296863

Yeah but you need to invest it
Even in a third world country 10k wouldn’t buy you a respectable car, which is priced at 20-30k
You then account for rent where you live, you need to be able to pay for it for at least 10 years to feel comfy
Then have comfy amounts left over for food and for leisure when you need to
Usually this can range from 80k if you’re an actual pajeet third worlder, to mid/high 6 digits if you’re an europoor

>> No.53296877

DCA into bluechips such as ETH. Look at how much bitdao buys on the daily. Stake and wait for bull run. All you can really do anon.

>> No.53296879

nice shapes

>> No.53296887

Surely you missed a zero when typing right anon?

>> No.53296895
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they didnt

>> No.53296913

This is what the jews took from me...

>> No.53297524

Why is he standing there?

>> No.53297649

what kind of shithole are you from?
even pajeets in IT office jobs earn ₹16 lakhs per year which is 20.000 USD before taxes

>> No.53297799
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Dude 10k means you're absolutely still poor lmfao

>> No.53297909
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You're still poor. Stop being poor.
I have little over 600k at 24, & I still feel poor.

>> No.53297915

Mirin her calves

>> No.53298014

this is actually good advice, too bad you're not getting many (you)s

>> No.53298737

10k is nothing outside of Africa

>> No.53298769

>dumping money into digital chucky cheese meme tokens is good advice

>> No.53298770
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>> No.53298817

This is the way.
t. 32 yr old wizard

>> No.53299843

DCA is so fucking boring though.
Good plan though dude. I might do it.

>> No.53300126

Because you are poor

>> No.53300263

Useless post with no context

Provide the following
>Monthly income
>All assets, cash and investments

10k in the West is only acceptable if you just started to think about your finances or if you're a twenty-something kid with 3 years of working experience.

No sob story either. I lived off NEETbux and still put aside 200eu a month.

>> No.53300337

The stock market is a better place to trade. Much more exciting. Big returns despite what cryptobros think. Lots of degenerate and risky strategies. Also very safe strategies. It's all about defending what money you have.

>> No.53300751

he's prolly from 3rd world country
im a slav myself and I just hit close to 10k in crypto as well (had 65k~ but I didnt sell in time and I almost kms'd)

>> No.53300754

You are poor fren, 10k is pocket change