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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53296005 No.53296005 [Reply] [Original]

A made-for-youtube animated comedy series. My buddy is a voice actor and our group of friends are highly creative. Think CollegeHumor but modern. Our group also has a highly developed non-standard sense of humor. But is there any money in the youtube game these days?

>> No.53296037

lol at stupid fucking zoomers with these stupid fucking retarded ideas thinking they're gonna get rich i love it you love to see it

>> No.53296052

You mean a show that instead of is about nothing, earns nothing?

>> No.53296085

Friends is better zoomer

>> No.53296117

Yeah, you can but its not just one thing. You have to have a patreon account to collect donations, clip 10-20 seconds of the funny parts to upload onto tiktok/youtube/twitter and basically whore out your website and donation links. Also be quick to copyright claim and take downs because once you get a little popular some pajeet will do a reupload and try to skim a little off the top.

The majority of the work isn't producing good work, rather it is making the work advertiser friendly and preventing random thirdworlders from claiming they made the work.

>> No.53296149

Decent advice, anon.

>> No.53296168
File: 138 KB, 723x1024, 60A2482D-3B55-41FF-B2D8-D2BD31520570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> A made-for-youtube animated comedy series. My buddy is a voice actor and our group of friends are highly creative. Think CollegeHumor but modern. Our group also has a highly developed non-standard sense of humor. But is there any money in the youtube game these days?

Biz is clearly a Reddit sub now. Ffs.

>> No.53296180

Go on, say something funny.

>> No.53296186

I fail to see how my idea doesn't fall under the category of "Business & Finance."

Fyi my group of friends and I are in our early 30s.

>> No.53296189

Belongs in /adv/

>> No.53296194

this is bait

also this

>> No.53296204

say something funny bitch or atleast tell us who you think is funny because there are literally no funny comedians today and the fact that you want to make it in comedy tells everyone here you're an unfunny faggot

>> No.53296205


You know what they say about Jews don't you? Small hats, big problems.


>> No.53296210

Oh you r in the right subject. Just the wrong site.

I am willing to bet good money your little group of creative friends are about as fucking annoying and unfunny as it gets. You ooze unfunny and I’m sure your group is just a right clique of nerd friends who think your in jokes are funny.Well they aren’t. Kys.

>> No.53296211

yes it obviously retard. you'll probably fail though you just need a lot of luck and/or a good marketing team (aka hollywood jews that you pay handsomely, not getting your friends to aharw links on facebook)

>> No.53296213

did you take that from Seinfeld