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53291815 No.53291815 [Reply] [Original]

Bought the Lambo
Still underweight and haven't touched a woman yet.
Wat do?

>> No.53291838

Just put yourself out there and embrace rejection. Make a tinder, make a meetme, start messaging people. You’ll get rejected but if you keep knocking, a door will open. Good luck

>> No.53291850

Man this is a good thread and this is good advice, I should pay someone like you for advice like this.
How do?

>> No.53291876

eat lots of bacon and eggs and hashbrowns every morning

>> No.53291902

Mcdonalds has all that for me.

>> No.53291927

im telling you how to do this

>> No.53291938

So go to Mcdonalds?
I don't need a life coach for that bud, you're not getting your paycheck this week.

>> No.53291947

im telling you to eat lots of bacon and eggs every meal, fuck McDonald, go to dennys if your lazy, McDonald is bird food that goes straight to your heart you need eggs and bacon fat/protien

>> No.53291958

So I meet women at Denny's but eat Mcdonalds to grow my heart?
I'm seriously fucking confused and you're ngmi with that attitude buddy.

>> No.53291960


shoulda bought a nice 'vette instead

>> No.53291982

I only take payment in toenails

>> No.53291990

i have sex every weekend and tried to help you
>washes hands

>> No.53291994

Oh thank god I've been sitting on a huge stack of toenails.
Maybe it's why women don't stick around.

>> No.53292009

Go fuck yourself kike you aren't getting my toenails.

>> No.53292019

>Bought the Lambo
lmao yeah right poorfag
>Still underweight and haven't touched a woman yet.
I believe this 100%. Get money, fuck bitches incel

>> No.53292024

>make tinder
>pics in front of Lambo
>bio should just be “I own the car”
>sluts will let you fuck them raw in two minutes
>don’t actually do it raw, unless you wanna get hit up for 18 years of child support

>> No.53292030

>posts VIN

>> No.53292033

ya op.. people like you arn't meant to pass on genes let alone touch women.. i mean look at this thread you've made

>> No.53292041

that doesn't work on tinder, but it does work irl

>> No.53292052

Isn't Tinder a meme where only Chad gets laid? I have no idea what metmee is.

I saw 2 amazing german tourist cutes the other day in the city. I was about to cold approach but then I realized that shit only works if you are good looking enough.

Fuycking thing sucks mate. If at least I had 2 million €, I would buy a million € house, and now inviting girls would be "an experience" for them, the rest would be invested so i dont have to stress.

But I only have 450k€. By the time I get there I will be too old. Im probably too old already at 33. These girls say 18 no matter what.

>> No.53292051

Why would you post it’s VIN? Doesn’t seem very based and anonpilled

>> No.53292061

Kiss my ass nigger I hope you die.

>> No.53292068

>I realized that shit only works if you are good looking enough.
how can you realize anything if you don't test it? u unironically believe advice from reddit. the fact u considered it means ure good looking enough actually. still gonna fail 9/10 but that's an awesome conversion rate in marketing

>> No.53292085

I've seen the ugliest faggots who were overly confident pull women near the 8-10 range at least in comparison to themselves.

>> No.53292088

>I can't afford a car let alone a lambo and what's more i can't imagine anyone else could ever buy one because i'm a retard stuck in a poor mindset

>> No.53292108

Well realize this: im your typical spaniard. How tall is fernando alonso? im about 5'8, 5'9'' and a half in shoes. So im hanging out in Barcelona buying some shoes, i see those fucking tourists. Saw some giga aryan chad thats like 2 meters. Then saw these 2 girls speaking german, they looked like fucking dolls, i mean they were quite flat body wise, but just pretty. What the fuck man. How do yo ueven get laid with these fuckers? they had fashionable clothes, one of these round sunglasses, they looked rich. THeir parents are probably rich. Who the fuck goes on a trip in January on a random sunday? holy. They probably party too, and fuck Chads. Maybe even Tyrones? they probably have big social circles. I just hang around by myself, I make money at home so I dont even need to interact with people which is great, however, these fucking girls. It actually quite upsets me that I cannot fuck these fucking blonde dolls because, how do you even do that? And even if you lucked out in one in a million possibility of going throught all the logistics of getting laid with one, my dick would explode in like 2 seconds. I would need to find a way to apply the numbing cream somehow before that. Just Too Many Fucking Logistics involved. Holy.

>> No.53292112
File: 10 KB, 363x142, Screenshot 2023-01-15 192047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many Lambos could I buy if I cashed out my crypto? KYS faggot

>> No.53292119

There’s enough info there too legally streal the lambo

>> No.53292132

Listen up Hustler, don’t listen to this Bets shit ever, in fact the scum I’m responding to needs to never post again, in fact there only 1 post by that ID.

What you need to is join Romanian Hustlers Club, it will prepare you for every situation that you will ever face in your entire life, even the situation of having only one Lambo when you’re trying to turn women into your whores.

I’ll tell you what the first step is for free, you need to keep hustling, you need at least 31 more sports cars before you’ve made it but you can start practicing right now.

The MODT important part of changing your life and turning women into your whores is to join Romanian Hustlers and also replying to this post of your mother will die in her sleep tonight. I really need you to get me out of jail I hate it here
And my butt hurts terribly.

>> No.53292167

Have you tried not being a faggot OP?
kek of course you haven't

>> No.53292185

Don't you even fucking dare nigger.
My mexicans will get you.

>> No.53292228

>$2500 to register a car
lmao what commie shithole do you live in? New York?

>> No.53292239

i was at a bar in lisboa couple months back. was 2 girls drinking by themselves on their phones so i went up and said 'did you really come to the bar to use tinder?' and they both kind of looked at me confused and i said 'do you have social anxiety? im really sorry i didnt mean to trigger you' (i have 0 comical ability i mostly just accuse girls of shit) and one laughed and then we talked about nonsense i can't remember. within 5 minutes i stood up and started playing with the girl's hair that i liked. you have to touch at some point so i just do w/e i can get away with. it was already late and bar was closing so i offered the one girl to walk her to my car because i had to leave, then i kissed her at my car and offered her a ride home. she said no and i couldn't close, got her number and she invited me out with her friend 2 nights later
i'm 6' so a little taller, but im not in good shape and when i posted my pic here awhile back ppl said im average looking
anyway ive approached 100s of girls, maybe 1000+. every single girl ive approached would left swipe me on tinder, but irl im the only guy that approaches that doesn't act like a feminine cuck so it seems to work out. i probably have some "game" just based on my sheer number of attempts but if i do it's too ingrained to tell you what im doing. its basically just approach > say some stupid shit > touch > trick them into getting near your car > trick them into your car > trick them to your house > rape

>> No.53292350

that's unironically my lambo he took the pic from another thread because he was angry i'm so successful
it's parked in a garage in cascais currently, and is technically owned by a trust on a small island. if u can figure out how to steal it i'd no joke give it to you for free in exchange for how to do it (just leave me the porsche and don't try to break into the main house or we'll have a john wick shootout kek). leave a note w/ instructions thx

>> No.53292399

Fuck off larper you will always seethe at my success nobody can steal my vin or figure out my information it's why I posted it dunce.

>> No.53292490

Why did you post the Vin on this hell site you profligate?

>> No.53292562

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.53292617

are you a viirgin? are you a high value woman? do you own a bugatty? brookie

i dont have a car and i live with my mom, i have around 400k€ saved. nice houses costs around 800k€. renting a nice place costs like 2k€ a month. could afford but i dont want to lower my savings speed. im too lazy to study the car thing and i move by train but i know i need both my own place and my own car but having average shit sucks so my mentality is, if i cant have a nice house and car i would rather stay here and save.

post a pic of yourself. also in 2023 touching girls isnt it a bit risky? with these insane laws they can accuse of rape if not brad pitt

>> No.53292725

risky for redditors not u bro

>> No.53292807

Dude, I saw a homeless guy that built a freakin log cabin and the back of his truck and was swarming with zoomer qts

>> No.53292886

You have a recall on your headlights, you should probably take it into the shop

>> No.53292908
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>> No.53292978

Zero you fuckin retard. You cant even afford a house worthy of having a lambo parked outside.

>> No.53293118

performante is a bit over 300, decent house somewhere for 350
there's nothing of value in the interior of a lambo if it breaks, and everything else will last 200k mi if you don't launch it literally everyday
only thing that would fuck him is the brakes

>> No.53293499

>dumb enough to post Vin instead of bread on hood
>buying a USED lambo

You will spend at least $60k a year maintaining and repairing it.

>> No.53293562
File: 888 KB, 621x702, Air India.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GOMAD worked for me. You want to drink your calories.

>> No.53293576
File: 3.31 MB, 1851x1233, 1673730034693153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you post your damn vin number?
I work in the car business and I can check on exactly who you are if I wanted to.. You're a fool honestly.
And if you bought a lambo but you're a complete incel, you're truly ngmi in real life

>> No.53294090

thats not how vins work but also if u werent a complete retard ud know the vin is literally in the windshield

>> No.53294105

Actually that's exactly how vins work it's a serial number for a car, I was a salesman for years with a Vin you can.
1. File for a lost title
2. Look up all the information on the owners of the vehicles
3. Begin a legal battle over who really owns the vehicle.

Keep pounding those stims genius.

>> No.53294122

Someone could also take your vin and forge it onto a fake title of a stolen vehicle and it would automatically come up in your name.

Like I said you're very wise.

>> No.53294173
File: 222 KB, 720x720, 1668214964818637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really are a dumb fuck aren't you lmao
You think I don't have access to all the software that runs who owns which car? Rofl man oh man biz really is full of a bunch of dipshits now
Lemme guess, you think we are going to 10k as well right?

>> No.53294314

Now it's time to go over to /fit/. Eat lots of protein, lift weights, get swole, fuck some dudes, y'know, just regular guy stuff.

>> No.53294939

I'm ready I got the Lambo now I need the male sex.

>> No.53294966

>Couldnt even buy the 2023 aventor.
you didnt make it, you are on a budget.