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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 45 KB, 820x538, ripple 989898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5329136 No.5329136 [Reply] [Original]

if you are one of the retards who think Ripple is centralized and Bitcoin isn't, you should read this:

Ripple Unveils Strategy to 'Become More Decentralized than Bitcoin':

-Few pools will always control more than 50% of bitcoin's hashpower (right now they are controlled by bitmain)
-Ripple maintains a trusted list of validators
-80% of validators must agree for a ledger to be considered valid
-Using the list is optional.
-Ripple keeps adding more validators based on an objective criteria to guarantee performance and reduce chance of collusion
-By the end of 2018, no validators will be operated by Ripple

>> No.5329366

Back in june:
XRP Ledger Decentralizes Further With Expansion to 55 Validator Nodes
"Today we are excited to announce that the XRP Ledger ecosystem has expanded to 55 validator nodes, an increase of 120 percent since May. These new validators include WorldLink, Telindus-Proximus Group, Bahnhof (Swedish ISP) and AT TOKYO Corporation, and join a growing network of leading companies and organizations currently validating transactions on the XRP Ledger, including Microsoft, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and CGI."

who would you trust more? Bitmain and the chinese gov? or 10s of reputable entities in different countries?

>> No.5329493

Ever since 2013, I've disliked ripple but now I'm slowly starting to like it desu

>> No.5329586
File: 495 KB, 953x1282, 1513760614606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget the biggest belgian pedo organization on earth that controls all transactions on earth, SWIFT. and /biz/ says ripple is evil??

>> No.5329700

I used to hate it too, but after learning about the escrow decision and consensus model, I started to like it too.

PoW only made sense before ASIC. Satoshi didn't see ASIC coming. He wrote "1 vote per cpu" in the whitepaper.

>> No.5330147

>tfw you invested in XRP months ago because of the technology and new its potential

>> No.5330201

you cnn link isnt helping

>> No.5330305

I invested after the escrow desu, then I learned about the technology and liked it.

ASIC made PoW shit. It's silly to think a company like amazon or uber would trust faceless chinese pools to secure their money.

>> No.5330409


Been in since April. Anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together should have seen this coming. All you had to do was read.

>> No.5330530

>People investng in decentralization by using centralized exchanges arguing about whats more decentralization

>> No.5330674

> All you had to do was read

I honestly didn't bother because I fell for anti-ripple propaganda. I'm sure Saotshi would have considered a different consensus model if thought of ASICs.

>> No.5330949
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congrats bud, how low do you think it will dip?

>> No.5330953
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I got on XRP in November as my first crypto investment


>> No.5331535


>> No.5331637


based upon previous ups and downs, we could go as low as 90 cents... but $1 seems to be a pretty strong floor atm.

>> No.5331780
File: 124 KB, 960x540, 92D33A03-085F-42B1-912D-F3EAE8B15DB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m going to buy Ripple but don’t want to at ATH, should I give it a couple days? Will it dip below a dollar?

>> No.5331785

Literally all crypto's promise is a product after 5 years, BZC is the only one of 20 coins that's actually finished.

>> No.5331820

if BTC rises then it should follow alt trends of declining?

>> No.5331862

I bought 4.8k ripples and sold 800 yesterday for link. Gonna short my eth stocks today and buy them next week. Comfy as fuck rn

>> No.5331886

you never know, buy some now to be safe. New partnerships will be announced in few days.

>> No.5331901


It's only at ATH in terms of $'s. If your a BTC maximalist, then it's not even at half of it's ATH in satoshis.

>> No.5331937


>I fell for anti-ripple propaganda.

Rule #1 - Never listen to biz ;)

>> No.5331988

They already own most of the supply you jackass. Total psy op against people who see through their scheme

>> No.5332039

you think blockchain is just about money then you could have made way more than just holding ripple retard.

>> No.5332063

Never buying this banker garbage.

>> No.5332083

the fud just keeps coming, people are either stupid or ignorant or just soaking up everything they see on biz without ever checking for themselves

i swear xrp could reach $100 and retards will still spew absolute nonsense about it

>> No.5332091
File: 14 KB, 879x167, bitcoin ripple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soon you will measure profits in XRP. Bitcoin is far from production ready. At least 1 hardfork is needed for new features, will probably be contentious. Mining not decentralized. No ETA for lightning (stark says "it will be ready when it's ready").

Businesses want a solution now, and this solution is Ripple

>> No.5332217
File: 40 KB, 690x489, 1513700490600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>More decentralized
The fact that there has to be a measure of decentralization makes it strikingly clear that this isn't decentralized.

>> No.5332257

educate yourself retard/shill/troll

"Ripple to Place 55 Billion XRP in Escrow to Ensure Certainty of Total XRP Supply"

I'm glad they have a large share, it incentives them to work their asses of for years to come. also this is the only possible way, there's no mining in Ripple.

>> No.5332273


I completely agree, was just making a point to the cultists ;)

>> No.5332462

they are early bitcoin adopters who will do and say anything to destroy competition.

>> No.5332505


This "banker garbage" is going to win the crypto wars. But hey, virtue signalling is totally 2017...

>> No.5332715

>the spirit of crypto is virtue signalling
id tell you to remember your roots but you fucking normies never had any

>> No.5332795


IDGAF what the "spirit of crypto" is or was. I don't care about you or your opinions. I'm here to make money to provide a better life for my family, that's it. The whole crypto world could crash and burn for all I care, so long as I'm out before it happens.

>> No.5332877

>provide a better life for your kids by debasing a groundbreaking technology which can change the world for the better
youre probably a retarded boomer

>> No.5332979


I'm 33. Try again dumbass. What... you actually thought a bunch of basement dwelling NEETS were gonna propel the crypto market to over half a trillion dollars?

You needed money from people like me. Moron.

>> No.5333082

I want to get as many as I can.. but if coinbase announces they are selling ripple in that time you all might go to the moon without me.