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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53289697 No.53289697 [Reply] [Original]

How will the economy be affected if half the wagie workforce is affected by sudden adult death syndrome?

>> No.53289709

dr. shekelstein wasn't lying when he told you that these elaborate mental fantasies are a bad path to go down. take your meds and step back into reality.

>> No.53289733

Many of these cuts happened before the vaxx was a thing
Shows how there are grifters on both sides looking to siphon off the fear of and profit from fools

>> No.53289738

i wonder if anyone has tried to make a compilation of people "randomly" passing out pre covid

>> No.53289807
File: 428 KB, 1688x888, diedsuddenly2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, they have. A /pol/tard accidentally posted it yesterday thinking it was proving his point, but he forgot to check the dates. Most of these brainlets have never looked into this and just assumed that this never happened before their confirmation bias made them look for it

>> No.53289832


Half the supply = double the demand?

>> No.53289833

Why are you pointing at the otter?

>> No.53289841

Well some of the demand dies too

>> No.53289851

Saved it from a thread yesterday, someone put the arrow on the original image to make fun of the conspiratard for not even bothering to look at his own schizo collage

>> No.53289864
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WTF how could pharmaceutical companies lie to us??????

>> No.53289879
File: 200 KB, 1400x1050, Screen_Shot_2017_11_29_at_8.29.28_AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was the plan all along.. they've been preparing the normies for it with jewmedia. They'll say "oh it was a good thing it happened"..

>> No.53289964

The funiest shit about this shitty conspiracy, is that if /pol/cels are right (hint: they never are, but whatever) and all vaxxies die soon (yes please tell me I am gonna drop dead soon, I honestly dgaf), then you would soon be left with a nun functioning society. Meaning suddenly no more supplies, nor more food, no more water, no more energy, no more protection, no more medicine, etc. Etc. So we win again. We get the quick painless death, you get the long suffering/slowly dying sharing your last weeks/months fighting other retarded schizos for the last pop-tart.

>> No.53289978
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Oh god no a world without gullible idiots whatever would we fucking do!

>> No.53289985

>"just two more weeks bros!!!"
It's actually incredible how fucking dumb they are. Then again COVID causes brain damage so it's no longer surprising.

>> No.53289997

Die too retard, just read the post :)

>> No.53290002

its not meant to kill you just transform you
but some mistakes and sacrifices had to be made
not everyone will survive the transformation but most are intended to

>> No.53290009

The sad thing is that the vaccine doesn't kill anyone. Covid doesn't even kill anyone. The world would be so much better if the vax killed all the commies and covid killed all the boomers. Big pharma just sold a dupe and nothing will happen.

>> No.53290013

>"haha you didn't take your medical advice from 14 year olds on 4chan and redneck grifters like I did? YOU GULLIBLE FOOL YOU'RE ALREADY DEAD!!!"
Peak NPC behavior. The funniest part is that 90% of your grifters are all vaccinated.

>> No.53290059

you and all the other retards in the world will be dead, and the rest of us will inherit your belongings and live comfortably in a world that is not overpopulated by people just like you. and this is somehow a win for you in your head. ya ok buddy retard.

>> No.53290067

Why wouldn't they just poison you through your food/water you retarded faggot
Jesus Christ you conspiracytards are getting fucking stupider by the day

>> No.53290077
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>> No.53290102
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Back to >>>/pol/.

>> No.53290101

because you have to consent knowingly, even if forced by mandates, you still consented

>> No.53290107
File: 603 KB, 1800x1800, 806E22DD-6B6D-4A19-AF3D-BCF89BB563D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear when trump was president libs where raving about trump pressuring FDA to get covid vaccine approved, and they would never take an injection from him, while the conservatives were talking how fast he rolled out the vaccine
I dont know whats real anymore

>> No.53290108

Have tou ever considered how you are able to order your bad dragon dildos on amazon, and be able to fill your ass already the next day? Or who makes your asthma medicine, for when you climb the basement stairs a lil bit too fast?

>> No.53290111

So you admit you not only received brain damage from covid but from inoculating yourself with the vaccine not once but three or more times.

Brilliant logic you two samefaggots got going.